Aquilino links Admiral John Aquilino of the United States Indo-Pacific Command stated in New York on May 23, 2023: I hope that President Xi takes away. First, there is no such thing as a short war. And if the decision were made to take it on, then it would be drastically devastating to his people in the form of blood and treasure. It will drastically upset certainly the rest of the world economy. We are so interwoven. But bottom line is investment of the blood and treasure in order to achieve your objectives, that needs to be really a very hard decision. So he has to understand that. I think he needs to understand that the global community can be pulled together quickly when they disagree with actions taken in that fashion. So this effort of global condemnation is something that any aggressor has to deal with. President Putin is dealing with it right now, and by the way it is not just militarily; economically and diplomatically and the variety of other ways. So all those lessons learnt should be thought of. And ultimately it is not in anybody's interest, which is why I have articulated the continued effort to maintain this peace... My efforts are you know 100% percent working to prevent conflict, and ... 美国印太司令部司令阿奎利诺5月23日在纽约说: 希望習主席放棄動武。 首先,沒有所謂的短期戰爭。 如果決定採取動武,那麼它將以鮮血和財寶的形式對他的人民造成毀滅性的打擊。 我們是如此交織在一起, 它肯定會極大地擾亂世界的經濟。 但底線是為了實現你的目標而投入鮮血和財寶,這有必要被成為是一個非常艱難的決定。 所以他必須明白這一點。 我認為他需要明白,當國際社會不同意以動武這種方式採取行動時,他們可以迅速團結起來。 因此,這種全球譴責的努力是任何侵略者都必須準備應對的。 普京總統現在正在應對它,順便說一句,這不僅僅是軍事上的; 而且是經濟和外交以及其他各種方式。 因此,應該考慮所有這些經驗教訓。 動武最終這不符合任何人的利益。這就是為什麼我明確表示要繼續努力維持這種和平……你知道我的努力是 100% 的工作以防止衝突,... (但是如果維持和平的任务失败,那就做好准备进行战斗并取得胜利)。 The First OpiumWar 1839-1842 Boxer Rebellion 1900 - Fifty-five Days' Siege of the Peking Legation Quarter and Invasion by Eight Powers
Chinese_Empire-totter-to-its-base.jpg alt=
The Fool Risk Under An Imbecil
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
It's Inhuman! Within ONE Day, Millions of People Are Left Homeless, All to Protect Xi's Xiong'an Ghost City.
What Happened after the Beijing Flood? - Why The Chinese Government is Terrified
An imbecilic dictator whose daughter is in America, whose brother and sisters are naturalized citizens of Australia and Canada; an imbecilic dictator who forgets monster Mao tse-tung persecuted his father; and an imbecilic dictator who wants to live to 150 years old, serve the people and rip their body parts (中共全國文聯原黨組書記、副主席、原文化部副部長高占祥 (?-2022年12月9日)在北京病逝,終年87歲。中共全國政協常委、中國民主促進會中央委員會副主席朱永新,在12月11日的悼文中說,高占祥「身上的臟器換了好多,他戲稱許多零件都不是自己的了。」) For twenty years, this webmaster had been telling the world that Alan Greenspan, possibly the smartest American but bedazzled by the "conundrum" of long term interest rates, does not know that this webmaster's countryside cousins, mostly women, had been going to Guam, Samoa and other Pacific islands for a decade as the export of labor: what is coming to the U.S. market is merely a tag stating something not "made-in-China" but made-by-the-Chinese in nature. The smartest American turned out to be Professor Peter Navarro, and it might not be some coincidence that his books "The Coming China Wars" and "Death by China" are similar to what this website wrote about for the last 20 years. Anthony Fauci of CDC & Peter Daszak of EcoHealth were the enablers who funded Communist China's gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses at China's Wuhan lab What this webmaster does not know is that the Chinese were going to Italy as well, where they worked as coolies and slaves for the "Made in Italy [by Chinese]" brands, and spread the coronavirus in Italy today. What a farce Communist China gave the world, and what a disaster Communist China caused to the world! Don't forget that France (Alain Merieux of bioMerieux - sarcastically-related to Moderna, the other side of a coin) and the United States (Anthony Fauci of CDC & Peter Daszak of EcoHealth) acted as the 'enablers' in designing and constructing the P4 virus research center in Wuhan, as well as in providing the funds. And don't forget what happened today was because the Americans served as the midwife who delivered China into the communist hands as i) Roosevelt, in collusion with Churchill and Stalin, sold out China at Tehran and Yalta; and ii) George Marshall forced three truces [Jan-10-1946, June-6-1946, & Nov-8-1946] onto the Republic of China and further imposed the 1946-47[48] arms embargo while the commies were equipped by the Stalin-supplied American August Storm weapons and augmented by the mercenaries including the Mongol cavalry, the Japanese 8th Route Army troops, the Soviet railway army corps, and the 250,000-strong [Kwantung Army-converted] Korean diehards. (Refer to "The Italian fashion capital being led by the Chinese"; "Coronavirus Hits Heart of Italy's Famous Cheese, Wine, Fashion Makers" for further reading. Military Documents About Gain of Function Contradict Fauci Testimony Under Oath: EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in March 2018 seeking funding to conduct gain of function research of bat borne coronaviruses... According to the documents, NAIAD, under the direction of Dr. Fauci, went ahead with the research in Wuhan, China and at several sites across the U.S.)
For better understanding the head-on collision between the United States and Communist China, refer to the U.S.-China fatalistic conjunction through the hands of the Japanese firepower during WWII, that derived from the American unpositive neutrality; the U.S.-China fatalistic conjunction through the hands of communist army's firepower during the 1945-1950 civil war, that derived from American-supplied Soviet August Storm weapons; and the U.S.-China fatalistic conjunction through Joseph Stalin, Kim Il Sung and Mao Tse-ting's hands during the 1950-1953 Korean War.
Sons and daughters of China, till cutting off the communist pigtails on your heads, don't let up, take heart of grace, and heed the sons & ministers' agony and sorrow of our ancestors who died or lived through the Mongol, Manchu and Soviet-Chicom conquest and the Yongjia, Jingkang and Jiashen cataclysms ! Never, Ever Give Up !
An imbecilic dictator leading China on a path of destruction ! An imbecilic dictator leading China on a path of destruction ! An imbecilic dictator leading China on a path of destruction ! An imbecilic dictator leading China on a path of destruction ! An imbecilic dictator leading China on a path of destruction !
Donald Trump reveals he called Xi Jinping 'king'; Dreams of a Red Emperor: The relentless rise of Xi Jinping; Emperor Xi Meets Donald Trump Thought; Trump Praises Xi as China's `President for Life' -- an imbecil leading China on a path of destruction !
*** Translation, Tradducion, Ubersetzung , Chinese ***
HomePage Huns Turks & Uygurs Tibetans Koreans Khitans Manchus Mongols Taiwanese Ryukyu Japanese Vietnamese  
Pre-History Xia-Shang Zhou Qin Han 3 States Jinn 16 Nations South-North Sui-Tang 5 Plus 10 States Soong Liao Xi Xia Jurchen Yuan Ming Qing  
Tragedy Of Chinese Revolution Terrors Wars Civil Wars China: Caste Society Anti-Rightists Cultural Revolution 6-4 Massacre Land Enclosure  

Videos about China's Resistance War: The Battle of Shanghai & Nanking; Bombing of Chungking; The Burma Road (in English)
Videos about China's Resistance War: China's Dunkirk Retreat (in English); 42 Video Series (in Chinese)
Nanchang Mutiny; Canton Commune; Korean/Chinese Communists & the Japanese Invasion of Manchuria; Communist-instigated Fujian Chinese Republic
Communist-instigated Marco Polo Bridge Incident
The Enemy From Within; Huangqiao Battle; N4C Incident
The 1945-1949 Civil War
Liao-Shen, Xu-Beng, Ping-Jin Yangtze Campaigns
Siege of Taiyuan - w/1000+ Soviet Artillery Pieces (Video)
The Korean War The Vietnam War

utube links Defender of the Republic Song of the Blue Sky and White Sun

*** Related Readings ***:
The Amerasia Case & Cover-up By the U.S. Government
The Legend of Mark Gayn
The Reality of Red Subversion: The Recent Confirmation of Soviet Espionage in America
Notes on Owen Lattimore
Lauchlin Currie / Biography
Nathan Silvermaster Group of 28 American communists in 6 Federal agencies
Solomon Adler the Russian mole "Sachs" & Chi-com's henchman; Frank Coe; Ales
President Herbert Hoover giving Japan a free hand in the invasion of Manchuria
Mme. Chiang Kai-shek's Role in the War (Video)
Japanese Ichigo Campaign & Stilwell Incident
Lend-Lease; Yalta Betrayal: At China's Expense
Acheson 2 Billion Crap; Cover-up Of Birch Murder
Marshall's Dupe Mission To China, & Arms Embargo
Chiang Kai-shek's Money Trail
The Wuhan Gang, including Joseph Stilwell, Agnes Smedley, Evans Carlson, Frank Dorn, Jack Belden, S.T. Steele, John Davies, David Barrett and more, were the core of the Americans who were to influence the American decision-making on behalf of the Chinese communists. 
It was not something that could be easily explained by Hurley's accusation in late 1945 that American government had been hijacked by 
i) the imperialists (i.e., the British colonialists whom Roosevelt always suspected to have hijacked the U.S. State Department)  
and ii) the communists.  At play was not a single-thread Russian or Comintern conspiracy against the Republic of China but an additional channel 
that was delicately knit by the sophisticated Chinese communist saboteurs to employ the above-mentioned Americans for their cause The Wuhan Gang & The Chungking Gang, i.e., the offsprings of the American missionaries, diplomats, military officers, 'revolutionaries' & Red Saboteurs and the "Old China Hands" of the 1920s and the herald-runners of the Dixie Mission of the 1940s.
Wang Bingnan's German wife, Anneliese Martens, physically won over the hearts of the Americans by providing the wartime 'bachelors' with special one-on-one service per Zeng Xubai's writings.  Though, Anna Wang [Anneliese Martens], in her memoirs, expressed jealousy over Gong Peng by stating that the Anglo-American reporters had flattered the Chinese communists and the communist movement as a result of being entranced with the goldfish-eye'ed personal assistant of Zhou Enlai
Stephen R. Mackinnon & John Fairbank invariably failed to separate fondness for the Chinese communist revolution from fondness for Gong Peng, the communist fetish who worked together with Anneliese Martens to infatuate the American wartime reporters. (More, refer to the Communist Platonic Club at wartime capital Chungking and The American Involvement in China: the Soviet Operation Snow, the IPR Conspiracy, the Dixie Mission, the Stilwell Incident, the OSS Scheme, the Coalition Government Crap, the Amerasia Case, & The China White Paper.)
Chinese dynasties: a chronology
Antiquity The Prehistory
Fiery Lord
Yellow Lord
Xia Dynasty 1978-1959 BC 1
2070-1600 BC 2
2207-1766 BC 3
Shang Dynasty 1559-1050 BC 1
1600-1046 BC 2
1765-1122 BC 3
Western Zhou 1050 - 771 BC 1
1046 - 771 BC 2
1122 - 771 BC 3
1106 - 771 BC 4
interregnum 841-828 BC
840-827 BC 4
Eastern Zhou 770-256 BC
770-249 BC 3
Spring & Autumn 722-481 BC
770-476 BC 3
Warring States 403-221 BC
475-221 BC 3
Qin Statelet 900s?-221 BC
Qin Dynasty 221-207 BC
247-207 BC 3
(Chen Sheng)
209 BC
208 BC-206 AD
Western Chu
(Xiang Yu)
206 BC-203 AD
Western Han 206/203 BC-23 AD
Xin (New) 8-23 AD
Western Han
23-25 AD
Western Han
25-27 AD
Eastern Han 25-220
Three Kingdoms Wei 220-265
Three Kingdoms Shu 221-263
Three Kingdoms Wu 222-280
Western Jinn 265-316
Eastern Jinn 317-420
16 Nations 304-439
Cheng Han Di 301-347
Hun Han (Zhao) Hun 304-329
Anterior Liang Chinese 317-376
Posterior Zhao Jiehu 319-352
Anterior Qin Di 351-394
Anterior Yan Xianbei 337-370
Posterior Yan Xianbei 384-409
Posterior Qin Qiang 384-417
Western Qin Xianbei 385-431
Posterior Liang Di 386-403
Southern Liang Xianbei 397-414
Northern Liang Hun 397-439
Southern Yan Xianbei 398-410
Western Liang Chinese 400-421
Hunnic Xia Hun 407-431
Northern Yan Chinese 409-436
North Dynasties 386-581
Northern Wei 386-534
Eastern Wei 534-550
Western Wei 535-557
Northern Qi 550-577
Northern Zhou 557-581
South Dynasties 420-589
Liu Soong 420-479
Southern Qi 479-502
Liang 502-557
Chen 557-589
Sui Dynasty 581-618
Tang Dynasty 618-690
Wu Zhou 690-705
Tang Dynasty 705-907
Five Dynasties 907-960
Posterior Liang 907-923
Posterior Tang 923-936
Posterior Jinn 936-946
Khitan Liao Jan-June 947
Posterior Han 947-950
Posterior Zhou 951-960
10 Kingdoms 902-979
Wu 902-937 Nanking
Shu 907-925 Sichuan
Nan-Ping 907-963 Hubei
Wu-Yue 907-978 Zhejiang
Min 909-946 Fukien
Southern Han 907-971 Canton
Chu 927-963 Hunan
Later Shu 934-965 Sichuan
Southern Tang 937-975 Nanking
Northern Han 951-979 Shanxi
Khitan Liao 907-1125
Northern Soong 960-1127
Southern Soong 1127-1279
Western Xia 1032-1227
Jurchen Jin (Gold) 1115-1234
Mongol Yuan 1279-1368
Ming Dynasty 1368-1644
Manchu Qing 1644-1912
R.O.C. 1912-1949
R.O.C. Taiwan 1949-present
P.R.C. 1949-present

Sinitic Civilization Book 1 華夏文明第一卷:從考古、青銅、天文、占卜、曆法和編年史審視的真實歷史
Sinitic Civilization-Book 1

Sinitic Civilization Book 2 華夏文明第二卷:從考古、青銅、天文、占卜、曆法和編年史審視的真實歷史
Sinitic Civilization-Book 2

Tribute of Yu
Tribute of Yu

Heavenly Questions
Heavenly Questions

Zhou King Mu's Travels
Zhou King Muwang's Travels

Classic of Mountains and Seas
The Legends of Mountains & Seas

The Bamboo Annals
The Bamboo Annals - Book 1

From the Khitans to the Jurchens & Mongols: A History of Barbarians in Triangle Wars and Quartet Conflicts (天譴四部曲之三: 從契丹到女真和蒙古 - 中原陸沉之殤)
The Scourge-of-God-Tetralogy: From the Khitans to the Jurchens & Mongols: A History of Barbarians in Triangle Wars and Quartet Conflicts
(available at iUniverse; Google; Amazon; B&N)

Political Dissertation: Caste Society
How Was Chinese Civilization Sustained
Liang Suming, Last Confucian of China
The 'Mandate of Heaven'
Tragedy Of Chinese Revolution
China's Status Quo
Modern Coolies & the Immiseration Growth
Early Crackdowns and the Land-Reform Joke On Peasants
The Household Registration System
Peasants Starvation & The Great Leap Forward
Phenomenon Of the Subdivided Houses, The Pyramid Scheme
Town & Country Administration Layout, & the Civilian-Army Equivalence
"CowSheds", May 7th Cadre School & the 'Educated Youth' Generation
Social Ladder For Peasants - Joining the PLA
The Chinese Peasants' Blood Selling Saga & the AIDS Epidemic
Peasant Women's Suicide Rate In China
A Fast Collapse Or A Chinese Century
National Integration Or Further Segregation, Three Agri Issues
[ homepage: homepage.htm ]
Nativity of Chinese Origin vs External Factors
Lineage of the Chinese Lords & Dynasties
Ethnicity of the Chinese Nation
The Barbarians & the Chinese
[ extended page: indx.htm ] [ default page: cast.htm ]

(*** machine-translated Chinese language version: ***)

International trade & globalization, in the form of trading the abstract 'labor' in lieu of the physical flow of 'labor', had only thrived on miseries of the Chinese peasants, i.e., modern coolies. Jagdish Bhagwati's immeserization growth theory explains why the more trade there is, the more worsening-off the living standards of the Chinese peasants will be. In one word, the Chinese communists ["national capitalists"], pre-occupied with "pleasure-seeking [hedonism] and literature-decoration" [inquisitions & censorship] like the Manchu rulers, had transferred the hardship of the Chinese peasants and their children into the huge export surplus. (Gordon Chang, who claimed in "Coming Collapse Of China", that China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) would lead to a shrinking export on the part of China and hence a collapse of the Chinese economy. Just note that the Chinese Communists do not know how to play a fair game, no matter W.T.O. or not.)
While the U.S. and Europe continue to subsidize their machine-operation farming industry, Communist China had lessened the money input into the countryside from 1990 onward, and by 1994, dramatically cut the funds flow into the countryside, with the time period of 1994-1996 being of negative growth. This is on top of the early ripoff, from 1952 to 1978, of an 'Agri-industrial scissor price differential' of 632 billion RMB from the peasants in addition to a collection of 726.4 billion agriculture tax, whereas its funds input into the countryside was merely 173 billion RMB for the same time period. (In the 1980s or earlier, US$1=RMB4 and less.)
Indeed, China re-valued its currency by 2% on July 24th, 2005. However, the old merchant saying goes like this: the wool grows on the sheep. The hardworking Chinese coolies would continue to elastically absorb the cost, including that from the appreciated currency, while China continues to export the goodies, women and "baby girls" to the world at the same price or even less. The U.S. government, in lieu of aiding the international currency gamblers, better knows where the root of the exchange rate problem is, i.e., China's caste system !!!

Disturbing video of a chained-up mother in rural Communist China of Xuzhou noted for over 48,000 abductee women from 1986 to 1989. A teeth-extracted woman who was abducted from southwestern China while a twelve-year-old teenager and forced into a sex slave bearing more than eight children. The woman, apparently having a conscious mind, claimed to the visitors that "THE WORLD DOES NOT WANT ME !", with her young child replying "I WANT !" The woman, separately, claimed that "THIS WHOLE HOUSE ARE RAPISTS !".
Disturbing video of chained-up mother in rural Communist China of Xuzhou noted for over 40,000 abductee women from 1986 to 1989, a teeth-extracted woman who was abducted while a teenager and forced into a sex slave bearing more than eight children Disturbing video of chained-up mother in rural Communist China of Xuzhou noted for over 40,000 abductee women from 1986 to 1989, a teeth-extracted woman who was abducted while a teenager and forced into a sex slave bearing more than eight children Disturbing video of chained-up mother in rural Communist China of Xuzhou noted for over 40,000 abductee women from 1986 to 1989, a teeth-extracted woman who was abducted while a teenager and forced into a sex slave bearing more than eight children
Video of chained woman in hut outrages China internet - BBC;
Video of woman chained by neck sparks outcry in China “Lock and chains, when there’s not even a house door,” wrote one social media user - NBC News;
Video of 'Mentally' Ill Woman Chained in Shack Stirs Anger in China - New York Times;
Xuzhou mother: Video of chained woman in hut outrages China internet

The communists began the process of Africanizing the Chinese continent with the import of Africans by hundreds of thousands and up to a million, under the idiotic belt and road program  and made China the land of Aids Danger Zone No. 1 In the last 2-3 decades, the ludicrous and idiotic communist nation enslaved one billion humble Chinese peasants as coolies for the multinational corporations and international banksters, and moved the mountains of China to the United States in the form of rare earths (REE), marble and granite stones, at the cost of death of innumerable Chinese men from silicosis, and imported megatons of the American wastes to China, the beautiful and divine country, for recycling, burning or pure landfill, while resettling their wives, concubines, mistresses, and children [and bastards] to the U.S., Canada, Australia, and Europe. At the same time, they began the process of Africanizing the Chinese continent with the import of Africans by hundreds of thousands and up to a million, under the idiotic "one road and one belt" program (i.e., a replica of Han China's bribery for the Huns), and made China the land of "Aids Danger Zone No. 1".
Mind you all 77 Belt & Road countries: Your ripping USD 1 trillion from Communist China, i.e., one third of China's 3T foreign exchange reserves [on paper], is equivalent to ripping the life and blood of one billion poverty-stricken Chinese people with monthly income of no greater than 2000RMB or US$300. (Communist premier Li Keqiang claimed that 0.6 billion Chinese, i.e., this webmaster's humble peasant Chinese, had a monthly income of less than 1000RMB or $150, or de facto zero income.)
The communists began the process of Africanizing the Chinese continent with the import of Africans by hundreds of thousands and up to a million, under the idiotic belt and road program  and made China the land of Aids Danger Zone No. 1 Note Barack Hussein Obama's half brother 'adopted' China or was adopted by communist China, setting an example for numerous Africans who came to China and worked as coyotes engaged in the operation of smuggling the illegal Africans to China --not knowing that China was prone to dynastic cycles of violence that could lead to death of 60-90% of the population, such as eradication of the Arab-Persian paramilitary regime and settlement in Canton in the 9th century and in Zalton in the 14th century. (South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, and the rest of Asian countries: Don't take this lightly. The mingled Chinese-Africans, in less than 50 years, will spill over and sweep into your countries. First, you need to guard against the "African Swine Fever" virus that is killing all the hogs and wild boars in mainland China now --an import from Russia again and a collateral casualty of Trump's trade war.)
The sinisterness of communist China lied in its bribing the world leaders, including the U.S. vice president Joe Biden (i.e., Lunch Bucket Joe -who ate free lunches on both the American people and the humble Chinese peasants), and in bribing the United Nations leaders. For details, check out Robert J. Wicks' video Riding the Dragon: 10 Lessons for Inner Strength in Challenging Times; and Google book. Communist China, in addition to the work on the Obamas and the Bidens, set up illicit affairs for Neil Bush in Bangkok and Hongkong, that could have led to the latter's divorce. (The Americans apparently forgot how the Chinese communists murdered the American missionaries in the 1920s and 1930s, such as John and Betty Stam.)
The Chicoms turned filthy rich, and became more barbaric towards their own people. The capitalists (synarchists) of the West are now horrified that the Chi-coms [and the lewd female Chicoms] accumulated the same amount of wealth or more within the last 20-30 years, that took the capitalists (synarchists) of the West 300-500 years of Black slaves' trade, opium trade and the Chinese coolie trade, etc., to achieve; and that the Chi-com, who killed off the landlords, had unlimited land to sell to make more money and could easily surpass the wealth accumulated by the capitalists (synarchists) of the West in no time. Even worse, the Chi-com dared to challenge the only superpower in this world with the building of more aircraft carriers and financially challenge the U.S. Dollar settlement system. The consequence of the Chi-com's reckless behavior could cause even more disasters to the Chinese people who were bound to the communist war chariots. (There is no "profound mystery [in Chinese]" ECON 101 as to the Chi-com's filthy richness and the "Crazy Rich Asians" but immiserizing growth and a replay of the Chicom's Soviet Bank scheme: The Chicoms enslaved one billion peasants as the slave labor of the world factories, the slave labor in the mines, and the slave labor in the construction of skyscrapers and ghost towns/cities across the country; the Chicoms then forced the exporters to convert the "foreign exchange" trade gain into the worthless RMB, i.e., "people's dollars" that were printed on the astronomical scale; then the Chicoms laundered the "foreign exchange" to the banks in HK, the U.S., Canada, Europe, and the Caribbeans, escaping the hell they created in the expectation that the billion slaves one day will rise up and smash the communist apparatus, i.e., the historical cycle of China's dynastic violence that saw 60-90% of the population killed; and to absorb the overprinted "people's dollars", the Chicoms conducted the violent land acquisition and enclosure movements, reaped enormous profit in the land sale, and sold the real estate bubble to the city "accomplice" citizens [whose I.D. actually carried the print of residents with no jus soli rights].)
America, i.e., the United States, was and is still shortsighted today, not knowing that Korea, at one time paradise of the American Evangelicals, was delivered into the hands of the Japanese imperialists as a result of the Anglo-American confrontation against Czar Russia, and in this geopolitical process, China, the land of the Great Sinitic Civilization, was made into a piggy-backed sacrificial/funeral object -the land ruled by the most evil cult called 'communism' that was an 'import' or an 'export' of Soviet Russia. America would not learn the lesson that the geopolitical actions it is taking today would yield the 'bad fruit' 50 years or 100 years down the road. America, and their British cousins, must have forgot the twenty-year Anglo-Japanese military alliance that allowed Japan to develop the warplanes and aircraft carriers to invade mainland China, not to mention the post-WWI ten-year arms embargo against Republic China and George Marshall's post-WWII arms embargo against Republic China 1946-1948. They forgot that in 1931, President Herbert Hoover gave Japan a free hand in the invasion of Manchuria on the pretext that Japan could not tolerate a half-Bolshevik China.
TPresident Herbert Hoover gave Japan a free hand in the invasion of Manchuria on the pretext that Japan could not tolerate a half-Bolshevik China
Earlier, President Hoover, who personally nipped the post-WWI communist uprisings in Germany and Hungary with the grains embargo, fed Lenin the ingenuity, i.e., the [worldwide communist revolution] road to Paris lay through Peking. They of course forgot that after the eruption of the 1937 Sino-Japanese War, the Americans, biased towards Japan and against China, adopted a policy of "neutrality" (what Utley called by "unpositive neutrality") against the 'belligerent' countries, namely, Japan and China, which was free and unrestrained arms sale to Japan and de facto arms embargo against China. This neutrality, which William Christian Bullitt Jr. (1891-1967) felt bedazzled about, was de factor arms embargo against China and free arms sale to Japan. Note that the arms embargo would choke China since China did not have an industrial base to produce the basic weapons while Japan's factories could roll out the warships and airplanes on a wholesale scale. Also note that in contrast with the Americans, the European powers, being constrained by the mediation role of the League of Nations, dared not openly sell arms to Japan. Through 1940-1941, prior to the U.S. revocation of the 1911 U.S.-Japan Commerce Treaty, the Americans were the biggest supplier of raw material, oil, aviation oil, and weapons, to the extent that some U.S. senator called by Scott making a claim that out of one million Chinese killed by the Japanese, 544,000 Chinese were killed by the Americans. Thirty-one U.S. congressional members made a joint declaration to the effect that the U.S., not NAZI Germany, nor Italy, was the best ally of Japan.
The destiny of Russian tyranny, ... was to expand into Asia - and eventually to break in two, there, upon its own conquests.
America, the 'stars' that engendered or heralded the rise of the [Japan] 'sun', long ago had the blueprint to make Japan into a stalwart against China and Russia, i.e., the source of the Yellow Peril and the source of the Half-Tartars [or the Russians], respectively, --whom the Americans could not assimilate according to George Kennan. William Christian Bullitt Jr. (1891-1967) disclosed that the Americans' national policy or strategic aim was to see the Russians and Japanese' holding a balance of power against each other in China rather than seeing either the Russians or the Japanese overpowering the other party in taking control of China. In making this geopolitical decision, you had victimized the 1 billion humble peasant Chinese. (Note President Wilson's doctrine that the intactness of China was vital to the white civilization -- in the sense that the nation of China should be managed delicately, that is, should not be allowed to grow too powerful to pose threat to the white civilization, nor should it be allowed to be hijacked by a non-U.S. power since China's immense human labor could be turned against the white civilization. The theme of China to the white civilization, morphing superficially into a ***hypocritical*** American national policy of engagement with Communist China for changing the Chinese communists' behavior, rested on the same underlying logic: "The China Exception: Russian Communism being wicked, the Chinese are good communists", which is an inherent fear of the Yellow Peril, i.e., billion Chinese would actually enjoy real democracy, go to college and develop their intelligence. Now, President Biden, a stooge of Communist China, explicitly abandoned the hypocritical American policy of engagement to change communist China to his imbecilic communist buddy and dictator Xi Jinping.)

Now you, as the midwife who delivered China into the communist hands, are morally obligated to take China [and North Korea {and Vietnam}] out of communism. This time, you may feel your hands forced as North Korea, with its nuclear weapons, could become Communist China's cecal appendix in a repeat of history. The Chicoms don't understand the urgency of Trump's trade war having the roots in nuclear North Korea, nor the domino effect on North Korea and Russia after the knock-out of communist China. Putin thought he would reap profits by sitting on the fence of the U.S.-China trade war, i.e., the Zheltorossiya dream[, and India would not be satisfied with grabbing South Tibet (i.e., what India calls by Arunachal Pradesh), Bhutan and Sikkim alone]. Though, the Americans could be hoodwinked by the Chicoms again. The Chicoms might just sign any agreement just for sake of getting a red carpet at the White House in lieu of a visit to Mar-a-Lago, but won't change its sinister nature and will default on any trade agreement. A dictator whose daughter is in America, whose brother and sisters are naturalized citizens of Australia and Canada; a dictator who forgets monster Mao tse-tung persecuted his father; and a dictator who wants to live to 150 years old, serve the people and rip their body parts (Previously, this webmaster thought that the Americans could be hoodwinked by the Chicoms who might just sign any agreement just for sake of getting a red carpet at the White House in lieu of a visit to Mar-a-Lago. With Trump's war with Communist China flaring up, this webmaster believed that China's dictator Xi Jinping would continue to commit blunders and became the tomb digger for the Chinese communist regime. The thuggery communists, who would not allow the millions of the Hongkong people to have autonomy, could have caused the demise of the regime over the inevitable crackdown, not knowing that the communist ascension to power had its very roots in Churchill's collusion with Roosevelt in selling out the Republic of China for sake of retaining crown jewel Hongkong after hoodwinking Wellington Koo and Chiang Kai-shek that Britain would return Hongkong to China after Japan was to surrender so as not to damage the British wartime morale. --What happened was that Putin first jumped off the fence ahead of communist China in launching an invasion of Ukraine.)

President Trump understood the China situation and the China problem. Should the American politicians follow the footsteps of Anson Burlingame (1820-1870), Paul Samuel Reinsch (1869-1923) and Patrick Jay Hurley (1883-1963), i.e., three most prominent U.S. statemen who loved China and the Chinese people, then the Chinese people could have a chance of salvation from the communist tyranny. Note the historic recurrence and the repetition of similar events: Anson Burlingame, in opposition to the anti-Chinese discriminatory whirlwinds rampant in the U.S. in the 19th century, authored the Burlingame Treaty for China and died for China in 1870 in St. Petersburg while still on the Manchu China's mission to the U.S. and Europe; Paul Samuel Reinsch, who was disillusioned by President Wilson's betrayal of China over the division of WWI spoils at the Paris Peace Conference, quit the minister-to-China job to work for China and died for China in Shanghai in 1923; and Patrick Jay Hurley, who convinced President Roosevelt of the American moral blunders in selling out the Republic of China at Tehran and Yalta, personally travelled to Moscow and London for sake of averting and reverting China's fate of becoming a victim of WWII war spoils (i.e., the loss of Port Arthur and Hong Kong, etc.), but failed to make remedy to the secret Tehran and Yalta agreements in the aftermath of President Roosevelt's death in April 1945.
For better understanding the head-on collision between the United States and Communuist China, refer to the U.S.-China fatalistic conjunction through the hands of the Japanese firepower during WWII, that derived from the American unpositive neutrality; the U.S.-China fatalistic conjunction through the hands of communist army's firepower during the 1945-1950 civil war, that derived from American-supplied Soviet August Storm weapons; and the U.S.-China fatalistic conjunction through Joseph Stalin, Kim Il Sung and Mao Tse-ting's hands during the 1950-1953 Korean War.
Sons and daughters of China, till cutting off the communist pigtails on your heads, don't let up, take heart of grace, and heed the sons & ministers' agony and sorrow of our ancestors who died or lived through the Mongol, Manchu and Soviet-Chicom conquest and the Yongjia, Jingkang and Jiashen cataclysms ! Never, Ever Give Up !
An imbecilic dictator leading China on a path of destruction ! An imbecilic dictator leading China on a path of destruction ! An imbecilic dictator leading China on a path of destruction ! An imbecilic dictator leading China on a path of destruction !
Donald Trump reveals he called Xi Jinping 'king'; Dreams of a Red Emperor: The relentless rise of Xi Jinping; Emperor Xi Meets Donald Trump Thought; Trump Praises Xi as China's 'President for Life' -- an imbecil leading China on a path of destruction !
More, refer to the Communist Platonic Club at wartime capital Chungking and The American Involvement in China: the Soviet Operation Snow, the IPR Conspiracy, the Dixie Mission, the Stilwell Incident, the OSS Scheme, the Coalition Government Crap, the Amerasia Case, & The China White Paper.

(original poem written by Yang Zili, translated by Ah Xiang )
Details of communist persecutions of four gentlemen (English ver)
***Yang Zili's words today could not be taken seriously as he apparently suffered brain damage in the communist prison.***

I have a dream, from very early time on,
A dream that I believe would turn true someday for certainty:
A dream that peasants will be in possession of their own land.
As masters of the land, not slaves,
You operate the modern machinery
Freely plowing, planting and harvesting.
Thy occupation as peasants will become the envy of all
And the free world will be full of love and compassion.
[*** Complete Poem Of Yang Zili's I Have A Dream ***]
China's conscience:
Gao Zhisheng Wang Quanzhang Jiang Tianyong Huang Qi Shi Tao Yu Wensheng
Peng Zaizhou (Peng Lifa)'s crusading call against China's imbecelic proditor and dictator: 不要核酸要吃饭, 不要封控要自由; 不要领袖要选票, 不要谎言要尊严; 不要文革要改革, 不做奴才做公民.
Peng Zaizhou's
crusading call
against China's proditor

(Yahoo; Slideshare;
Twitter; Facebook;
* In Commemoration of China's Fall under the Alien Conquests in A.D. 1279, A.D. 1644 & A.D. 1949 *
Sons and daughters of China, till cutting off the communist pigtails on your heads, don't let up, take heart of grace, and heed the sons & ministers' agony and sorrow of our ancestors who died or lived through the Mongol, Manchu and Soviet-Chicom conquest and the Yongjia, Jingkang and Jiashen cataclysms ! Never, Ever Give Up ! 中國的兒子和女兒們,聆聽在蒙韃、滿清、蘇聯中共的征服和永嘉、靖康、甲申的浩劫中死去或活著的我們的祖先的苦難和悲痛!
U.S.S.R./Comintern Alliance with the KMT & CCP (1923-1927)
Korean/Chinese Communists & the 1931 Japanese Invasion of Manchuria
American Involvement in China: Soviet Operation Snow, IPR Conspiracy, Dixie Mission, Stilwell
Incident, O.S.S. Scheme, Coalition Government Crap, Amerasia Case & The China White Paper

* Stay tuned for "Republican China 1911-1955: A Complete Untold History" *

Zou Rong's Revolutionary Army; Shin Kyu Sik's Shrine (Spirit, Kunitama) of Korea
This snippet is for sons and daughters of China: Heed the sons & ministers' agony and sorrow of our ancestors who died or lived through the Mongol, Manchu and Soviet-Chicom conquest and the Yongjia, Jingkang and Jiashen cataclysms !
Jeanne d'Arc of China:
Teenager girl Xun Guan breaking out of the Wancheng city to borrow the relief troops in the late Western Jinn dynasty; Liu-Shao-shi riding into the barbarian army to rescue her husband in the late Western Jinn dynasty; teenager girl Shen Yunying breaking into Zhang Xianzhong's rebels on the horseback to avenge on father's death in the late Ming dynasty.
China's Solitary and Lone Heroes:
Nan Jiyun breaking out of the Suiyang siege and charging back into the city in the Tang dynasty; Zhang Gui & Zhang Shun Brothers breaking through the Mongol siege of Xiangyang in the Southern Soong dynasty; Liu Tiejun breaking through three communist field armies' siege of Kaifeng in the Republican China time period; Zhang Jian's lone confrontation against the communist army during the June 3rd & 4th Massacre of 1989.

Modern Coolies & the Immiseration Growth
The fascist Chinese communist regime, pre-occupied with "pleasure-seeking and literature-decoration" like the Manchu rulers, had created a monstrous "satiable" society by rewarding the few at the expense of the majority !!! There are credible sources to prove that the bank managers in China colluded with the bank employees in embezzling funds or steering away the funds to the overseas accounts like in HK, Switzerland, Japan, Australia and America. HK happens to be the paradise for "washing money", by the way. The corruption and crime going on in China, not merely restricted to the banks which are one of the "terminal illness", is fundamentally rooted in the crony personnel system in which the parasites and thugs of each level, high or low, get entangled with each other in a spiderweb to pursue hedonism while restraining the masses of people with the repressive state machine. In the name of "globalization", the communist regime had begun the process of liquidating the rotten and corrupt banking system by allowing Bank of America to invest $3B for 9 percent stake in China's state-owned Construction Bank. The United States government [e.g., the State Department] and the Senators, who had actively pursued the cross-border fund transfers by Chiang Kai-shek's cronies in the 1950s-60s and often tipped Chiang Kai-shek in person, are apparently turning a blind eye to the transnational financial crimes committed by the Chinese communists, but with an expectation of reaping the dramatic returns after their Wall Street proxies are to take the Chinese banks to the Initial Public Offerings in NYSE.
To understand how desperate the Chinese are, note that seven coolies, who were trafficked out of China by a smuggling ring, stranded into Iraq during the Easter weekend of year 2004, only to be caught by the Iraqi as some "Japanese hostages". More, on June 10th, 2004, while George W. Bush was playing with Saddam's trophy pistol, terrorists killed 11 Chinese construction workers of the peasant background in northern Afghanistan of Kunduz. The ten peasants from Shangrao of Jiangxi Province left behind dozens of kids and 10 widows. China's Railway Shisiju [14th Bureau] Group Corporation paid those peasants merely US$10 per day !!! And, the Chinese insurance company refused to provide the indemnity to the families of the victims on the pretext that the terrorism attack was not covered in the clauses of the insurance policies.
For understanding China's "economic powerhouse phenomenon", go to section "China's Migrant Workers - Modern Coolies" for the alternative theories and prediction on "boom or bust" as well as refer to Joshua Cooper Ramo's fabricated "asymmetrical strategy". With China's navy engaged in smuggling, army in profiteering & airforce constrained the number of flight hours for pilots {caveat: during traitor-son party-secretary Jiang Zemin's reign years}, China does not have any arsenal to scare its opponents other than some missiles that, in the eyes of Martin Vandeer Wylder, could at most "make a pretty short fireworks display", no matter how Rumsfeld [who invested $500,000 in a venture capital fund in Shanghai] exaggerated the numbers to create a sensational "China menace" picture. Having noticed the backlashes from Zhu Chenghu's A-bomb blackmail, retired communist diplomat Wu Jianmin, at, proposed that China would need another 100 years for some catch-up work, with a faulty assumption that China's foes would pause to wait out the said timeframe. The communist leaders simply don't know that China's societal weakness, together with its racial ego & racial weakness, is no longer a "state secret".
This website having named the names of Gap, Nike, Addidas and Walmart since the domain registration in 1999, finally, someone raised the attention: Harold Meyerson, at , stated that AFL-CIO, on March 17, 2004, "filed the kind of unfair-trade petition that corporations commonly file, alleging that China's repression of workers' rights has displaced at minimum 727,000 U.S. jobs, and calling on the president to threaten China with tariffs until it stops artificially lowering its workers' wages". "Business Week", at , carried an article titled "[American Textile] Industry To Seek More Limits On Imports [Of Chinese Clothing Products]".
With the cheap "made-in-China" commodities floating around the world, people in the West might not recover their conscience till after reflecting on the tragedy of the 1911 Triangle Company's Fire Disaster in New York on which occasion 146 coolie girls of the European immigrant background jumped off the 9th floor to escape from the locked-up workshops (see Rose Friedman recital in PBS program). Recent statistics showed that cheap Chinese imports could have saved an average American family 2 to 3 times more than the tax cut benefits from George Bush's tax cut coffer. While it was true that the U.S. manufacturing jobs had continued to shrink, the living standard of the Americans does not necessarily deteriorate at all. Right here in northern California, a young Pilipino man, who makes a mere $2000 per month at a dentistry, claimed to have concubines in Mexico, the Philippines and China. A good example to illustrate the innate American advantages would be the "autobiographical drama" of a young bankrupt American who wrote of his losing his job, the internet stocks and the "shirts" at the year 2000 dot com bust, travelling overseas for relaxation, and then bringing home an Asian woman for living in his mother's house: the American passport and the 'Caucasian' outlook might be probably the best innate asset after all.

Alan Greenspan, possibly the smartest American, had continued to express puzzlement over the "conundrum" of long term interest rates but did make clear that an appreciation of the Chinese currency would not shrink the U.S. import but to force the U.S. to import from the rest of the countries other than China. What Greenspan does not know is that my countryside cousins, mostly women, had been going to Guam, Samoa and other Pacific islands for a decade as the export of labor: what is coming to the U.S. market is merely a tag stating something not "made-in-China" but made-by-the-Chinese in nature. Do note that no country in this world could compete against China and its enormous cheap labor or escape from the diminishing living standards as exemplified by the loss of the U.S. manufacturing jobs; for people in India and Mexico etc., the same diminishing living standards would be inevitable since no labor in India or Mexico could compete against the Chinese coolies whatsoever.

China's foreign exchange reserve, incidentally, was heavily vested in the United States treasury notes and bills. Those in power in China, other than immediately taking action to provide free textbooks to the countryside kids as they promised early in 2005, should think about using some of the "blood & sweat" foreign exchange to provide a free breakfast to the countryside kids. (In contrary, the "totalitarian capitalists" decided to make some lavish shopping in America, with a recent 19 billion offer on Unocal. Now having lost the Unocal bid, they still refuse to properly use it for the welfare of the common Chinese people, not knowing that they would eventually squander away US$711 billion [as of June 2005] the same way as Manchu China, after the 1839-1842 Opium War and the 1900 Boxers' Indemnities, had forfeited the silver [including that from the mines of Mexico] that were accumulated over 300 years of foreign trade [60,000 tons equivalent of silver].)
The creeps, other than the U.S. treasury notes and bills, vested China's foreign exchange in the subprime mortgages!
Berkshire Profit - Chicom's Hold Empty Bag,
Plus 200+ Billion Subprime Loss!
ECON 101: U.S. Interest Rate Down = China Exchange Rate Up ! "[premier] Wen [Jiabao] also promised that all farm taxes will be ended by next year [2006?] and that, by 2007, every Chinese child can receive nine years of schooling. Children from the poor families will be exempt from most fees and receive free textbooks, Wen said, though he did not say whether they will have to pay tuition." -- Is that a joke? The countryside schools either being abandoned by the kids going into child labor or dilapidated due to ill funding, the government should instead fix the issue via two prongs: 1) terminating the tuition at all public elementary and high schools; and 2) raising salary for the countryside teachers. Communist China had now jacked up the annual tuition cost of attending a provincial normal college or university to a minimum of RMB 6000 [US$770]. In contrast, Mao Tse-tung and et al., were able to attend the county-level middle schools and Hunan Provincial Normal College under Manchu Qing Dynasty's "New Administrative Measures" for free. Ordinary vocational or trade schools charged similar tuition, i.e., a byproduct of communist China's profit-driven "reform" in the hospital and education systems. The daughter of my uncle, after having spent over 10000 RMB [US$1200], had to force the hospital into releasing the patient for 'herbal medicine' treatment in the countryside. Should you have no money in the pocket, dare you enter the emergency room of a Chinese hospital. Here, this webmaster proclaims to the commies: You commies are being cursed, unless you reverse your track NOW. The curse is from my male countryside relatives, cousins and uncles who, at this moment, invariably suffer from the liver problems of one sort or the other as a result of doing the coolie labor for you all lifelong.
Knowing that Communist China, with its repressive policy against its majority peasant caste, would not spare a trickle of its foreign exchange reserve for the benefits of the modern coolies, the world had better embrace for more and more influx of the Chinese goods. This is especially true when China's economic growth is unusually skewed to the "foreign demand" [i.e., exports] rather than the 'domestic demand'. The Communist regime, having risked the domestic inflation by printing extra RMB currency for sake of balancing the supply of the U.S. dollars from the export gain, has no choice but to continue the yuan-dollar pegging, yielding to the inevitable consequence of "water overflowing over the riverbank" down the road. Communist China, in the early years, demanded that all export and import companies surrendered the foreign exchange for the RMB ('ren min bi') or the people's money currency, a practice from the Jiangxi Soviet days of the 1930s --when the communists were engaged in laundering the government's legal tender to buy supplies by printing the worthless Soviet banks' paper money. Fundamentally speaking, the communist regime had adopted the same "blocking" approaches economically and politically as Gun the father of pre-Xia dynasty founder Yu had undertaken as to the flood control. At stake is not a matter of the IQ or intelligence of the Chinese communist rulers and their "Harvard-educated" or "Stanford-educated" ministers and councilors but the stubborn and selfish greed for money, power, women and pleasure: There is no merit in Caoan Jushi's suggestion of the hideous agenda by some "disguised" ruling elites in deliberately corrupting China and the Chinese people to a final demise. Billion Chinese, in the opinion of the regime, had better work for the menial pay than out of job. Any mishap in the currency fluctuation could disrupt the export-driven economy and subsequently lead to the economic depression, social instability and political collapse.
Some mathematics for you: In today's China, i.e., late 20th century, the ordinary Chinese could make no more than US$2-US$10 per day. One of my aunts, whose land was "enclosed" by the government around year 2000, had been receiving for years a mere subsidy of RMB 300 [US$40] per month. Before the enclosure, she could net no more than the subsidized income after paying for the costs of seeds, fertilizer and taxes. Another aunt is now receiving about RMB 30 [US$4] per month in the form of a non-governmentally-sanctioned retirement benefits for the peasants of her county. In the cities and towns, innumerable workers had been forced to retire at age 40-55 in exchange for a nominal severance pay and a monthly subsidy of around RMB400 [$50]. (For China's ECON101, refer to Yang Fan's article on bubbles.) In contrast, a bank employee in the Yangtze area might receive a subsidy of RMB300,000 [US$40k] for purchasing a property; and a high school teacher may receive an annual bonus of RMB9000 [US$1100] in year 2004. To yield the bureaucratic position to some younger people of connections, a small potato official from a county-level taxation department, at age 55, could get a one-time severance payout of RMB500,000 [US$61,500] as well as a monthly subsidy of RMB3000 [US$400], i.e., a prevalent mode of collective & collusive 'communizing' and carving-up of the state-owned assets and revenue streams. The city-dwellers of Shanghai could easily reap a profit of RMB200,000 [US$10k-30k] in a matter of 1-2 years from the real estate market that soundly beats even Tokyo, HK or New York. E.g., the cousin of my grandfather, who was allocated about 50 square meters' living quarter on the 2nd floor of a detached house in the old French Concession territory, now boasts a real estate value of 1 million RMB [i.e., US$115,000]. And, behind the drive of the real estate price in Shenzhen & Zhuhai [i.e., the special economic zones] were certainly hotbeds of the second-wife villages and flourishing meat-swap market that had provided at one time 300 prostitutes for a Japanese tour delegation, tens of thousands of young women for the HK truck drivers, and innumerable others for the "wealthy, powerful and distinguished" Chinese men and international rascals.

China had 113.9 million migrant workers in 2003
China had 113.9 million migrant workers from rural areas in 2003, who accounted ... China is dedicated to clearing the way for migrant workers this year, ... - 22k -

A difficult era for rural high schools - Chinanews
From According to a survey made by China Youth Development Foundation, currently 60% of China's rural teenagers choose to be farmers or migrant workers after graduation from junior high school. "Senior high school education will cost thousands of...

The High Cost of Cheap Chinese Labor - Paul W. Beamish
From Harvard Business Review (link): It’s well known that low-skilled Chinese labor is abundant. Over the past two decades, some 140 million low-skilled workers have either moved off the payrolls of state-owned enterprises into the private sector or migrated out of rural areas into the cities to seek their fortunes. What’s less well known is that the average worker earns just 75 cents an hour. Migrant workers—who account for one-fifth of the 750 million people in China’s labor market—typically earn less than $130 a month.

Experts: Improve welfare of 200 million rural workers - China Daily
From China Daily (link): The 200 million rural migrant laborers now working in Chinese cities, one of the major forces creating the economic boom of China and the world as well, need to be taken good care of their rights by the government and the society, experts said. A central government survey has showed that 68 percent of employees in China's manufacturing sector and 80 percent in the construction sector were rural migrant workers. According to a recently published survey by the Developmental Research Center of the State Council, China's cabinet, the nation's rural migrant labor force rose to 200 million people this year. The survey found that 120 million rural migrant workers now work in China's cities, while another 80 million are in smaller towns. All of them have left even lower-paying farm life.

China set to become world's sweatshop, report warns - Andrew Taylor
The Great Divide From the Financial Times: The eradication of poverty in China has stalled since the country joined the World Trade Organization four years ago, with more than three-quarters of rural households expected to suffer a cut in real incomes between 2001-07, a report warns today. The study by the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), timed to coincide with next week's WTO ministerial conference in Hong Kong, says that China is becoming the sweat shop of the world as large numbers of agricultural and former state enterprise workers chase work in the cities, depressing wages.

As China Plans Moon Landing, Millions Still Struggle to Survive
From As China basked in the successful launch of its second manned space flight, a ``sacred and glorious'' mission beamed live to hundreds of millions of television viewers Wednesday, Li Jing wasn't watching. ``The space program is fine, but they should take care of us farmers first,'' said Li, 42, gazing into the sky above the Beijing vegetable market where she cycles every day with her husband and two children to sell leeks and other produce. ``Life is really tough for us.'' China's Shenzhou-6 launch highlights the contradictions in a nation that is gaining economic, diplomatic and scientific clout while 200 million people of its people still live on less than $1 a day, according to World Bank 2004 estimates.

The Immiseration Growth Trade Disrupted by President Trump & Bursting of the Communist China's Real Estate Bubble
Communist China's immiseration trade, at a cost of enslaving one billion peasants and coolies and polluting the nation's land, water and air, has carried along for decades now, with the unsustainable growth backfiring before its due demise as a result of President Trump's preemptive strike, i.e., the Sino-U.S. trade war, which triggered communist China's counter-retaliation measures and subsequent breakup of a tacit bonding between the multinational corporations and banksters of the West and the oligarchs of communist China, a relationship the communists initially described as a marriage in a silly allegory that painted communist China as a feminine (like a concubine) subservient to the U.S. as a master. What this author could not bear will be widespread pollution-related cancer deaths that befell to the people living around the Taihu (thunder god) Lake, which is where this author's great grandfather's lakeside home village and tomb were, that is known as Shihu [stony lake] and Huangtan [yellow flatland] in history and penned to a poem by Fan Chengda who was responsible for negotiating with the Jurchens to retrieve Soong Emperor Qinzong's coffin from the Amur area in the 13th century.
Jagdish Bhagwati's immiseration vindicated an economic thesis that the more a country exports to another trade partner, the worse off the terms of trade would be. From the economics perspective, the immiseration trade would have corrected itself through Adam Smith's Invisible Hand and its adjustment by the markets. Unfortunately, Communist China's immiseration growth was fatally built on a ruinous percolation logic similar to the Mongols' unbacked fiat: the communists' sweatshops manufactured products at the below-market or no cost for export to the West, using the slave labor like the Uygurs in the concentration camps of Xinjiang, for example; the communists then forced the exporters to convert the "foreign exchange" trade gain into the worthless RMB, i.e., "people's dollars" that were printed on the astronomical scale, which was similar to the Russian rubles that could not be freely bought and sold; for absorbing the over-printed paper currency, the communists conducted the violent land acquisition and enclosure movements, reaped enormous profit in the land sale, and sold the real estate bubble to the city "accomplice" citizens who once in a life time enjoyed a flash-in-the-pan decent life of luxury travel abroad and the concept of wealth management of the West; and the communists, in addition to squandering the money on the Belt and Road projects or Confucius academies, laundered the "foreign exchange" to the banks in H.K., the U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia, and the Caribbeans, escaping the hell they created in the expectation that the billion slaves one day would rise up and smash the communist apparatus.
When the trade decreased or stopped, partly due to President Trump's trade war and partly due to the rising labor cost which was triggered by the inflation coupled with the decreased labor force ensuing from decades of the barbaric policy of forced abortions, the communists could no longer print the worthless RMB paper money to peg with the foreign exchange for running the economic engine, which then led to the bursting of the bubble and collapse of its financial system, with the banks and ATM machines running out of money. This then forced the regime to take the last resort to switch to a closed-door policy to slow down the paper currency usage on the pretext of Coronavirus, a double-edge weapon also used to exercise militarized control of the population for an opportune invasion of Taiwan in synchronization with the Trojan horse planted on the island. (During the three-year lockdown, the communists, who ordered the chaining of kitchen knives and ID'ed ownership of kitchen knives, implemented the forced lockdown via barbed wire fences at the border, and segregation iron or plastic fences on the streets, lanes and in the neighborhoods, which was taken to be rehearsal for implementing the Cultural Revolution 2.0.)

In today's communist China, with a widely rumored scheme of Operation Sinking Ship for decades, the totalitarian regime recently began to prep the people for an outcome of isolation from the international community and embracing of an Orwellian rule similar to the Kim dynasty of North Korea. The unfolding economic collapse of communist China shows the world that communist China is a castle built with sand and on the sand of unsustainable immiserated trades used for funding the proportionally-blown real estate bubbles, i.e., what the Japanese called by suna no utsuwa. (The above passages were excerpted from the Afterword of From the Khitans to the Jurchens & Mongols: A History of Barbarians in Triangle Wars and Quartet Conflicts (The Barbarians' Tetralogy - Book III: Laments for the Middle Land's Sinking))

China, The Caste Society
After obtaining power in 1949, the Chinese communists successfully set up, on the Chinese continent, a cruel caste system. Unlike the Mongols' caste society of the 14th century which was ethnic in nature, the current one is political and power-driven, and it is hidden and disguised in nature, unknown to the outside world as a result of collusion, conscious or subconscious, of the people in the upper castes in China. This caste system was created for sake of pitting one class or level of people against a lower level with a wider base or population, solely for sake of strengthening the grip of power of the communist dictatorship as well as exploiting the hardworking Chinese masses in the lower levels, peasants and workers alike. We call this communist system a 'caste society' because the Chinese system of class differentiation and the rigid policy of having the babies register in the mother's residency is a cruel system exactly mapping the notorious 'Indian Caste Society' where the babies born are predestined to be of the same insurmountable castes (Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Sudras).
In the caste system, the people are born and bound, both physically and mentally. This kind of bondage had led to the unfair and unequal treatment of the Chinese people in terms of the economic, political and social welfare, and directly caused the massive loss of brain power and intelligence as exemplified by the inadequate education that 70-80% of China's population, i.e., the peasants, have received. Though the caste society could be sub-divided into many levels, the main two groups would be the city-dwellers (not necessarily the workers as used as a class in the communist class doctrines) versus the peasants. had included one extra caste, the "hei hukou" or the "grey area households", namely, those Chinese who had no registration with the government whatsoever.
When this webmaster was asked to explain in details the situation of the peasants versus city dwellers, this webmaster thought it hard and then derived a good analogy. This webmaster told people that you could probably think of the Chinese peasants as the 'invisible men' as depicted by a Black author in the U.S. (Ralph Ellison), and the kind of relationship between the Chinese peasants and city-dwellers would be equivalent to the Blacks versus the Whites in the U.S. in the 1960s. In today's world, you could find the segregation, physical and economical, in such countries as China and North Korea. In China, the babies born in the Chinese countryside had to register with their mother's locality and that they had no right to move to town, study in town or work in town. Worse than that would be the acquiesce of the city dwellers of China as well as the mockery at the miseries of the Chinese peasants.
Among the city dwellers and the peasants, sub-castes abound in that the communist cadres are divided into 25 levels, workers 8 levels and the peasants at least 4 levels. Movement between the levels in each caste being usually difficult, the inter-caste movements are almost impossible. The peasants in the countryside are never allowed to move to the towns and cities, township residents are not allowed to move into the provincial or municipal cities, and people in the inner provinces are not allowed to move to the coastal areas where the chances of livelihood and welfare are much better. The illustrative examples will be: the city residents of a certain municipal district, like the Minhang District of the Shanghai Municipality, are not allowed to migrate to the Shanghai city proper, the Shanghai residents not allowed to migrate to Beijing the capital city, and the residents of Guangzhou not allowed to migrate to Shenzhen or Zhuhai the Special Economic Zones (SEZ). Now HK is and Macau are back in China, the kind of mechanism applies again here, namely, the Chinese children whose parents moved to HK or Macao would not be allowed to enter HK or Macau for the permanent residency, and in the most recent case, China intervened in HK's judicial affairs by overturning the HK legislature which ruled that those mainland children could reunite with the parents in HK and Macao. To understand how strict China's registration system is, just note that in today's Beijing the capital city, a separate ruling is in effect, requiring that whoever male Beijing resident must undergo a DNA test to determine the father-child relationship before their pre-marriage child could apply for registration of the household register in the Beijing (Peking/Pekin) Municipality.
People may ask how could this kind of cruel pyramid-style system have survived in China for almost 50 years (from 1949 to 1999, as of the edit of this paragraph) and would for sure continue. The answer lies in the fact that this caste society had deliberately pitted one class or level of people against the lower levels with a wider base or population, thus making the higher class or level of people into the unconscious and subconscious safeguards of the regime in repressing the lower class or level of people. As long as the people in the upper castes do not realize the roles they are playing, there would be no self-liberation of the upper castes, not to mention the fate of those in the lower castes. Besides, the communist government has the police, military police (1 million strong, converted from the army after the Tiananmen Massacre) and army, and it never hesitates to sacrifice the human life for achieving its ends, power and dictatorship. While the Manchu dynasty, under constant attacks and revolts from the Han Chinese, could still survive for hundreds of years (with ironically such military pillars as Han Chinese General Zuo Zongtang), there is no reason to doubt the determination of the Chinese communists in continuing their repression of the Chinese people via any means or with any tools they have on hand. Externally speaking, the western economic powers, represented by their corporate interests, including Gap, Nike, Addidas and Walmart, would love to deal with the Chinese regime which never cares about those Chinese coolies working in the sweatshops of Saipan, toured and touted by Tom Delay, et al., of the American Congress.
Northern Mariana Island legislation: "According to ABC's 20/20 television program, Abramoff lobbied DeLay to stop legislation banning sex shops and sweatshops that force employees to have abortions in the Mariana Islands when Abramoff accompanied DeLay on a 1997 trip to the island. While on the trip, DeLay promised not to put the bill on the legislative calendar". Chinese compatriots, look out! Those slaves in sex shops and sweatshops of Pacific Islands are staffed by our brothers and sisters !
All in all, in the siege of Shanghai during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom rebellion, the Westerners supported the Manchu rulers, not the quasi-Christian brothers of Taiping. Another illustrative example would be the retention of Manchu Dowager Empress Ci-xi by the eight allied powers after quelling the 1900 Boxers' Rebellion even though the said dowager empress had orchestrated the anti-West boxers' rebellion as a result of the European nations’ initial support for the restoration of deposed Emperor Guangxu. In early this century, the Chinese Republic founder, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, who was rejected by the western powers, had to seek help from the Soviet Union, a fundamental cause in the "Tragedy of the Chinese Revolution". More available at "Changing Alliances On the International Arena", "Century-long American hypocrisy towards China", "Anglo-American & Jewish romance with the Japanese", "America's Unpositive Neutrality in the Sino-Japanese War", "Joe Stilwell's Authorization To Assassinate Chiang Kai-shek", "Roosevelt & Churchill's Betrayal of the Republic of China at Yalta", and "What Foreign Powers Did To The Flowery Republic Prior To, During And After The 1911 Revolution". (During the 1911 Xinhai Revolution that overthrew the Manchu rule, the American reporters passed on the American message to Sun Yat-sen: make a deal with Yuan Shi-kai, and don't count on Washington D.C., and don't count on the Republic of U.S.A. as your example and source of inspiration. --- Check out Frederick McCormick: Flowery-republic-Frederick-McCormick (London: John Murray, 1913), pp. 294-295.)
Note: The word caste was a social phenomenon in India. Hindu society is divided into the castes and several thousands of sub-castes. Caste is a highly organized social grouping. A Hindu is born in a caste and dies as a member of that caste. As caste is determined by birth; and one can never move from one caste to another. Castes are not equal in status but arranged in a vertical order in which one caste is at the top and is the highest (the Brahman), another at the bottom, and in between them there are the Kshatriya, the Vashya and etc., in a descending order. This inequality in status is said to be an outcome of a person's deeds (good or bad) accomplished in his previous life. In the words of S.D. Theertha, "... the Hindu social order is simply a menace to freedom, unity and peace. The three thousands and odd castes and the larger number of sub-castes, into which the Hindus are irretrievably divided, keep nearly ninety-five per cent of the Hindus in perpetual disgrace and permanently condemned to an inferior social status.

The Early Crackdown and the Land-Reform Joke On the Peasants
After obtaining power in 1949, the Chinese Communists (CCP) first launched the so-called "Suppression of Reactionaries Movement" ('zhen fan') & the "Elimination of Counterrevolutionaries" ('su fan') in the early 50s. The "Suppression of Reactionaries Movement" started in 1950, while the "Elimination of Counterrevolutionaries" was launched in 1955 with the advent of the 'Hu Feng Reactionary Clique'. The 1955 crackdown (which implicated 4 million people) was officially declared a so-called 'Kuo Da Hua', namely, the over-implication, but the 1950 crackdown stood as 'justified' still today.
During the "Suppression of Reactionaries Movement" ('zhen fan'), the Chinese communists (CCP) required that every Chinese obtain three letters of reference from people in their hometown attesting to their past. Every Chinese citizen was made into a folder in the personnel file. The folder, a determinant in a person's future promotion, transfer and benefits, would be kept in the personnel department of the working unit. The household registration would be enforced, first handled by the Civil Administration Ministry, and then taken over by the Public Security Ministry on January 13th, 1956. The so-called 'referral letter' stamped by some working units would be required for sake of buying the train tickets or staying in a hotel. In addition to the physical and psychological control, the rice or flour coupons would be used to maintain the economic control of the people. Three kinds of coupons, i.e., national circulation, regional circulation, and local circulation, would allow the township Chinese to travel to a destination of measured range. For the peasants, they would have to exchange their uncooked rice for the coupons before they could walk outside of their domain.
The first batch of killing ensuing from 18 March 1950 Instructions, according to Li Rui, was blunted after Hunan provincial party secretary Huang Kecheng sent in a letter asking for restraint. However, eruption of the Korean War gave Mao an opportunity to renew mass killings. Before the People's Liberation Army crossed the Yangtze River, the CCP declared a general amnesty for all officials and soldiers of the Kuomintang (KMT or GMD) government, stating that only the top 'war criminals' would be tried and punished. However, once the CCP took over the country, it began to round up the small potato officials and officers of the ex-regime. During the time period from 1949 to 1952, the landlords and wealthy peasants (one subcaste among the peasant caste), low-level ex-KMT officers, and other 'reactionaries' were rounded up in various kinds of camps, custody and prisons. Three distinctive stages could be distinguished: the initial voluntary surrender and registration, the consecutive targeted arrests, and the final investigations. Millions would be either executed on the massive scale or imprisoned for life.

As recalled by Hu Zunuan, all sub-county-level shire and village officials were rounded up and executed by the communists no matter how many days the victims were ever on the post during the nationalist government's rule. Hu Zunuan's father and uncles, i.e., graduates of colleges from major metropolitan cities, were rounded up and killed as part of the elimination of the gentry class.
The Nationalist Army colonel-level officers, about one tenth of the total captives rounded up in the communist provincial quasi-prisons since the 1950s, survived the execution, torture and hunger to get amnesty in 1975. Lu Shiyang, i.e., Hu Zunuan's cousin, was executed by the communists in 1951 simply because he was a former Nationalist Army company commander even though he left the army after the victory over Japan in 1945 and never ever fought against the communist army. Lu Shiyang's wife, who was locked up by the communist thugs, broke out of confinement and rushed to the execution ground, only to see her husband's skull shot by bullets and broken in peices. Picking up pieces of the skull bone and holding her dead husband to the chest, the woman spent one whole night in the wilderness. The wife was a teenager girl who volunteered for working in the field army hospital during the 1937 Battle of Shanghai, fell in love with the brave soldier who had a bullet extracted without anesthetics, and waited full eight years to get married with Lu Shiyang after the VJ day. After the death of her husband, the woman wore double and triple sewn pants with dead knots to prevent the communist thugs from repeated attempts at sexual assault, and later fled back to Shanghai from Sichuan. The communist thugs, more barbaric than the Mongol and Manchu barbarians' conquest of China, killed the male victims and took over the women and girls for sex. In 2014, at high age, the woman returned to retrieve her husband's corpse but found nothing, collected the mud instead and bid farewell to the land of sorrow one last time.
Hu Zunuan, fleeing home and wandering in the mountains of southwestern China, was at last rounded up by the communists and put to the same prison camp as the KMT nationalist army officers in today's Guizhou province. While wandering in the wilderness, Hu Zunan met a teenager girl with similar fate and got love of his life. The two lovers were separated by the communists after being sent to the communist gulag; however, Hu Zunuan, after release from the gulag, never ever found his woman again and spent dozens of years searching for her trace. Hu Zunuan witnessed the fate of those veteran army officers throughout the various stages of political movements, persecution and hunger. (The southwestern prison camps were the same mercury mines that China worked on during the WWII for barter trades with America. Knowing that he had a late-stage cancer, Hu Zunuan contacted Professor Tan Song to have his stories and his family and relatives' stories forever recorded. Tan Song, who was just sacked by Chungking Normal University, spent months walking with Hu Zunian to revisit the mountain roads Hu Zunuan roved in the 1950s. Hu Zunuan's stories, as well as Lu Shiyang couple's stories, being so much saddening, caused this webmaster enormous heartache to the extent of suffocation.)

Similar to the fate of Hu Zunuan would be Xia Zhishi's family. In the spring of 1951, in the Hetongxian county of Sichuan Province, Xia Zhishi, a veteran of the 1911 Xin Hai Revolution, was executed together with his elder brother, junior brother [the 4th son in order] and a nephew. See page 415 of Dong Zhujun's book "My One Century" [Sanlian Bookstore, Peking, China, September 1997 edition]. Dong Zhujun learnt of the execution details from the letter written by stepson Xia Shuyu, and for three years, provided the financial support to seven children born by her stepson. About 2-3 years after that, in about 1953-4, Dong Zhujun received a letter from the daughter of another stepson born by her ex-husband Xia Zhishi, i.e., Xia Naigeng, stating that he [Xia Naigeng] was thinking about fleeing to Shanghai's stepmother numerous times ... regretting that no decision was made ... seeing his wife and daughter at the prison cell at 11:00 am for a final bye ... hoping that stepmother could take care of his wife and daughter after he was to leave this world the next morning ... and wishing to become a dog or a horse to requite stepmother in the next life." (Xia Zhishi's elder son, who was born by Dong Zhujun, a woman who had liaison with the underground communists in Shanghai, survived. Dong Zhujun herself, for implication in the entangles of Mao Tse-tung's woman Jiang Qing in the 1930s, barely survived the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s. Right after the communists took over Nanking in 1949, Jiang Qing ordered her henchman Ke Qingshi to secretly execute all the KMT government officials who were involved in arresting her in the 1930s. In the 1960s, Jiang Qing tortured and killed almost all people who were acquainted with her in the 1930s, including the communist officials who ever read the anonymous letter mailed by Lin Boqu's wife Zhu Ming in the 1950s.)
Xia Zhishi was restored the reputation and rebuilt the tomb in 1988. Xia Zhishi fired the first shot against the Manchu government in the Sichuan provincial railway protection movement of 1911, which was against the Manchu attempt at nationalizing the Sichuan-people-sponsored railway and selling the railway rights to the European and American synarchists. (The Americans, like Mary C. Wright, who analyzed China's 1911 revolution from the external perspective and in 1968 claimed that the secret societies under Song Jiaoren, not Sun Yat-sen's "Allied Society", played the role of overthrowing the Manchu rule, did not trace the roots to the synarchists' attempt at swindling China's railway for explaining the root cause of the 1911 revolution. The Sichuan railway loan, i.e., the Hu-guang (Hukuang) loan, together with the Tientsin-Pukow railway loan, were pledged by the customs and salt revenue tax. After the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, the salt taxes that were robbed by the Japanese made China default on the two railway loans, portion of which belonged to the Americans. The two railway loans, which were barely reorganized and reinstated on and off, in 1928 and in 1937, fell back again after the Japanese invaded China and seized all ports along the coast. Together with the 1913 aftermath loan or the gold bond, they were the poster child auctioned on EBay today, carrying no enforceability since the powers, since 1938, colluded with the Japanese in depositing China's customs tax and salt tax, i.e., the funds reserved for the payment of the reorganized R.O.C. bonds, in the Japanese Yokohama Specie Bank, hence forfeiting the claim to payment of the principal and interests on the R.O.C. debts --that were reorganized in the 1930s to have included the Peking government's debts.)
The 1950 crackdown started with the so-called "18 March 1950 Instructions as to Severely Cracking Down on the Reactionaries', and the 'Double 10th Instructions", namely, a decree on October 10th, 1950. By November of 1953, altogether 4 to 20 million people were executed. Communist China published a series of at least half a dozen books termed the "records of the elimination of the bandits" in Southwest China, Central China, Northwest China and etc., with a flamboyant claim of having eliminated like around several millions of bandits. During the Korean War, millions of Chinese, who were horrified by the bloody land reform, rose up across China against the communist rule, having false hope that the Nationalist Army could return to the mainland, not knowing that Truman and Acheson had blockaded the Taiwan Straits to prevent the Nationalist Government troops from counterattacking the mainland. In the Guangxi Province alone, about a million around bandits were eliminated for the years of 1950-1954, accounting for like 1/5th of the total provincial adult male population. The communist statistics claimed that from 1949 to 1952, the Guangxi bandits who were killed numbered 512,900. This was the result of the populace's revolts against the communist "land reform" policy, not knowing that Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi's Guangxi Clique, after over two decades of management of the province, had militarized the whole province, with the resistance war veterans being the backbone of the province's conservative value. Prior to the resistance war, Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi implemented the "three sub-merging" experiment in Guangxi, namely, mobilization of the masses into a Spartan militaristic state, i.e., drafting soldiers, training them and then releasing them back into the countryside for future war mobilization. Among the rebel leaders would be the northern expedition army veteran generals such as Zhou Zuhuang and Zhong Zupei, as well as Burma War veteran general Gan Lichu (The communists, using Zhong Zupei's daughter as a bait, pacified Zhong Zupei with a pardon offer and then executed him.)

* In Commemoration of China's Fall under the Alien Conquests in A.D. 1279, A.D. 1644 & A.D. 1949 *
Sons and daughters of China, till cutting off the communist pigtails on your heads, don't let up, take heart of grace, and heed the sons & ministers' agony and sorrow of our ancestors who died or lived through the Mongol, Manchu and Soviet-Chicom conquest and the Yongjia, Jingkang and Jiashen cataclysms ! Never, Ever Give Up ! 中國的兒子和女兒們,聆聽在蒙韃、滿清、蘇聯中共的征服和永嘉、靖康、甲申的浩劫中死去或活著的我們的祖先的苦難和悲痛!
U.S.S.R./Comintern Alliance with the KMT & CCP (1923-1927)
Korean/Chinese Communists & the 1931 Japanese Invasion of Manchuria
American Involvement in China: Soviet Operation Snow, IPR Conspiracy, Dixie Mission, Stilwell
Incident, O.S.S. Scheme, Coalition Government Crap, Amerasia Case & The China White Paper

* Stay tuned for "Republican China 1911-1955: A Complete Untold History" *

Zou Rong's Revolutionary Army; Shin Kyu Sik's Shrine (Spirit, Kunitama) of Korea
This snippet is for sons and daughters of China: Heed the sons & ministers' agony and sorrow of our ancestors who died or lived through the Mongol, Manchu and Soviet-Chicom conquest and the Yongjia, Jingkang and Jiashen cataclysms !
Jeanne d'Arc of China:
Teenager girl Xun Guan breaking out of the Wancheng city to borrow the relief troops in the late Western Jinn dynasty; Liu-Shao-shi riding into the barbarian army to rescue her husband in the late Western Jinn dynasty; teenager girl Shen Yunying breaking into Zhang Xianzhong's rebels on the horseback to avenge on father's death in the late Ming dynasty.
China's Solitary and Lone Heroes:
Nan Jiyun breaking out of the Suiyang siege and charging back into the city in the Tang dynasty; Zhang Gui & Zhang Shun Brothers breaking through the Mongol siege of Xiangyang in the Southern Soong dynasty; Liu Tiejun breaking through three communist field armies' siege of Kaifeng in the Republican China time period; Zhang Jian's lone confrontation against the communist army during the June 3rd & 4th Massacre of 1989.

In the whole year of 1954, 330,000 reactionaries and criminals were arrested nationwide, among whom 111,000 were classified as the "reactionaries" and 10,000 around were executed per Hua Min (whose "China Great Reversal" [Mirror Books, Flushing, New York, December 1996 edition, ISBN 1-896745-19-9] was a book analyzing China's society in 1956, and before and after 1956). The peasants, both poverty-stricken due to the grain surrender and lacking motivation due to the collectivization, certainly complained about the communist regime, with the result of about 100,000 peasants and agriculture cadres sentenced into the category of "reactionaries". Mao Tse-tung disclosed in April 1956 that about 2-3 million were killed, imprisoned or supervised. Mao disclosed in February of 1957 that altogether 700 thousand reactionaries were executed from 1950 to 1952. Luo Ruiqing, minister for the communist public security bureau, disclosed that 4 million were executed from 1948 to 1955. (These figures do not include the so-called 2.7 million KMT armed bandits who were destroyed from 1950 to 1952. The Sichuan Province, which had contributed the most to the 1937-1945 Resistance War and supplied an army of 3.5 million troops for the resistance war, was also among the last provinces where the KMT remnant armies fought the guerrilla war against the communist forces persistently. Jung Chang's "Wild Swans" pointed out that the KMT guerrilla forces, at one time, surrounded Yibin of Sichuan Province after Jung Chang's father led his bulk of the liberation army into the countryside for collecting the grains. carried an article about the massive execution in the Sichuan Province, including that of Luo Guangying who had instigated cousin Luo Guangwen's uprising against the KMT in the Chengdu city.)
Mao claimed that China did not have to undergo the 1956 Hungarian Rebellion as a result of the harsh crackdown against the "Little Chiang Kai-shek" in 1950 and 1955. During the 8th Plenary Meeting of the Communist Party, Liu Shaoqi declared that the 'class struggle was over'. Jung Chang's "Wild Swans" recorded that KMT Colonel Ji, i.e., a one time boyfriend of her mother, had been executed as a "Little Chiang Kai-shek" although the guy had assisted Jung Chang's mother in blowing up the ammunition depot during the Jinzhou Campaign.
Meanwhile, the farmland was seized and confiscated from the landlords and wealthy peasants and re-distributed to the lower level peasants. The bloody land reform was also conducted for creating incentives to have the peasant families send in their sons to the "People's Volunteer Army" on the Korean Battlefield, with a slogan termed "safeguarding the victory's fruits". The Chinese communists linked up the movement of the "elimination of reactionaries" and "land reform" to the "Korean War" via citation of a trinity movement. Mao claimed that the Korean War was a lifetime opportunity to take out the class enemies, which led to security chief Luo Ruiqing's issuance of "Double 10th Instructions" in regards to quota massacre of reactionaries across the nation. The consequence of the Korean War would be the ensuing Cold War between the camps of socialism and capitalism in the international arena, the isolation of [the PR of] China economically and diplomatically, the one-sidedness of the Chinese communist party, and the CCP's schizophrenia in launching various political movements, mass murder and persecution against whoever had the U.S. or KMT connection or implication. (During the Korean War, in early 1952, Mao Tse-tung initiated a book-burning movement with millions of volumes of books burnt or made into paper pulp in a similar fashion to what the Soviet national literature and publication administration bureau did in June 1922, followed by another book-burning movement during the August 1966 Movement of the "Elimination of Four Olds" that was parallel to what the Soviets did in the 1939 Great Purge.)
The communist government would use a quota for determining the number of the 'class enemies'. Noteworthy would be the campaigns launched by Tao Zhu in Guangdong Province which boasted a large overseas Chinese population. A certain percentage of the 'wealthy' people would have to be filtered out as landlords to be shot to death or killed in the barbaric ways in each and every village. This is called 'Cun Cun Jian Xue', namely, each and every village must have blood-letting. My father recalled that execution by the rows occurred daily in a playground near the middle school of the town where he lived. A history teacher of his was pulled out of the classroom one day and never seen again. A high school student, who was son of a doctor and a good basketball player, was shot to death for enrolling in the Nationalist Party's so-called "Three People" youth organization, on a day my father could not forget because he defeated the street peddler for each draw in gambling on the cigarette covers. (This webmaster, in California, encountered an old man who fled the Shandong communist "liberated" area for Shanghai as a teenager and learnt of the horror story from this old man to the effect that his grandmother was hung on a tree till some gold bar was tendered as ransom, that his grandmother was then allowed to travel to Shanghai [by then, communist-controlled as well] for union with the other refugee members of the family, and that around 1958 he was approached on the street by a Shanghai communist policeman with extraction of additional gold for a pass to the Luohu border area of Guangdong, where the communist for-profit underground police network arranged the border crossing for him and his family to escape to Hongkong. Not having seen the old man again, this webmaster regretted about not asking for his name to be forever recorded as that among hundreds of millions of the victims of the communists, that should be pinned to the communist pillar of shame for ever in the Chinese history.)
The Land Reform
According to the economic chronicles (edited by Ma Hong, published July 1982), by August of 1952, altogether 0.3 billion peasants were distributed the land and the land reform was completed in the 90% percentile nationwide. This land reform turned out to be a sick joke because the peasants would soon enter the collectivization phase of socialism, namely, the "Shining Path" (a euphemistic word to be used by the Marxist guerillas in Latin America), at which stage the land would be re-seized from the peasants to form the so-called "agricultural cooperatives", a precursor to the "People's Communes" which were to come during the Great Leap Forward of 1958-1960.
In the agriculture area, the Third Plenary of the Seventh National Session of the Chinese Communist Party (June 6th-June 9th of 1950) stated that the "land reform was the foremost key to achieving an upturn of the finance and economic status of the country", namely, killing the landlords and confiscating the landlords' assets and properties for sake of financing the operations of the government rather than waiting for the peasants to grow crops and produce output to be harvested one year later. The "Land Reform" was classified as No. one of the eight major tasks outlined by the Third Plenary of the Seventh National Session. On basis of the CCP National Session paper, Chen Yuansen concluded that altogether 2 million landlords and relatively wealthy peasants were executed during the 1950 land reform storm.
The bloody land reform, first started with the CCP Central's "Instructions in regards to Countering the Spies, Liquidation [? of enemies and assets] & Land Issues" [dubbed "The May 4th Instruction"] on May 4th, 1946, was already completed in the so-called "old [liberated] areas" before 1949; however, 70-85% of peasants automatically fell into the category of so-called 'medium or well-to-do families' and the majority peasants had basically no interest in forming the "agricultural mutual-aid teams" or the "agricultural cooperatives". (The communists, for fomenting the civil war, conducted the land reform in 1947 and killed the landlords en masse so as to create a rivalry between the two groups of people in each and every village. On October 10th, 1947, and about the time the communists in Manchuria already launched the land reform for three months, Mao Tse-tung and the communist Central Committee promulgated the "General Guidelines of the Land Act of China" (Zhongguo Tudi-fa Dagang), which ordered equalization of all land. The CCP Northeastern Bureau's land reform, was responsible for executing and murdering over 100,000 people in merely several counties alone of northern Manchuria through the months of December 1947 to January 1948 per Li Rui. Stalin suggested that the Chinese communists relocate the landlords and wealthy peasants to some place like what he did with settling 3 million landlords to Siberia. But the CPC declined it. See Shi Zhe Memoirs pp 533-534. The CPC just decided to kill them all, but pretended to Stalin that they wanted the 'poor' peasants to supervise the landlords and reform them into a laborer. Shi Zhe, on page 360, carried a conversation between communist general Heh Long and Mao. Mao was telling Heh around the time of summer-autumn 1948 that the elimination of landlords was a 'leftist' mistake, referring to the massive kill conducted in 1947 for agitating the peasant into enrollment in the communist army. Heh replied: "How much difference was this, i.e., referring to the non-elimination and re-education versus the elimination of landlords? Wasn't it good to solve the problem as a side job [to the land reform]?")
Liu Shaoqi pointed out in December 1951 that the so-called "agricultural cooperatives" for mutual assistance and cooperation in production could be "erroneous, precarious and utopian". Mao Tse-tung, however, demanded that the CCP should launch the "agricultural cooperatives" as a top issue. What happened was that Gao Gang followed Mao Tse-tung in agitating to get the peasants form the "agricultural cooperatives" while Liu Shaoqi wanted to delay it till the agriculture machinery revolution was implemented. This led to what Chen Tiejian of the former communist disciplinary committee discovered to be the first directive issused by Mao Tse-tung to have Gao Gang conduct secretive investigation of Liu Shaoqi's arrest in Mukden in 1929 while working as the Manchurian provincial commissariat secretary. In late 1952, the peasants were forced into 8 million 'mutual-aid labor groups' and 4 thousand 'agricultural cooperatives' through collectivization. Hua Min pointed out that by the end of 1952, there would be 8,300,000 "agricultural mutual-assistance groups" and 3600 "agricultural cooperatives". The early 1950s was designated 'New Democracy-ism', while the time period prior to 1949 would be termed 'Old Democracy-ism'. (Mao Tse-tung devised this term to solve China's missing stage of capitalism as necessitated by the Marxist societal developments, namely, a society must first go through capitalism before the proletarian revolution leads to socialism.)
In 1953, Mao Tse-tung suddenly initiated the transformation to socialism. As pointed out by Bao Tong, in his article, Revealing the CCP, 1949 saw Mao upholding the so-called "Common Guiding Principles" which was submitted to the rubber-stamp CPPCC and was conferred the constitutional status. This document stated that "the state protects the private property of workers, peasants, small and domestic bourgeoisies", that "freedom of thought and freedom of migration" of the people was protected, and that "the members of the National People’s Congress (NPC) at all levels shall be elected by a direct election process." But in 1953, Mao suddenly initiated "the transformation towards socialism," and dealt a death penalty to the "Common Guiding Principles" according to Bao Tong. (The "Common Guiding Principles", known as 'gongtong gangling', was taken to be a rudimentary communist constitution, during which time the so-called communists' people's government possessed six vice chairmen/chairwomen of the state including three democratic party prominents such as Madame Sun Yat-sen or Soong Qingling, Li Jishen and Zhang Lan, as well as gave the Dalai and Panchen lamas the nominal titles in another rubber stamp Chinese People's Political Consultative Committee.)
Owning to the reluctance of peasants in forming the "agricultural cooperatives", Deng Zihui advised against forcefulness in promoting the cooperative movement in February 1953. However, the local communist officials threatened peasants with choice of the 'socialist path' vs. 'capitalist path' and forcefully concentrated the peasants' cattle, tools and other personal belongings. In Aug 1953, Mao Tse-tung called on waging struggles against the "rightist opportunism" for safeguarding the success of the socialist cause. In Dec, the CCP issued a decree titled "Resolution in regards to Developing the Agricultural Production Cooperatives". By the spring of 1954, nationwide, the "agricultural cooperatives" numbered at 95,000, more than twice the target number of 35,000, with 80% cooperatives formed under coercion. By January 1955, the "agricultural cooperatives" increased to 480,000. In March, Zhou Enlai & Liu Shaoqi advised that the "agricultural cooperatives" should 'stop, contract and develop'. However, in May, Mao advocated a 'foment' policy as to the "agricultural cooperatives". In July 1955, the CCP minister for agriculture, Deng Zihui, was criticized to be a 'feet-bound woman' by Mao. In Oct, the CCP Sixth Plenary of the Seventh National Congress further attacked the "rightist opportunism" and upheld the orientation of "agricultural cooperatives". At the meeting, Mao called for the extermination of capitalism and the 'petty production mode'. In December 1955, Mao authored the article "Socialist Peak in the Chinese Countryside" and pushed for speeding up the reform of the craftsmen industry and bourgeois industry/commerce towards socialism.
On January 21st, 1956, 500,000 Shanghai citizens, on parade and under the rains, ran on the streets for 'entering socialism'. In 1956, Mao Tse-tung put forward a thesis titled "On Ten Major Relations", with a claim that it was better to have multiple parties, i.e., allowing existence of the bourgeoisie vase parties, which was taken to be part of inducement to trap the intellectuals for the Anti-Rightists Movement the following year. This was in the contents of Mao's feeling unease over Nikita Khrushchov's de-Stalinization and denunciation of "the Cult of Personality". By 1956, in the countryside, the small "agricultural cooperatives" were merged into big "agricultural cooperatives", and the elementary "agricultural cooperatives" were elevated into advanced "agricultural cooperatives". By the end of 1956, the CCP finished the transformation within 1.5 years, faster than its original plan of 10-15 years.
The Political Crackdown and Movements
The 1950 crackdown, the "Suppression of Counterrevolutionaries", started with the so-called 'March 18, 1950 Instructions as to Severely Cracking Down on the Reactionaries', and the 'Double 10th Instructions', namely, a decree on October 10th, 1950. By November of 1953, altogether 4 to 20 million people were executed. Hua Min stated that in whole year of 1954, 330,000 reactionaries and criminals were arrested nationwide, among whom 111,000 were classified as "reactionaries" and 10,000 around were executed. (Mao disclosed in February of 1957 that altogether 700 thousand reactionaries were executed from 1950 to 1952. Luo Ruiqing, the minister for public security, disclosed that 4 million were executed from 1948 to 1955. Luo Ruiqing was later in 1966 purged by Mao Tse-tung at the suggestion of Lin Biao for paving the way to launch the cultural revolution, with both Mao and Lin taking Luo Ruiqing to be Liu Shaoqi's man after Liu Shaoqi commented that should Lin Biao's health deteriorate, Luo Ruiqing would be the candidate for the defense minister.)
* In Commemoration of China's Fall under the Alien Conquests in A.D. 1279, A.D. 1644 & A.D. 1949 *
Sons and daughters of China, till cutting off the communist pigtails on your heads, don't let up, take heart of grace, and heed the sons & ministers' agony and sorrow of our ancestors who died or lived through the Mongol, Manchu and Soviet-Chicom conquest and the Yongjia, Jingkang and Jiashen cataclysms ! Never, Ever Give Up ! 中國的兒子和女兒們,聆聽在蒙韃、滿清、蘇聯中共的征服和永嘉、靖康、甲申的浩劫中死去或活著的我們的祖先的苦難和悲痛!
U.S.S.R./Comintern Alliance with the KMT & CCP (1923-1927)
Korean/Chinese Communists & the 1931 Japanese Invasion of Manchuria
American Involvement in China: Soviet Operation Snow, IPR Conspiracy, Dixie Mission, Stilwell
Incident, O.S.S. Scheme, Coalition Government Crap, Amerasia Case & The China White Paper

* Stay tuned for "Republican China 1911-1955: A Complete Untold History" *

Zou Rong's Revolutionary Army; Shin Kyu Sik's Shrine (Spirit, Kunitama) of Korea
This snippet is for sons and daughters of China: Heed the sons & ministers' agony and sorrow of our ancestors who died or lived through the Mongol, Manchu and Soviet-Chicom conquest and the Yongjia, Jingkang and Jiashen cataclysms !
Jeanne d'Arc of China:
Teenager girl Xun Guan breaking out of the Wancheng city to borrow the relief troops in the late Western Jinn dynasty; Liu-Shao-shi riding into the barbarian army to rescue her husband in the late Western Jinn dynasty; teenager girl Shen Yunying breaking into Zhang Xianzhong's rebels on the horseback to avenge on father's death in the late Ming dynasty.
China's Solitary and Lone Heroes:
Nan Jiyun breaking out of the Suiyang siege and charging back into the city in the Tang dynasty; Zhang Gui & Zhang Shun Brothers breaking through the Mongol siege of Xiangyang in the Southern Soong dynasty; Liu Tiejun breaking through three communist field armies' siege of Kaifeng in the Republican China time period; Zhang Jian's lone confrontation against the communist army during the June 3rd & 4th Massacre of 1989.

Political crackdown and movements would ensue further. The communists launched the separate movements of "Three Anti & Five Anti". On November 30th, 1951, "Three Anti" [namely, anti-commingling, anti-waste and anti-bureaucratism] was launched. The execution of Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan under the charges of corruption, which was the communist gang's lawless laundering of scarce materials among themselves, was the start signal for the two 'anti' movements. This could be related to Mao Tse-tung's deep hatred of Huang Jing, i.e., Yu Qiwei, who was Jiang Qing's first man and whom Jiang Qing abandoned husband Tang Na on some elopement occasions in the mid-1930s to be with, a ruse to kill two Tientsin communists Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan for creating detente onto mayor Huang Jing who was to be scared into insanity and suicide. The 'Land Reform' ensued in the same timeframe. In the culture and arts arena, an 'Arts Rectification Movement' was launched in December 1951. On January 26th, 1952, "Five Anti" [namely, anti movements in regards to bribery, tax evasion, larceny, cut-corner work and economic espionage] went into a full swing. The "Three Anti" movement was targeted at the communists themselves, but the "Five Anti" was targeted at the stranded and speculative capitalists and wealthy people who were accused of cutting corner in making the products for dispatchment to the Korean battlefield. Numerous memoirs recorded that the capitalist business owners jumped off high buildings or jumped into the Huangpu (Whampoo) River of Shanghai to commit suicide. The enterprises of those business owners would be converted into so-called 'Jiti' [collective] nature. On January 5th, 1953, Mao launched a new "Three Anti" movement by issuing a 'Decree as to Anti-Bureaucratism, Anti-Order-ism, & Anti-Lawlessness'.
The Party internal fights will be Mao Tse-tung's routing the political enemies, like Gao Gang the communist party chairman of Manchuria. Earlier, in September of 1952, Mao ordered the pilgrimage of five CCP Regional General-Secretaries to Peking, with majority of the regional heads reporting to Peking at the turn of 1952-1953. The CCP used to have five secretaries in charge of the five sections of China, including Gao Gang, Rao Shushi, Lin Biao (subsequently Deng Zihui), Deng Xiaoping, and Xi Zhongxun, who were in charge of Northeast Bureau, East China Bureau, South-Central Bureau, Southwest Bureau and Northwest Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. In early 1953, Mao schemed to revoke Liu Shaoqi and Zhou Enlai's "party-group secretaries" roles over the departments and ministries and transferred the control of those departments and ministries to Gao Gang's National Planning Commission -- that was independent of the State Council. At the time, Rao Shushi was minister of the CCP Central Bureau organization department; Deng Xiaoping was vice premier of the State Council; Deng Zihui was deputy chair at the planning commission; and Xi Zhongxun was put in charge of culture and education at the 'Zhengwu-yuan' (political affairs council), i.e., the State Council. While most of the regional secretaries were assigned cabinet positions, Lin Biao was the only person who was left idle. What happened in December 1953 was a quasi-coup conducted by Mao Tse-tung in deploying a few army divisions in and around Hangzhou where the purported "constitution drafting team" was convening and the communist politburo members were called over for an ad hoc joint meeting. At this December meeting, Mao launched the first post-takeover political purge movement against Gao Gang in the makeshift politburo meeting. Gao Gang was accused by Mao Tse-tung of speaking on behalf of Rao Shushi who was counterattacked by the rest of communist leaders at the CCP Central Bureau organization department meeting. A decision was made to convene the Fourth Plenum of the Seventh Congress (that was held in February 1954) to continue the political struggle against Gao Gang and Rao Shushi. Gao was recorded to have pulled out his gun and shot himself in the head to commit suicide. Gao Gang (1905-1954) first tried suicide in vain on February 17th by shooting himself with a gun from his bodyguard [refer to ], and after few attempts, finally succeeded in suicide on August 17th by taking the insomnia tablets [refer to ].) In the wake of Gao Gang's demise, Deng Xiaoping entered the CCP Politburo in 1955. Gao Gang's purge was also construed as Mao Tse-tung's scheme in eliminating pro-Soviet elements after Stalin's death.
Implicated in the Gao Gang case would be Zhang Xiushan (2nd deputy secretary of the Northeast Bureau), Zhang Mingyuan (3rd deputy secretary of the Northeast Bureau), Guo Feng (organization department director of the Northeast Bureau) and Ma Hong (chief secretary of the State Planning Commission of the Central People's Government), and Zhao Dezun (chief secretarial secretary of the Northeast Bureau, and minister of the Rural Affairs Bureau). Rao Shushi (1903-1975), who was minister of the CCP Organization Department, was implicated in both the 1953-1954 Gao Gang case and the 1955 Pan Hannian case, over which Rao Shushi did not enjoy the parole that Pan Hannian enjoyed in 1962 in the aftermath of Xue Ming's suicide after confessing anynomous letters against Jiang Qing. Rao Shushi was said to have convened a CCP Central economics and finance meeting from June to August 1953 under Gao Gang's sanctioning, which was construed as using the criticism of Bo Yibo's taxation policies to attack Liu Shaoqi and Zhou Enlai. In a subsequent CCP Central Bureau organization department meeting, Rao Shishi attacked his deputy An Ziwen in the attempt at implicating An Ziwen's former superior Liu Shaoqi. The ruse was related to Gao and Rao's misinterpretation of Mao Tse-tung's criticism of Liu Shaoqi and Zhou Enlai, et al., early in the year, and dismissal of Zhou Enlai as secretary of the party-group coucillors' team ("dangzu ganshi hui") of the communist central government, etc. Mao Tse-tung transferred the leadership role of the "party-group secretaries" of various departments and ministries to Gao Gang's National Planning Commission, which was taken by Gao and Rao as a signal for purging Liu and Zhou, et al.
Gao Gang's promotion and death, which was attributed to Gao Gang's rumored machination against colleagues Zhou Enlai and Liu Shaoqi, was said to have caused Lin Biao to abort the idea of coming out of seclusion till he was recalled by Mao against defense minister Peng Dehuai during the Great Leap Forward movement. According to Gao Hua, Lin Biao, who went into hibernation after returning from Sochi recuperation in 1950, had just had a one-time meeting with a higher-level official like Gao Gang in Hangzhou in 1953, was scared to death after seeing Mao's purge of Gao Gang. Still another communist Kang Sheng, i.e., China's Beria, went into hibernation earlier than Lin Biao and faked illness since the 1949 Xibaipo meeting and would not come out of hibernation till two years after the 1954 purge of Rao Shishi and Gao Gang. Beginning from the late 1950s, Kang Sheng turned himself into a theoretist responsible for compiling Mao Tse-tung's Selected Works. Few high profile communist officials (including Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan) were executed for some alleged economic crimes. The army officers or soldiers who dumped their countryside wives for the city bourgeoisie girls were heavily criticized as well. This national wife-dumping movement, i.e., monopolizing the women of relative beauty or robbing women of the reactionary descent or background, was in the name of anti-feudalism, or against matchmaker or parents-assigned marriages, or in the name of 'revolutionary freely-matched love'. (Communist China had a propaganda movie termed "The Sentry Under the Neon Lights [of Shanghai]", for example. This webmaster's making a list of the above communist petty projects could probably make the world audience think how retarded the whole Chinese people were to be so much servile to an idiotic communist regime. Just bear in mind that this was a Soviet setup and import, not something from 5000 years of Chinese civilization. As to why a brilliant civilized society like China could have fallen into darkness, just note the rise and fall of civilizations of the world in the past. Many civilizations had fallen under the conquest of the barbarians. China was totally conquered by the barbarian Mongols once, by the barbarian Manchus the second time around, and now communist China was a derivative of the Soviet (semi-Tartar) and Chicom conquest. In light of this, it is imperative for this webmaster to keep alive the Prometheus fire and make the call to the sons of China: Are you to wear the communist pigtails for 267 years?)
The additional casualties noteworthy would be two communist cadres called Pan Hannian & Yang Fan[1], rumored to be the persons sent to Nanking for talks with the then Japanese occupation commander Okamura Yasuji just as the French communists had endured under the Nazi when the news came that the Soviet Union signed a friendship treaty with Germany. Pan Hannian would be accused of treason;. Pan Hannian, with Mao Tse-tung making a claim of committing crimes that needed ten kills, would not be set free till 1962 after after Xue Ming's suicide following confession of her writing anonymous letters against Jiang Qing since 1954. Re-arrested in 1967 while being paroled on the 15-year prison sentence, Pan Hannian later died during the Cultural Revolution, only to be restored reputation in the 1980s. Pan Hannian & Yang Fan[1] were said to have been targeted for sake of burying treachery evidence. Yuan Shu, another Pan Hannian crony, was imprisoned for like twenty years as well. Click to see how the CCP slapped its own face by describing the collusion details, i.e., Pan Hannian went to see Wang Jingwei without the knowledge of the Politburo and how Pan Hannian colluded with the puppet government during the resistance war time period, etc. Per Yu Maochun's "OSS In China", Pan Hannian was both a Chinese communist spy as well as a Comintern spy, for which Mao purged him in 1955 as a way to route the Russian influence as well as cover up the communist treachery. Pan Hannian was restored reputation in 1982, five years after he died on a forced labor farm in Jiangxi Province. The Communists still prohibited the disclosure of its treacheries as shown in the banning of Zhong Kan's book "Judgmental Biography of Kang Sheng" in 1981. Alternatively speaking, it was Yang Fan[1] who implicated Pan Hannian for having reported on the 'actress' life of Mao's unofficial wife Jiang Qing, aka Lan-pin in 1937-38, or 1939. More treachery could be seen at terror.htm. Jiang Qing, for her open sexuality on the Shanghai Bund and implication in a KMT arrest in 1934, was given some negative feedback of elopement and adultery by the underground communists like Yang Fan[1], for which Jiang Qing & Kang Sheng, in Feng Zhijun's opinion, had routed Yang Fan[1] & Pan Hannian in 1954 and put them to the lifelong imprisonment. (Since Jiang Qing went to Yenan in late August 1937 and married with Mao Tse-tung in late 1938, the rumored negative feedback could be related to partly political examination starting from late 1937 plus post mortem reports by Yang Fan[1] and Rao Shushi if indeed filed in 1939.)

Note that Pan Hannian's visiting the Japanese and puppets was just the tip of an iceberg as the communists in 1944 had struck a deal with the Japanese, through the extradition of a Sorge-ring prisoner from the Tokyo High Police's prison, to pincerattack the Chinese government during the massive Japanese Ichigo Campaign of 1944. Endo Homare, who pointed out that Pan Hannian met Whang Jingwei twice, in 1939 and 1943, had a discourse on Yang Fan[1]'s visit with the Japanese occupation army in 1945, which should be a different Japanese-CCP liaison from that of 1944. Communist spy chief Pan Hannian, possessing a special pass, travelled in the Japan-occupied territory at will, and at one time in the winter of 1944, when Pan returned to Yenan for the communist party congress meetings, Pan took the route of travelling to Peking in lieu of the safe road through the Yellow River flood zone and told his Peking underground pal that he had the protection of the "Japanese comrades", i.e., the Japanese spy agency. Before Pan visited the puppet government leader and the Japanese occupation commander in the 1940s, Pan Hannian already worked for the Japanese foreign ministry's Shanghai consulate and Japanese military spy master Kagesa Sadaagi in the 1930s, through a quadruple-identity or quintuple communist spy called Yuan Shu. The Japanese foreign ministry paid to Pan Hannian directly. This was in addition to the funds and money that quadruple-identity spy Yuan Shu embezzled and passed on to the communists out of budgets that were allocated to the puppet Reviving Asia Movement by the Japanese foreign ministry. Hu Shoumei, i.e., Guan Lu, who was embedded in 76 Jessfield for two years as puppet Li Shiqun's secretary, was described to be involved in passing on the funds and money to the communists in cooperation with Ye Jiqing, i.e., Li Shiqun's wife. Hu Shoumei worked with Li Shiqun till the end of 1942 before devoting to the work in the Japanese embassy in Nanking and the editing work for the puppet Women's Voice monthly magazine, a joint venture with the Japanese Navy. The communists, after the end of the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), at one time issued an internal circular stating that Ye Jiqing should not be described as a "beauty snake", which alternatively acknowledged the true identity of Li Shiqun couple.
Endo Homare, the only survivor of her family from the 1948 communist siege and blockade of Changchun that led to the starvation death of 300,000 civilians, verified that the Japanese foreign ministry funneled over 3 billion yens of funds to the communists through Pan Hannian, equivalent to 25 million U.S. dollars [more than the amount of an American tung oil, tin or tungsten barter trade]. Should you doubt this U.S. dollar number, just bear in mind that Chen Hansheng cohorted with the U.S. and HK-based Indusco and China Defense League in funneling at least 20M, and communist actresses and actors collected the overseas Chinese donation of a similar amount of 20M or more in Southeast Asia. Southeast Asian compatriots, especially in Singapore, paid their price later, with hundreds of thousands of them massacred by the Japanese army near the Marina Bay, not knowing that their donation went into the communist pockets and used against the Chinese compatriots. All combined, the communists netted more than three batches equivalent of tung oil, tin, zinc or tungsten barter trades with the Americans. In addition, the communists received the R.O.C. government funding prior to the 1941 Wan'nan Incident plus direct Soviet funding. At the end, when Japan surrendered, the communists possessed an army of merely 300,000 and the total number of 140,000 rotten guns --Mao's words. (Don't get obfuscated by the fake number of 1.2 million communist troops [such as Li Yunchang's ragtag puppets-staffed 40,000 troops which were reduced to 5000 men after the 1945 Battle of Jinzhou], that Mao wanted Chiang Kai-shek to reorganize into 16 army corps or 48 divisions at the Chungking peace conference.)
Religious suppression followed suits. On July 22nd, 1954, the so-called 'Autonomous & Patriotic Christianity Committee' was established. On Aug 26th, 1954, the polices in regards to 're-education via forced laboring' were enforced.
The "Elimination of Counterrevolutionaries" was launched in 1955 with the advent of the 'Hu Feng Reactionary Clique'. The 1955 crackdown, which implicated 4 million people, was now officially declared a so-called 'Kuo Da Hua', namely, the over-implication. Hua Min pointed out that Mao had invoked the 1942 Yan'an Rectification Movement as a good example for launching a new wave of the "purging reactionaries" movements. On July 1st, 1955, the CCP issued "Instructions in regards to Launching the Struggle for Purging the Hidden Reactionaries" which lasted two years. Mao Tse-tung was commented to have utilized this purge movement for enforcing the progress of "socialist reform" in the form of the "agricultural cooperatives". The CCP set a target number of 5% for the "hidden reactionaries", and this number was lowered to 1.43% after the USSR exposed the crimes that Stalin had perpetrated during the 1930s' Great Purge at the Soviet 20th Congress. The CCP Central, for adjusting its over-implication blunder, claimed that by 1956, among those investigated, about 1.43% had been classified as the real reactionaries, and this number could amount to 1.5% with all cases to be investigated and tried. Hua Min cited the CCP documents with the following wording: "For the 8.6 million people to be investigated for the second batch of 'purging the reactionaries movement' in 1956, we [i.e., the CCP] thought that we should lower the target to 2% from 5%." The end result of the 2nd batch, per Hua Min, yielded the number of 0.3% as the reactionaries among the statistics collected from 15 provinces and municipalities.
The Brief Spring (1956-1957) & China's Great Reversal
The period following the bloody crackdown would see some kind of revision in the government policies. Some intellectuals began to question the severity of the bodily execution, some other intellectuals began to challenge the agricultural policies, and some intellectuals demanded academic freedom. Against this background, Mao would stage several more political movements targeted at the specific representatives of the specific schools of thoughts. Mao insisted that the execution of 'Little Chiang Kai-shek Et al.', in the millions, were warranted; Mao personally cursed agriculturalist Liang Suming (Last Confucian of China) for more than one hour during the September 1953 National Agriculture Meeting; Mao classified Hu Feng (who wrote a thirty thousand word letter to Mao arguing for the academic freedom) as an anti-party clique in 1954; and Mao sent Ding Ling (a communist writer, a classmate of his first wife Yang Kaihui, and a possible mistress) to the labor camp in 1955. Mao launched, on January 20th, 1955, the 'Movement For Criticizing the Hu Feng Thoughts'. The "Hu Feng Anti-Party Clique" implicated 2100 victims. Hu Feng was sentenced to the "life imprisonment" and would not get out till 1978. Ding Ling, for her role in the 'Ding Ling & Chen Qixia Anti-Party Clique', would be sentenced into exile for 22 years. The Movement of "Elimination of the Counterrevolutionaries" in July 1955 would see 140,000 people rounded up in the class struggle, and 81,000 of them identified as the counterrevolutionaries (see Hu Feng was punished in a harsh way for apparently knowing too much about the communist dirty deals than his admonition letter to Mao Tse-tung. More, Hu Feng, also a JCP member, was one of the early communism activists in Peking in the 1920s, equivalent to Chen Hansheng and Zhang Guotao's status under Li Dazhao, a fact often neglected by the communist history historians.
In the mid-1950s, changing in the international arena would be the event that Stalinism was negated in the U.S.S.R. in 1956 and the horrors of the Purge was exposed by Nikita Khrushchov in a secret party congress meeting. Some Chinese communists began to identify with the moderateness of the new Soviet leadership. Numerous memoirs and writings had described the time period prior to the Anti-Rightist Movement as a relaxing interval. Parties with social dancing were popular all over the nation, and the party's headquarters, Zhongnanhai, would hold dancing parties at least twice a week, and Mao and Liu et al., were said to exchange the dancing partners (actresses from the PLA's troupe) several times during one tune. Intellectuals began to speak out again, and the political vase parties began to criticize the communists, too.
Facing various criticism, Mao launched the 'Rectification Movement' on April 27th, 1957, i.e., precursor to the Anti-Rightists Movement. From May to June, in about one month's time, the communists changed the tune to accuse the non-CCP intellectuals of anti-party rightists, which scared the communists themselves. On June 13th, Peng Zhen, who tacked on the deputy post for the CCP Central's anti-Rightist panel that had Deng Xiaoping clandestinely acting as chief, convened an internal party meeting to hoodwink the communists with a claim that the non-CCP intellectuals were out-of-door people and the inside-of-door communists were 'family members' and should continue to raise criticisms of the party. After that, Mao said that he had successfully induced the snakes out of hibernation and officially launched the 'Anti-Rightist Movement' in June 1957. At some college in Nanking, students held criticism and debates for three days and three nights, continuously, and 20 out of one class of 40 were later dispatched to Manchuria for military farming. During the Anti-Rightist Movement, Mao said that Qin's First Emperor Shihuangdi just buried alive 460 Confucians but he had successfully eradicated 552,2887 "bourgeoisie rightists" nationwide in 1957. Ding Ling and the rightists were exiled to Sub-farm No. 5 (i.e., Mt Yunshan Husbandry Farm) of Military Farm No. 850 in the Ussuri River border area. Xie Hegeng, once a top CCP mole inside of the KMT nucleus, was spotted by rightist Yin Yi in picking up the rotten vegetable leaflets for food in 1960. (Also serving terms together with the rightists on the re-education farms would be the former KMT tank battalion officers whom my father, as machinery technician, had worked together in the machinery repair working unit. My father also recalled that the iron & cast team on Farm No. 850 mainly consisted of the so-called "convicts". The former KMT tank battalion officers were exiled to the border much earlier than People's Volunteer Army officer corps's gang of 100,000 repatriated from Korea in 1958. Per Gao Wenjun's book, numerous KMT officers, including two of his Whampoa Cadet classmates, were exiled to the New Dominion Province right after the communists' taking over power in 1949.)
On Aug 8th, 1957, Mao launched the 'Massive Socialism Education Movement' in the countryside. On October 9th, 1957, Mao proposed the so-called 'Four Mega Weapons', namely, Big Character Poster, Big Debate, etc. The People's Daily, on November 13th, first proposed the 'Great Leap Forward' (GLF). On November 18th, Mao boasted of winning a nuclear war with sacrifice of half of China's population. In February 1958, "The People's Daily", officially proclaimed the GLF. In the same month, a so-called patriotic hygienic movement was launched to exterminate flies, rats, swallows and mosquitoes. On April 9th, 1958, the "People's Communes" were proposed. The 'high output satellites' were launched in July 1958. The August 1958 communist Beidaihe Meeting officially endorsed the idea of the "People's Communes". In 1959, the Second Five-Year Plan declared the Three [Buddhist] Treasured Weapons, i.e., the General Roadmap, the Great Leap Forward, and the People's Communes, that were renamed to the Three Red Flags in 1960. The Lushan Meeting of July 2-Aug 16 1959 declared the 'Peng Dehuai Anti-Party Clique'. After 1959's Lushan Meeting, Mao went on the Anti-Rightist Trend to rout another 3,800,000 people. The "Anti-Rightist Trend" (right-leaning/right-sided) movement was officially launched right after the October 1st parade. The communists launched an internal purge that came to be known as the Anti-Rightist Trend Movement, with Lin Biao replacing Peng Dehuai as the communist national defense minister. Implicated in the Peng Dehuai "Rightist Trend Opportunist" clique would be Jia Tuofu (Jia Tafu), a Shenxi native communist who guided the Red Army to northern Shenxi and then director of Planning Commission and Economic Commission, plus Li Rui, et al., who were seated in the northwestern section of the meeting. Lin Biao, i.e., another of Mao's rightside and leftside dogs since the Jiangxi Soviet of the late 1920s, took over the defense minister's post from Peng Dehuai, and on October 1st, stood next to Mao Tse-tung during the ten-year communist victory parade at the Tian'anmen Square. In December 1959, the CCP Propaganda Department launched the criticisms of 'humanitarianism' and a criticism of the demography theories of Ma Yinchu. (Some of the dates listed here were corroborated with Bloody 50 Years.)
In 1959, the communists cracked down on the Tibetan rebellion, that saw Dalai Lama fleeing to India. The communists, who invaded Changdu (Changdo) in 1950 and signed a seventeen-clause "peaceful liberation" agreement with Tibet on May 23, 1951, started the "bloody land reform" in the Tibetan areas since 1956, with recorded massacres starting from 1955 in the Frontal Tibet area, like Qinghai, Gansu, and Sichuan. The land reform led to uprisings and bloody crackdowns in both Frontal and Hind Tibet through the late 1950s and early 1960s. By 1959, the communist army controlled the Hind Tibet area as well. The communists sent Zhang Guohua's 18th Army into Hind Tibet for crackdowns. Dalai Lama fled to the southern mountains when the communists sent an invitation to a PLA army show in Lhasa on March 10th, 1959, with the show as a ploy of abduction. From the late 1950s till 1961, the communist armies purportedly launched 15,000 bloody wars and campaigns against the Tibetans. In the aftermath of the Tibetan crachdown, Mao Tse-tung yielded the nominal power of state affairs to Deng Xiaoping and Liu Shaoqi who convened numerous meetings in March of 1959 in regards to "democratic reforms" to be carried out in Tibet, that was followed by announcement on 4 September 27, that Liu Shaoqi was elected President of the People's Republic of China at the Second National People's Congress. Soong Chingling (i.e., Mme Sun Yat-sen) and Dong Biwu were elected vice presidents.

"The Household Registration System"
On April 17th, 1953, the State Council issued a decree called "Instructions as to Persuading and Desisting the Peasants From Chaotic Relocation into the Cities". On March 12th, 1954, the government, seeing that the previous order had not much effect, issued a second decree dubbed "Instructions as to Continuously Enforcing the Persuasion and Desisting of the Peasants from Chaotic Relocation into the Cities". Various provincial and local governments had been required to enforce the rulings. However, statistics showed that peasants numbering 570,000, from 1956 to 1957, had moved into the towns and cities. This was, in fact, a direct result of the panic caused by the communist government which issued a 3rd decree on January 13th, 1956, i.e., "Instructions as to Transferring of the Agri-household Registration, Statistical Work and Household Registration to the Public Security Ministry". Whow! Now the household registration was no longer enforced by the so-called "Civil Administration Ministry". On January 9th, 1958, the so-called First National People's Congress officially made a law titled "Rules and Regulations of Household Registration of the People's Republic of China", and the ruling was issued in the name of State President Mao Tse-tung. The CASTE was officially born !!!
This strict enforcement of the caste won't change till the early 80s when the local governments, short of cash as well as greedy for the extra cash income, broke the ban by selling the township registers to peasants as well as the inner-province people. Lai'an County of Anhui Province was the first to take the "ransom", and they charged 5,000 yuan for selling a register. Within 6 days, altogether they sold out 773 household registers, cashing in a total of 3,863,000 yuan. 500,000 Anhui peasants followed suit shortly. Shandong Province was next, and a register would be sold for 5,000 to 12,000 yuan. In Jiangsu Province, 3,000 could buy it. Hubei Province, 6,000 yuan. Henan Province would be the next. By 1986, the Central Government decided that this must be stopped. A mutant form of business, however, would develop in the early 90s, in such advanced regions as Guangdong, Shanghai and Zhejiang Province, in the name of payment for the "city management fees", to exchange for a right to live in the towns and cities. The Guangzhou Municipality charged a fee of 3,500 to 13,000 yuan. The vampires grew on the daily basis. In December 1993, the Shanghai Municipality decreed that its register could be obtained via an investment of 1,000,000 yuan or 200,000 U.S. dollars, similar to the L-1 Visa in America. The Shenzhen Municipality of Guangdong Province followed suit in early 1995 by asking for 1,000,000 yuan. On June 13th, 1995, Beijing the capital devised the first ruling against the mobile population. Bear in mind that today's peasants could only make 200 yuan per month excluding the taxes, fees and fertilizers, and the peasant children could only make 2 yuan by inserting fuses into the fireworks per day. What a state-level joke!!! There should be no surprise about the "purchasing power" of those "lucky" peasants. In the mid-1980s, the Chinese families and relatives would assemble an astronomical figure of money just for sake of sending their son or daughter to Japan and Australia for the so-called "overseas studies". They ended up doing the "gold rush".
The kind of human control and organization could be traced to 2,600 years ago when counselor Guan-zi first organized the Qi Principality's army into groups of 5, 10, 100, 500, 1000, etc. Guan-zi's being touted as the forerunner Legalist a possible Han dynasty sophistry writing, Shang Yang, i.e., reformer of the Qin Principality, was credited with enforcing a rule of neighborhood watch. Shang Yang made five households into a so-called 'bao', and ten 'bao' would be a collective unit for punishment should the neighbors fail to report the crime committed by one member. Shang Yang ordered the passes be closed at nights, and when he fled the capital city, he could not be able sneak out of the Han'guguan Pass at night. When he looked for taking rest in a commoner's residence, he was told that he could not stay because 'Prince Shang-jun Laws' forbade it. Shang Yang became a victim of his own system. In the Tang dynasty, Emperor Tang Taizhong enacted some form of the Bao-jia system. In the Soong dynasty, reformer Wang Anshi proposed the 'Bao Jia Law'. In the ancient times, the government could not afford to pay salaries to redundant bureaucrats, and would pay salaries to the county magistrate, only. As exemplified by the Yuan dynasty's Three Elderlies' System, a copycat of the Qin and Han dynasties' systems, each and every village would be responsible for the human management on their own. The familial control was a way to alleviate the government of the administration and financial burdens, not for spying and monitoring. It would be in the Ming dynasty that we would see a "Li-Jia (Neighborhood Watch) System" that was devised solely for watching and spying on each other in the neighborhood for illegal activities. The Ming dynasty would appoint certain elder people to supervise the village communities, and collective responsibility and punishment would be imposed. This Li-Jia or Bao-Jia System was later adopted by the Japanese in their colonial rule and suppression of people in Taiwan as well as on mainland China.
* In Commemoration of China's Fall under the Alien Conquests in A.D. 1279, A.D. 1644 & A.D. 1949 *
Sons and daughters of China, till cutting off the communist pigtails on your heads, don't let up, take heart of grace, and heed the sons & ministers' agony and sorrow of our ancestors who died or lived through the Mongol, Manchu and Soviet-Chicom conquest and the Yongjia, Jingkang and Jiashen cataclysms ! Never, Ever Give Up ! 中國的兒子和女兒們,聆聽在蒙韃、滿清、蘇聯中共的征服和永嘉、靖康、甲申的浩劫中死去或活著的我們的祖先的苦難和悲痛!
U.S.S.R./Comintern Alliance with the KMT & CCP (1923-1927)
Korean/Chinese Communists & the 1931 Japanese Invasion of Manchuria
American Involvement in China: Soviet Operation Snow, IPR Conspiracy, Dixie Mission, Stilwell
Incident, O.S.S. Scheme, Coalition Government Crap, Amerasia Case & The China White Paper

* Stay tuned for "Republican China 1911-1955: A Complete Untold History" *

Zou Rong's Revolutionary Army; Shin Kyu Sik's Shrine (Spirit, Kunitama) of Korea
This snippet is for sons and daughters of China: Heed the sons & ministers' agony and sorrow of our ancestors who died or lived through the Mongol, Manchu and Soviet-Chicom conquest and the Yongjia, Jingkang and Jiashen cataclysms !
Jeanne d'Arc of China:
Teenager girl Xun Guan breaking out of the Wancheng city to borrow the relief troops in the late Western Jinn dynasty; Liu-Shao-shi riding into the barbarian army to rescue her husband in the late Western Jinn dynasty; teenager girl Shen Yunying breaking into Zhang Xianzhong's rebels on the horseback to avenge on father's death in the late Ming dynasty.
China's Solitary and Lone Heroes:
Nan Jiyun breaking out of the Suiyang siege and charging back into the city in the Tang dynasty; Zhang Gui & Zhang Shun Brothers breaking through the Mongol siege of Xiangyang in the Southern Soong dynasty; Liu Tiejun breaking through three communist field armies' siege of Kaifeng in the Republican China time period; Zhang Jian's lone confrontation against the communist army during the June 3rd & 4th Massacre of 1989.

The Dual Township-Countryside Household System
By means of the "Household Registration System", also dubbed the "Dual Township-Countryside Household System", the Chinese communists would divide the Chinese society into two major castes, namely, the township residents who would be paid a monthly salary together with benefits of housing, education, rice and meat coupons, and retirement benefits, against the "agricultural households" who must make their living out of the fields as well as contribute the grains, cotton, vegetable oil, vegetables and other agricultural products to the cities at a pre-set price. While the government would allocate maybe 10 workers to a machine that might require only one to two persons, just for sake of creating the false phenomenon of "full employment" in the socialist society, the peasants and their whole families, women and children included, would continue the toiling under the sun and in the rains, for 50 years, ending in death of at least 27-40 million peasants in the Great Famine of the early 60s as a direct result of the Great Leap Forward (whereas today the government still blamed it on the repayment of the Soviet debts incurred in the Korean War and natural disasters).
One economist had researched the pre-set price data and calculated the exploitation of peasants by the government in terms of the Chinese currency, and his conclusion was that the Chinese government, from year 1952 to year 1978, had cheated out of the Chinese peasants about 714 billion Chinese yuan via the price difference between the industrial and pre-set agricultural products, a pricing mechanism dubbed the "Industrial-Agricultural Scissor Differential" by the communists. This exploitation would be equal to 190 billion Chinese yuan from year 1978 to year 1991.
The "Industrial-Agricultural Scissor Differential" was widened in October 1953 when the CCP adopted a policy of "planned purchase by the State and planned distribution by the State", namely, the CCP exercising the absolute control over the harvesting of grains, vegetable oil and cotton, etc. This was supposedly for meeting the new challenge of 17,000,000 new township population. Hence, the CCP determined that the State would need to "purchase" 70.9 billion "jin" (grams) of rice for the period of July 1st, 1953, to June 30th, 1954. (Here, 2 "jin" is equivalent to 1 kilogram [kg].) The actual "purchase" figure was 78.45 billion "jin" of rice, an increase of 29.3% over the prior year, at the expense of the peasants' living standards. 78.45 billion "jin" of rice, Per Hua Min, was equivalent to one month grains supply for 0.5 billion Chinese peasants in 1954. Hua Min pointed out that the Chinese peasants, who surrendered 67 billion "jin" of rice in 1952, would be required to surrender 90 billion "jin" of rice by June 1956, with an increase of 35%, whereas the production had merely increased by 12% and the agri-population had increased by 2%. The Peasants, both poverty-stricken due to grain surrender and lacking motivation due to collectivization, certainly complained about the communist regime, with the result of about 100,000 peasants and agriculture cadres sentenced as the "reactionaries". (In the whole year of 1954, 330,000 reactionaries and criminals were arrested nationwide, among whom 111,000 were classified as the "reactionaries" and 10,000 around were executed.)
People may ask, "Why don't the peasants get married with the city dwellers and hence leave the countryside once and for all?. The cruel reality here is that the communist "Household Registration System" mandates that all babies born would automatically get registered in the same household as the mother's. This basically means that peasant women would never be able to marry the city dwellers to have their babies enjoy the rights afforded in the cities, the birthplace of the father, even though the father belong to the city caste. On the contrary, the city women would never ever consider marrying someone from the countryside, self-apparent in the benefits of housing, education, medical care and etc., that would otherwise be lost should they marry men from the countryside. Some wise guy pointed out that the Chinese communists had deliberately weakened the Chinese race physically as well as mentally. The stringent caste society had led to an unscientific inter-marriage among the peasants (comprising of 70-80% of the total Chinese population), with statistics showing that 80% of the peasants inter-marry within the same county, 50% within the same xiang (shire equivalent, previously in the form of communes), and 30% within the same village. This webmaster simply could not imagine how short-sighted the communists are in weakening the Chinese Race and am extremely worried about the future of the Chinese People and Chinese Nation. (The so-called reform had changed this picture, with the peasants having abandoned the land to be migrant workers in the cities.)
In the old days, the peasants, once they entered the towns and cities, would not be able to buy a meal without the rice or flour coupons. Xin Hao-Nian's book, Which Is The New China, reminded me that there were in existence three kinds of coupons, national circulation, regional circulation, and local circulation. This is in addition to the requirement of a so-called 'referral letter' stamped by some working units for sake of buying the train tickets or staying in a hotel. mentioned that Sichuan peasants, in the old days, would have to carry rice inside a towel whenever they visited some towns. Why? Because the peasants, without the coupons, would have to exchange their uncooked rice for some cooked food with the restaurant or shops.
What a joke here in that the peasants, who produced the grains, could not buy any food while visiting the towns and cities! With the recent economic reforms heralded by Deng Xiaoping, some benefits attached to a city household had become obsolete, namely, the rice coupons and the meat coupons, etc., are now forfeited, and there were no more two price tiers for rice on the marketplace. However, the social and political rights like the medical care, retirement benefits, and schooling, attached to the city households, did not and would not disappear, and the main item of economic rights, like housing, did not and would not disappear, either. Some special economic zones, like Shenzhen, have some flexibility in offering the city household residency as long as the working units provide the sponsorship. This certainly applies to the skilled labor from some innerland cities and towns, but not to the poor teenager girls who were burnt dead in the confinement of some toy factories in Shenzhen SEZ as a result of the owner's security policy of preventing his manufactured toys from being stolen.
Recently, there is revelation of the hardship and tragedies of the "migrant" workers, i.e., peasant workers and girls, in Beijing. Unfortunately, the general city public, more indifferent than sympathetic, paid more attention to the crimes committed by some of those "migrant" workers. To give a facelift for the 50th anniversary of the founding of the PRC, the communist government launched waves of "taifeng" (Typhoon or policing hurricanes) to round up the migrants, beggars and others deemed undesirable. People have to know that it is exactly those "migrant workers" who had been responsible for building the thousands of skyscrapers across China's cities. Prior to October 1st, 1999, the Jiang politburo, in order for the successful celebration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the PRC, had decreed that the unemployed and the retired would get a raise of 30% in their monthly allowance. Using the terms of economics, this would be called the "wealth transfer". The victims of this decree would be the peasants who, never having had received a penny from the government, would be deprived of more wealth as a result of the less purchasing power on the part of the peasants vs. more purchasing power on the part of the city dwellers, plus inflation from the currency over-circulation.
'All-People Registers' vs. 'Collective Registers'
In the towns and cities, the sub-castes would include the so-called 'Quanmin' (all people) versus 'Jiti' (collective) household registers, namely, the 'All-People Registers' versus the 'Collective Registers'. In the alleys or streets of the towns and cities, you would notice that some factories were of the 'Quanmin' or 'All-People' nature while others were of the 'Jiti' or 'Collective' nature. The 'All-People' subcaste enjoyed a better status than the 'Jiti' group. Further, there would be the 'contractor sub-caste', a term used for designating people working on the temporary assignments. According to Ma Hong's Economic Annals, 'Quanmin' versus 'Jiti' were differentiated in the areas of i) resource control and ownership by the government, ii) observing the orders of government planning on the macro level, iii) extent of surrendering income to the government, and iv) the standard government-sanctioned wage level versus self-regulated pay level. No doubt is the fact that people like to work for the 'All-People' enterprises for the apparent reason that it was previously a government-guaranteed 'iron bowl'; in contrast, the 'Jiti' enterprises did not enjoy the government subsidy and the pay scale varied according to the output and profit from the business operations. The CCP created the two castes on basis of the historical background: the 'Jiti' enterprises were converted from the individual proprietorships either through 'peaceful reformation' or nominal redemption, while the 'All-People' enterprises were converted, through straightforward forfeiture, from the so-called 'dealer-broker' enterprises of the foreigners, 'feudalist-owned enterprises' and 'national monopoly enterprises' of the ex-KMT regime. Shan Shaojie pointed out in Mao In Power 1949-1976 (Mirror Books, 2000, Carle Place, NY, ISBN 962-8744-31-3) that Mao Tse-tung had adopted this measure of property deprivation so that the individual proprietorships (i.e., petty-bourgeoisie), who had lost their quasi voting rights in the Chinese People's Political Consultative Committee, would forfeit their economic basis as well during this transformation to the 'socialism' stage from the transitionary stage of 'neo-democracy-ism'.

The Peasants' Starvation & The Great Leap Forward
The Chinese peasants, subdivided into at least the four levels of wealthy, well-to-do, medium (including lower-than-medium or "xiazhong") and poor, plus a category called 'leasehold peasants' (gu'nong), did enjoy a few happy and merry communistic days in the late 50s when Mao launched in 1958 the "Great Leap Forward" (GLF), the year the second five-year plan began. In August 1958, Mao assembled a meeting in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, which was attended by Robert Shapiro who, now a member of the Chinese Political Consultative Committee (CPCC), wrote a book called "I Chose China: The Metamorphosis of a Man and a Country". The so-called "agricultural cooperatives" would undergo intensified collectivization to form the 'people's communes', which would not dissolve till Deng's economic reform after Mao's death in 1976. (Shapiro, a CPUSA solider of the American field army [which was hijacked by the Soviet agents], defected to the communist side during the late 1940s, and was immediately awarded with a Chinese woman as wife. Another American dupe of similar nature would be Ewrin Engst (Yang-zao, 1918-2003) who came to China on the UNRRA project for hopping to Yenan in 1946 as well as induced fiancee to China, i.e., Joan Hinton (Haan-chun, 1921-2010), a Manhattan Project participant and an atomic science doctorate who ultimately forfeited her scientific prospect to join Engst in Shenxi and become a lifelong cow farm operator. It was CPUSA William Hinton (1919-2004), who converted his Cornell roommate Ewrin Engst (1918-2003) to the communist cause, visited the communists in Yenan in 1945 as an OSS agent of the Dixie Mission, and directly involved himself in the CCP Bloody Land Reform of 1947 in writing propaganda Fanshen: A Documentary of Revolution in a Chinese Village [Han Ding/Haan-ding].)
The Peasants for the first time ate in the public canteens of the communes. Mao launched a new wave of the 'human sea tactics': Tens of thousands of peasants were ordered to make iron and steel (with a target of reaching an annual production of 10.4 million tons). The peasants destroyed almost all iron utensils for making steel to answer Mao's crazy call for catching up with the steel production of the U.S.A. or Britain within 15 years. The end result was the useless iron as a result of lack of high temperature furnaces. My maternal grandpa was ordered to go to Suzhou for making the iron and steel, and when he returned home, he had to sell his bed sheet to pay for the ticket home. His village was classified to be under the Suzhou Admin Circuit after the Songjiang Circuit was revoked.
In northern Manchuria, by the River Ussuri, this webmaster's father and his No. 850 Farm (staffed by 100,000 Chinese officers repatriated from the Korean Battlefield) dug through the frozen ground (i.e., frozen marshland) to make a canal for one whole week, sleepless, using pickaxe for breaking the soil. Sitting with him on the tractor was a military convoy platoon commander, and supervising him would be a former tank battalion commander who, a Mongol in ethnicity, often cursed his subordinate officers as a bunch of KMT bastards. The reason for digging the canal was to empty the water in the swamp land which later turned into 1.05 million "Chinese acres" of farmland. Tilling the fields on the Northern Wilderness's expansive land day in and day out, my father found a wolf sitting inside the tractor on one morning. Note that the grain harvests on the military farms were completely surrendered to the government as the peasants did. The excuse was to repay the Soviet debts. My father had to mimic his colleagues in stealing the soybean seeds for the hungry stomach, but he ate the soybean seeds processed by a fertilizer, leading to a diarrhea that 'luckily' killed all intestine parasites. The only occasion when my father and his colleagues felt happy would be the free lunch or dinner while attending conferences at the farm headquarters or inspecting the sub-farm machinery. The army officers enjoyed better treatment. Hundreds of thousands of Sichuan Province girls swamped into the northern tip of Manchuria for convenient marriages with 100000 expatriated officers. Nearby, at the Mt Yunshan Husbandry Farm, rightist Xie He'geng still could find rotten vegetable leaflets for food in 1960. According to Dai Huang's recollection, 10% of the 300-400 rightists died of starvation at Farm 850. The alloted monthly grains were reduced throughout 1957-1960, from 100 jin to 72, 63, 48, 36, 19 per month. But, at the Jiabiangou Gully Farm of Gansu Province, a sand dune area next to the Gobi, hundreds [up to possibly 1500 deaths] among a total of 2400 rightists were starved to death or persecuted to death. KMT General Fu Zuoyi's brother [or cousin], i.e., Fu Zuogong, died of hunger & persecution in March 1960 at Jiapigou. Ensuing from the 1957 anti-Rightist movement, the communists built or converted a few farms around Peking into labor camps, including Farm 581, Farm 582, to Farm 585, etc., that were named after year 1958. Farm 585, or Qinghe Farm, was the most notorious in that only three rightists survived the famine of 1959-1961, including one such person named Feng Guojiang, an Indonesian Chinese who returned to China for the communist revolution. (Qinghe Farm, with several stages of usage, was at first a prison that housed the purported KMT special agents that saw 440 such former regime people sentenced to various terms on July 12th, 1950, before the Suppression of Reactionaries' Movement, i.e., calculated killings mandated in 'March 18, 1950 Instructions' and 'Double 10th Instructions', was to further incarcerate and eliminate many of the same people.)
Farm No. 850 was Wang Zhen's second petty project launched in 1955, which was supposed to be a replica of militarty farms of the New Dominion Province. Farm No. 850 had an area covering ten train stops, with its headquarters inside of some building built by the Japanese Kwantung Army. Without a pass, it was not likely to travel the ten train stops' distance to get out of the farm which was segregated from the outside world by a fence. The head of Farm No. 850 was a former army division commander, by the name of Yu Yongqing [who was a Red Army veteran like his superior Wang Zhen], and heads of about nine sub-farms were mostly of the regimental commander level. At one time, a deputy farm superintendent by the name of Bai retrieved my father from the sub-farm for a post at the farm headquarters, i.e., a machinery and technology division that was equipped with two jeeps and one motorcycle. Farm No. 850 was also responsible for supplying the Mount Wanda-shan wood for the People's Hall project in Peking, on which occasion the sub-farm head and my father drove the first shipment of diesel bins to the site and later shouldered the sleeper logs for the railway track that led to Mount Wanda-shan. My father, driving the tractor all night, found himself at the edge of a cliff by daybreak. Numerous rightists joined the logging on Mt Wanda. Farm No. 850 also lent the officer-farmers via the navy transport ships to the Chongmingdao Island at the outset of the Yangtze River. Part of Farm No. 850, including my father's sub-farm chief as well as direct supervisor, were later relocated to Hai-la-er (Hailar) of Inner Mongolia for more farming projects. (Judging by the number of 100,000 Chinese officers, you could extrapolate how many field soldiers had been deployed on the Korean Battlefield. Over 2 million PLA soldiers rotated their duty in Korea for covering up the casualties of up to 1 million. Note that the lower-rank soldiers and officers, after working for North Korea as coolies for free from 1953 to 1958, returned to their hometowns or home villages without the so-called government officialdom posts. The officers, from platoon commanders or higher, were mostly sent to Manchuria. The conventional saying for the Korean War is that Mao intended to eliminate the KMT turn-coat soldiers and officers by sending them to Korea as the "dust [fodder] of cannons blasting". About 14,000-15,000 Chinese prisoners of war made their way to Taiwan ultimately.)
Meanwhile, nationwide, the commune cadres would make up the numbers of "per acre rice or wheat productions" to compete with the fellow communes nationwide. This would be called "launching the high grain output satellites". In early 1959, "The People's Daily" and the New China News Agency reported that in the Zhuangxian County of Hunan Province some commune harvested 35000 kilograms of rice per acre, while some commune in Guangxi Province reached 65000 kilograms per acre. One communist official, ex-general Peng Dehuai, was the only one who stood out against Mao, hence lost his job and was classified as a "counter-reactionary". Peng was previously Mao's garrison general in the years in Yan'an and also the brave volunteer general fighting the Americans in Korea at the risk of taking the atomic bombs' attack. Peng wrote a letter to Mao criticizing the GLF, but Mao published his letter to the whole party which was convening on Mount Lushan in Jiangxi Province on July 17th, 1959. Peng was cheated into making self-criticism for sake of the party unity on July 23rd, but he fell into Mao's trap and was promptly classified into another anti-party clique, consisting of Zhou Xiaozhou [provincial party secretary, Mao's wartime secretary who later committed suicide during the Cultural Revolution], Zhang Wentian [CCP secretary general of 1935-1945 who at one time deprived Mao of his leadership of the Red Army, and was ridiculed by Mao as 'ming jun' or the smart emperor while his wife was ridiculed by Mao to be 'niang niang' or empress], & Huang Kecheng [the PLA chief of staff]. During the 1959 meeting, Wu Han, a former disciple of scholar Hu Shi but converted to the communist cause in the early 1940s while teaching history at Lienda in Southwest China and viciously attacked the former Democratic League colleagues such as Chu Anping and Luo Longji, and accused Peng Dehui of faking as the Ming dynasty's righteous minister Hai Rui. Peng Dehuai, who had personally expressed loyalty to Mao as commander for the Red Army 3rd Corps-Conglomerate during the 1930 Futian Incident (i.e., a mutiny resulting from the Purge of Anti-Bolshevik League), a Mao scheme to eliminate the Jiangxi communists with his Hunan communists, never realized that he had chosen a monster as his master in the very beginning. (Mao Tse-tung attacked Peng Dehuai by invoking the death of his senior son Mao Anying in Korea in November 1950, exclaiming a famous comment: "Wasn't it true that whoever manufactured the first prototype of pottery figurine (terra cotta), i.e., launching the Korean Relief War, would be doomed in losing his lineage?" -- This was a silly allusion to the fact that Qin First Emperor Shihuangdi, who had the terra cotta soldiers buried in his tomb, would cause his family to be exterminated by General Xiang Yu in the aftermath of the uprising against the Qin Dynasty.)
By 1959, the national grain output was 30 million tons less than that in year 1958, and year 1960 output was 26.5 million tons less than that of 1959. The numbers were from Ma Hong's Economic Annals. The peasants would later see their grains, including their own quota and seeds, surrendered to the government for meeting the inflated per acre rice or wheat production. 27 million peasants perished in the Great Famine. Unofficial figures would run as high as 40 to 60 million. Deng Xiaoping, the party general secretary of the time, at first refused to open the army grain reserves, saying that the army might need it should the Soviet Union or the U.S.A. invade China. Later, excuses were made for the cause of the death of the peasants whose numbers were never allowed to be publicized, one excuse being the repayment of the Soviet debt with the worsening of the Sino-Soviet ties in 1960 and the other being that 1) peasants ate too much in the commune canteens, 2) the three-year-long natural disaster, and 3) peasants melted the hoes and etc., thus having no tools for tilling the fields.
The truth, according to one Chinese who came over to the U.S. from Anhui Province, however, is that the peasants surrendered the seeds to meet the inflated quotas (the so-called output satellites) and the consequent disastrous harvests in 1959-1960. This Anhui fellow-countryman talked about how the peasants in their village, after finishing up all the grass, trees, roots and leaves, ate the mud, a kind of soft mud called "Guanyin Mud" which was rumored to be specially reserved by the Guanyin (the female god of mercy, bodhisattva Amitabha, one of the four Mahayanist sects in China which propagates the salvation in the 'pure land' in the west) for the famine years; hordes of peasants died of the swollen stomach. Wei Jingsheng, in his autobiography, had mentioned the stories told by his Anhui cousins, namely, the party apparatus, in order to meet the inflated figures, would dig deep into the ground of villagers in search of grains, and Wei mentioned that the majority of people in his hometown village had died and some families were exterminated altogether. The search-and-confiscate approach, according to one person's recollection, was the consequence of a widely-held belief that the peasants, who had achieved the huge output as evidenced by the 'high grain output satellite', must have hidden their grains in the underground vaults.
The famine also reached the cities. Robert Shapiro had description of the rations he experienced during those years. Mao himself was sadi to have ordered a cut in the meat supply (giving up his favorite soy-sauce-cooked pork meat) and planted some vegetables in his Zhongnanhai 'white house', which sounded like a made-up rumor since Mao was busy dancing with teenager girls weekly and never relented on indulgence during the famine years. In contrast with the countryside, however, at least the people in the cities still had something to eat. There was a story by an Anhui countryman who said that he was the only kid in his village to have survived the famine because he was attending the junior high school in the township capital and was entitled to the rations for the grains while his childhood pals in the village had all perished. Prisoners, like the rightists, died in batches across the country. In Yunnan Province, having barely escaped the execution storm in 1951, Lu Keng, whose family sent in two eggs during the timeframe of 1958-1960, would be starving almost to death, only to have survived after he was offered the "intensive-labor grain quota" after a security official from the Kunming city visited him at prison with an anti-communist leaflet which floated around in Peking the capital city with a similar handwriting, stating something like "People who were starved to death did not do anything wrong to the communists, whereas the communists owed the people for the death".
The harvest situation posed some ambiguity here: According to Peng Dehuai, he personally saw rice not being harvested in 1959 because the manpower was sent to producing iron and steel. Robert Shapiro noted, however, that the grain output dropped sharply and the year 1959 was the first of the so-called 'Three Bad Years', and he blamed it partly on the repayment of the Soviet Debt (see page 144, I Chose China). However, Nikita Khrushchov did not break with the Chinese communists till July 1960 when he abruptly broke all 343 contracts under the Sino-Soviet Friendship Treaty, cancelled 257 projects, and called home 1,390 Soviet experts (see page 147, I Chose China). Nikita Khrushchov (Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev) felt offended after the 31 July-3 August 1958 visit with Mao over Mao's bombarding Quemoy right after the Soviet leader's departure, which gave people an impression that the escalation of conflict was endorsed by the Soviets, and in a subsequent visit in 1959, Nikita Khrushchov, who was already fed up with Mao over Mao's Great Leap Forward policies (Mao's self-reliance attempt), was further infuriated by Mao's refusal to release the American prisoners of war, which was Khrushchov's attempt at normalizing relations with Dwight D. Eisenhower, as well as communist actions in Tibet and relations with Jawaharlal Nehru's India. Seemingly, it was the dispute of two communist leaders as to interpretation of orthodox Marxism, the fundamental cause for the discord was rooted in Nikita Khrushchov's de-Stalinization and denunciation of "the Cult of Personality", which irked Mao who took himself as Stalin the Second and hence created an impression of schism on the superficial pretext of policy differences as to international peaceful coexistence with the Western Bloc. By 1961, ideological differences and resentment over the Soviet withholding the atomic bomb technology led to Mao's formal denunciation of Soviet communism as revisionism and the Soviet Union as the social imperialist. Unlike Mao, Nikita Khrushchov was courteous to Mao, and back on September 29th, 1954, first visited China on which occasion he was described to be like a kindergarten kid stepping into the rubber tree farm of the Hainan Island to observe the plantation which was said to be run with seeds stolen from Southeast Asia under Zhou Enlai's personal direction, as well as renounced many of Stalin's chauvinist policies imposed on China (i.e., treating communist China as merely a link in the Soviet Union's product chains), and repaired relations with many trade agreements. Under Khrushchov, the Soviet Union started to wholeheartedly support Communist China as to industrial development covering fifteen categories and numbering 156 projects, and supplied China with technology to build the atomic bombs with transfer of technology concerning nuclear reactors. The Soviets, since 1958, renegaded on the technology transfer for atomic bombs, likely another trigger of the Sino-Soviet schism.
The Alternative Explanation
This webmaster is adding the following paragraph two and a half years after starting to inquire into the causes of famine and starvation. This webmaster asked parents what they might think the causes for starvation and death of the peasants from 1959 to 1961 would be, and they, around ages of 30 during the famine years, would still use the official wording 'Three Year Natural Disaster' to describe the causes of the peasants' death. This webmaster told parents that many experts had compared the three years with the rest of China's disaster history and concluded that nothing in particular had impacted the nation on a whole scale. This shows that when the lies are said one hundred times, it would become truth.
According to the new information provided by Wang Weiluo on May 12th, 2001, as shown on, the grain output decreased by 17.6% in 1959, and the 1960 output decreased by 18.5%, and it would be in year 1966 that the grain output was restored to the level as seen in 1958. The above figures were also available in Ma Hong's Economic Annals. The most commonly cited cause would be
    Low sowing and dessertation of land due to labor routing to iron & steel and reservoirs
Example: in 1958, the labor force in Shangdong Province went for iron & steel and reservoirs, and only three fourths of the land were plowed and planted the seeds. In the winter of 1959, about 8.87 million peasants were building the reservoirs, and still several millions of peasants were working on the reservoir projects in 1960 when the economy was already in collapse. Mr. Wang Weiluo gave one extra cause
    Export of 4.15 million tons of grains in exchange for gold/foreign currency for sake of the atom project
The 1 January 1960, Commentary on "The People's Daily" claimed that the year of 1960 would be an even bigger 'leap' year than 1959. In the beginning of the so-called Three Red Flags, namely, the General Roadmap, the Great Leap Forward, and the People's Communes, the communist state council had dismantled the so-called 'disaster relief committee'. Ignoring the surfacing of grain shortage, Mao launched the 'Peng Dehuai Anti-Party Clique' movement on Mount Lushan in 1959 and exacerbated the worsening situations. There were still around 34.3 billion grams of grain reserves (equiv 17.15 million tons ?) in June 1959, enough for the supply of all township population across the nation for a whole year. Wang calculated that the shortage of grains would cause about 24 million people starvation, and if each of those people would be allocated 250 kilograms per year, the shortage would be about 6 million tons of grains. That means the export had deprived the life of 24 million people. (Wang also gave an number of the cost of the Yellow River dam as another cause of drain on the national resources during that timeframe.)
In May 1960, another 'Three Anti' movement was launched in the countryside. On November 7th, 1960, the army was engaged in a movement of "meditating on the class hardship and national hardship" and "thinking about sweetness under the [thuggery] communist rule". My maternal grandparents, like all commune members, surrendered all harvested grains to the government, in accordance with the government policy as to "concerted purchase & concerted sale". Few months after the launch of the Great Leap Forward, the commune canteens were shut down due to shortage of the grain supply, and the peasants had to eat miscellaneous stuff to survive the starvation. My mother recalled that she and her classmates had to eat to their full stomach at the junior school before going home because they had nothing to eat at home at all.
Mao himself did not know that the Chinese peasants were dying till September 1960 when his personal bodyguard (Wang Dongxing) read to him the letters that families of the soldiers wrote. It was said that communist premier Zhou Enlai (the person whom John King Fairbanks believed could fix everything) and communist president Liu Shaoqi had asked Wang to read these letters to Mao because those high-ranking officials dared not tell Mao about the peasant death. Another saying is that Liu had deliberately waited so long so that Mao would have to acknowledge his mistake and resign some of his posts later. What a tragedy !!! In April of 1956, famine caused 14.6 thousand Guangxi people to flee across the border. In northern Manchuria, girls and women from Sichuan Province swarmed over for marriages with the repatriated officers from Korea. In 1960, No. 850 Farm on the River Ussuri, one of the border farms under Wang Zhen's Agriculture Ministry, people had to steal horse's fodder for food, and hordes of people fled the farm, with the deputy farm commissar picking up pistol to chase those escapees on one occasion. One of the escapees, who borrowed half of my father's monthly stipend, tried to persuade my father into fleeing together with two other pals, and then fled to nearby Jixi Coal Mine. Numerous rightists escaped from the hinterland provinces for a passage to the Soviet Central Asia. On April 16, 1962, 70 thousand minority people of the Ili-Tacheng areas defected to the U.S.S.R.
Different numbers occurred here as to the people who were starved to death; however, the general consensus is a range of 20 to 30 million. Yang Jisheng conducted a statistic analysis and derived the number of 36 million. On basis of death of like 2 million people in the Xinyang county of Henan, alone, including the beating death of hundreds of thousands of lower-level communist cadres for resisting the heavy-handed grain-collection order, the actual nationwide death toll could reach 50-60 million. To solve the economic crisis, the CCP ordered the massive shutdown of state enterprises which decreased to a total unit of 197,000 in 1962 from 318,000 in year 1959, a reduction by 38%. By August of year 1963, nationally, the salaried employees were cut by 18.87 million, and in addition, the township population were cut by 26 million. The forced migration into the countryside had caused the peasant labor to increase by 57.86 million, to a total peasant labor force of 212,780,000, namely, 0.213 billion, from year 1958 to year 1962. Once in the countryside, this new influx of 57.86 million people would have to get the food from the fields by themselves.
In 1961, Wu Han's historical drama, "Hai Rui's Dismissal" was taken as a play for sympathizing with deposed Peng Dehuai. In 1962, Mao Tse-tung was forced into yielding power to vice president Liu Shaoqi during a 7000-people expanded meeting of the communist party. Communist president Liu Shaoqi said in a meeting in Jan-Feb 1962 that the mistakes in the prior years should be attributed to 70% human errors and 30% natural disasters. Liu was said to have told Mao that cannibalism that occurred in the GLF years would be recorded in history. According to rightist Dai Huang, after the 7000-people expanded meeting of early 1962, there was a looseing period when the communists began to rehabilitate the 1959 Rightist Trend party members or the Right-sided Rightists, with Dai Huang at one time given a chance to write a self-reflection article for presentation to the party till things changed again when Mao called on "class struggle" again. In October 1962, Mao Tse-tung and the CCP instructed "You should never forget about class struggles" in its 10th Plenary of the 8th Session meeting. Xi Zhongxun, who managed to escape the purge of Peng Dehuai and Jia Tuofu's "Northwestern" discussion group at the Lushan Meeting of July 2-Aug 16 1959, was implicated in accusation that he used fiction Liu Zhidan, a novel written by the wife of Liu Jingfan (Liu Zhidan's brother) as a tool of counter-revolution. The Shenxi communist clique, including the late Shenxi communist leader Liu Zhidan's family members as well as Shenxi clique lieutenants such as Xi Zhongxun, et al., numbering hundreds of thousands, were persecuted for the fiction or fictional memoirs on Liu Zhidan.
* In Commemoration of China's Fall under the Alien Conquests in A.D. 1279, A.D. 1644 & A.D. 1949 *
Sons and daughters of China, till cutting off the communist pigtails on your heads, don't let up, take heart of grace, and heed the sons & ministers' agony and sorrow of our ancestors who died or lived through the Mongol, Manchu and Soviet-Chicom conquest and the Yongjia, Jingkang and Jiashen cataclysms ! Never, Ever Give Up ! 中國的兒子和女兒們,聆聽在蒙韃、滿清、蘇聯中共的征服和永嘉、靖康、甲申的浩劫中死去或活著的我們的祖先的苦難和悲痛!
U.S.S.R./Comintern Alliance with the KMT & CCP (1923-1927)
Korean/Chinese Communists & the 1931 Japanese Invasion of Manchuria
American Involvement in China: Soviet Operation Snow, IPR Conspiracy, Dixie Mission, Stilwell
Incident, O.S.S. Scheme, Coalition Government Crap, Amerasia Case & The China White Paper

* Stay tuned for "Republican China 1911-1955: A Complete Untold History" *

Zou Rong's Revolutionary Army; Shin Kyu Sik's Shrine (Spirit, Kunitama) of Korea
This snippet is for sons and daughters of China: Heed the sons & ministers' agony and sorrow of our ancestors who died or lived through the Mongol, Manchu and Soviet-Chicom conquest and the Yongjia, Jingkang and Jiashen cataclysms !
Jeanne d'Arc of China:
Teenager girl Xun Guan breaking out of the Wancheng city to borrow the relief troops in the late Western Jinn dynasty; Liu-Shao-shi riding into the barbarian army to rescue her husband in the late Western Jinn dynasty; teenager girl Shen Yunying breaking into Zhang Xianzhong's rebels on the horseback to avenge on father's death in the late Ming dynasty.
China's Solitary and Lone Heroes:
Nan Jiyun breaking out of the Suiyang siege and charging back into the city in the Tang dynasty; Zhang Gui & Zhang Shun Brothers breaking through the Mongol siege of Xiangyang in the Southern Soong dynasty; Liu Tiejun breaking through three communist field armies' siege of Kaifeng in the Republican China time period; Zhang Jian's lone confrontation against the communist army during the June 3rd & 4th Massacre of 1989.

Cruel Ruling Far Worse Than the Danger Of A Tiger
In the countryside, the Chinese peasants are born and then die on their own for thousand years. What they hope for has been a lenient government with lower taxes. At the times of difficulty, the peasants resorted to forbearance and constraint, and at most take flight to the secluded areas: Confucius once met an old woman who cried for the loss of her grandson, son and husband to a tiger in the mountains and asked her why she chose to live in the mountains; the old woman replied that she would rather live near the tiger than to live under the cruel exploitation by the government; and Confucius commented that the cruel ruling is far worse than the danger of a tiger. At the times of famine and natural disaster coupled with the corrupted government ruling, the Chinese peasants had resorted to rebellion. (In history, China's dynastic substitution was mostly the results of mutiny or foreign invasion, except for the Yellow Turbans of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Red Turbans of the Yuan Dynasty: mutiny applied to Li Zicheng & Zhang Xianzhong's rebellion in late Ming Dynasty, and the Xin Hai Revolution in late Qing Dynasty, as well as applied to the scenario of the 1927 Communist Revolution in Nanchang and Canton against the Nationalist Government.)
The rebellion in the late Qin Dynasty resulted in the overthrow of the first Chinese empire of Qin and the enthronement of first Chinese commoner, Liu Bang, as founder of the Han Dynasty. Later, the Red Eyebrow rebellion would overthrow the Xin Dynasty (intermittent between the Former Han and Latter Han dynasties). The Yellow Turbans crippled the Latter Han Dynasty. At the times of the Mongol rule, China produced another commoner, Zhu Yuanzhuang, as the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Ironically, Ming itself was overthrown by the hungry peasants of Shaanxi, with the emperor hanging himself inside the Forbidden City when the rebels sacked the city of Peking. The peasants, again, as the Taiping rebels, and the Nian rebels, crippled the Manchu Qing Dynasty. Mao himself, son of a small landowner, founded the People's Republic of China via the peasants by calling on the peasants to kill the landlords. The PRC was founded on the bodies and bones of peasants who stacked up the battleground to the height of the city defense walls of Ji'nan and Taiyuan, filled up the middle and lower Yangtze River, the straits of Zhoushan and Hainan Islands, and numbered 9000 deaths on the beach of the Quemoy Islands. exclaimed that the CCP's net was so tightly knit that no peasants could resort to rebellion during the Great Famine, even with a death toll of dozens of millions of peasants.
The communists, during the civil war, had wanton disregard for the human life. Numerous books talked about the communist sabotage of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA)'s irrigation projects and Yellow River rerouting programs for inundating the government-controlled area. Before the Japanese surrender, John Birch witnessed the communists' breaking the dikes to inundate the Nationalist army area during the 1944 Ichigo Campaign. One reporter mentioned his visit to the peasants along the Yellow River where the people's liberation army, in tens of thousands, under General Liu Bocheng and political czar Deng Xiaoping, had crossed via the wooden boats which were carved and hidden by peasants for months, on which occasion the peasants dug dozens of canals leading to the Yellow River from respective villages along the bank and later died in hundreds sailing the PLA soldiers across the river under the bombardment of the nationalist army's planes. Those peasants told the reporter that they still had nothing from the government except for the so-called "liberation medals" awarded to them for the contribution to the Yellow River Crossing.
In Manchuria, during the civil war, by 1948, the communists, according to the four-volume communist compiling Northeast Economics and Finance, possessed over one million civilian logistic support personnel for the Jinzhou-Liaoxi Campaign as well as a full railway administration and police army after the Soviet railway army corps fully repaired the westernmost Manchuria railway trunk line. The same civilians were often forced to charge at the government army's positions to exhaust the bullets, i.e., the barbaric human sea attacks. The communists claimed to have recruited an army of 1.6 million within four years (1945-1949) in addition to mobilization of a logistic auxiliary support horde of 3.13 million civilians in Manchuria, namely, the fodder that the communists never hesitated to push against the fire power of the nationalist army during the civil war. (According to the Soviet-published book, the Soviet military advisers who directed the Chinese civil wars were sent to Manchuria disguised as railway operators in Manchuria. The communists and Soviets controlled more than 60% of the total railway tracks in the whole territory of Manchuria throughout 1945-1948. The 'railway' tag was a guise for intervening in the Chinese civil wars, namely, the cloak of secrecy under which the Soviets orchestrated the historical Soviet conquest of China to fulfill Stalin's mantle that pro-Soviet regimes must be established in all territories that the Soviet Red Army ever stepped on, no matter Europe or Asia.)
The most notorious and heinous communist crime would be the siege of Changchun that led to death of at minimum 300,000 civilians, a number exceeding the victims from the 1937 Japanese Rape Of Nanking. The communist records, i.e., a four-volume compiling Northeast Economics and Finance, claimed that there were only 100,000 people left out of 600,000 people after the 1948 communist siege and blockade of Changchun. While claiming that 100,000 people died of starvation [and cannibalism] and 400,000 people fled the city, the communists obfuscated the records on the fate of those 400,000 civilians who were trapped between the city wall and the communist blockade line, something vividly recorded by Zhang Zhenglong's Snow White, Blood Red.
The same communist publication, in a passage on reconstruction of the city, claimed that the following spring, about early March to mid-April 1949, communist mayor Zou Dapeng located and buried or cremated an additional 34,056 corpses, i.e., victims from the communist siege of Changchun half a year ago. Changchun used to boast of a population of 800,000 at the time of the Japanese surrender. Zou Dapeng, an early communism activist in Manchuria, at one time infiltrated into Deng Tiemei and Ma Zhanshan's Northeast Loyal & Righteous Army in the early 1930s before returning to Yenan to be a career communist Social Department agent and after the communist victory acted as assistant to communist spymaster Li Kenong and consecutively spymaster Kang Sheng, a job he held till 1967 when he committed suicide with wife during the Cultural Revolution and under duress from Kang Sheng.
Misfortune of the Chinese Peasants
The irony here is that the communists, who considered themselves the peasants' army, would trample the peasants once they obtained the power and this trampling was unheard of in the Chinese history. Misfortune of the Chinese peasants would be economic, social and political. The lack of infrastructure like the running water and electricity or the lack of medical care notwithstanding, the lack of education is most crippling. For it directly suppressed the development of the brains and intelligence of masses of the Chinese peasants who previously constituted over 80% of the population. In the days prior to Deng Xiaoping's reforms, majority of the peasants would directly fetch water from the rivers for usage; at most they may have access to the well water. The water treatment plants and running water were non-existent. In the 70s, when this webmaster visited my grandmother in a medium-size town, this webmaster would see my uncle go to the river to fetch water, while the same river would be afloat with all dirties as well as the discharges from a nearby slaughterhouse. During the "Cultural Revolution", there were some films about the "barefoot doctors" who were praised to have extended medical care to those poor peasants, and it's really a joke because the barefoot doctor's medical box was equipped with some medicines for external injuries, only, like cuts. Most of my relatives in the countryside rarely saw a doctor in those times, and my impression is that every commune which usually housed its administration in the biggest town of that particular commune, might have just one clinic. This webmaster, in order to do X-ray, would have to travel a distance to the clinic in the commune. But the peasants never had the free medical care system as available to the city dwellers, and the peasants had to pay for any treatment. Recently, the peasants in my grandparents' place began to receive from the government some 15 Chinese yuan per month as a retirement subsidy. It was said that the peasants in other provinces do not have this benefit yet.
Education would be the most important issue to be discussed. In the 50s, there seemed to be only one or two junior middle school in any county the Yangtze Delta area, and situation in the inner provinces couldn't be much bleaker. My mother would become the first one to attend a county-level junior middle school and the price she paid would be walking a dozen Chinese leagues (2 li or leagues = 1 kilometer) every day for school attendance. Later in my times, the late 70s, in every commune there would exist one junior high school and some large communes might have some senior high school, but there were only two key senior high schools in the whole county in the early 80s. Statistics show that China might have more than 250-300 million (or 0.25-0.3 billion) illiterate or semi-literate, and most of them are peasants and their kids.
In the early 80s, some limited number of city-level key senior high schools were open to the disadvantaged countryside students on boarding basis. Encouraged by the news, this webmaster would often study till 2-3 am at night for the competitive entrance exam. This webmaster would be one of the two kids who had left for the city-level key senior high school in that year, after quite some frustration related to the county education board's control of the quotas. As a student from the countryside, this webmaster would take the entrance exam in the commune where this webmaster lived closest to, and this webmaster was said to have scored No 4 in the whole county. However, the county's education board, monopolized by the people of connections in township capital, had deliberately left me out and sent a dozen of their own kids to the city-level key senior high schools. My father would later travel to the city to complain to such party propaganda organs as the "Wen Hui Bao" newspaper, and my parents also went to see the principals of city-level key senior high schools, separately, and this webmaster finally entered a city-level key senior high school where my father had attended in the 50s, with the help of a school director who had worked on the same post since the 1950s. My name would be manually added to the class roster every time a new roster was used. Up to today, the county's education official who determined my fate is still in charge and corruption should still be rampant there.
After so many years, this webmaster had occasionally reflected on this episode of history, and said to self that this webmaster would never have continued onto the college and later studied in America if this webmaster had forfeited the chance to enter the city-level key senior high school. Should this webmaster fail to come to the U.S.A., this website would never been set up and the bitterness and hardship of the Chinese peasants (who at this moment might be still sleeping in tens of thousands in and around the train stations in such big cities like Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing, dubbed by "Mang Liu", the aimless drifters who are actually the migrant peasant workers coming to the big city's construction site to sell their labor) would never be heard.

The Phenomenon Of Subdivided Houses
In the cities, there had ensued a temporary vacancy when the capitalists, the landlords and wealthy people as well as the common people, numbering over 2 million, followed the ex-KMT government all the way to Taiwan. There were stupid people during the time of power change. One adopted son of my great grandfather went out on a buying spree after borrowing the gold bars, i.e., the life savings of my great grandfather, and he took over large patches of land from the fleeing landowners.
Meanwhile, the communist soldiers and the logistic support columns, who had originally enrolled in the People's Liberation Army (PLA) as peasants from the countryside in northern China, had been steadily migrating into cities. The workers on the docks of Shanghai or the women workers in the textile factories, and people living in the slum areas, i.e., Gundilong in Shanghai, would become the official residents of the city. The inflow of peasants into the cities had much to do with the communist practice in recruiting those peasants for the earlier war efforts. Numerous reports point to the peasants being used as the human shields in attacking the cities. On records would be that the logistical peasants, two to three times the number of the million strong PLA army, had been dispatched to the battlefields, and those peasants marched from north to south alongside the PLA soldiers. Some communist films depicted the PLA soldiers dating or adultery with the so-called city bourgeoisie girls. Their countryside wives came to the cities to find out that they were dumped. In the 50s and 60s, the city girls had a fashion of marrying the soldiers because of the stable income and political career those soldiers will bring with them. (Note one more thing: In communist China's early constitution, the wives do not have the right to divorce their army husbands.)
After the capitalists and the landlords, the nationalists and their followers, had mostly left the cities for Taiwan or elsewhere for fear of the communists, the influx of people would occupy the vacant houses and divide up the houses. That's why today there are still many families living in the quarters of one big detached house in those extra-territorial districts of Shanghai, a phenomenon called the subdivided houses. Certainly, most wealthy families had surrendered their houses to the government in the early 50s. The in-law families of two of my aunts had quite some properties which were donated to the communist government. Later in the 80s, some of those confiscated houses were returned to the heirs of the landlords for purpose of attracting the overseas capital, and even the Hongkong-Shanghai Bank building was vacated for their old British colonial master. Ironically, the countryside landowners were mostly shot to death and nobody would be able to make a claim even if the communist government had the sincerity to return the confiscated land.
Certainly, the best detached houses were mostly distributed to the high, middle or lower ranking communist officials. Example, Wei Jingshen's father, a PLA officer, had been distributed a detached house in Peking. One cousin of my grandfather, who, with his brother, were mere kids in the late 30s playing with my grandfather's pistol but enrolled in the underground communist party in the late 40s, would then be distributed a detached house in the former French Settlement. He, with the help of his contractor-father for Saint John's University, had first worked as a mail sorter and gate keeper at the university and then joined ranks with the communist students. His detached house would be confiscated during the Cultural Revolution when he and his Saint John's gang were classified as traitors. After the end of the cultural revolution, as a kind of restoration of the fame, he would get a piece of another detached house on the Huaihai Road, not far away from today's American and French consulates. The characteristics of this early time period of the communist power is that whoever occupied or homestead-occupied a house or portion of a house would be the likely user (not owner as the communist doctrines forbid the property ownership) and whoever moved fast enough to get registered in the communist "household registration system" would likely become the "permanent resident" of the particular locality.
There ensued a second wave of "subdivided houses" when the "Cultural Revolution" started in 1966. The Communist government, knowing that "foreign connections" meant for money, deliberately allowed some selected multi-national corporations [including Shell, the British Chemicals, the HK-Shanghai Bank] to continue their operations inside of China. Note that the island of HK was forever ceded to Britain by the Manchus after the 1839-1842 Opium War debacle but was promised to be returned to China after the Japanese surrender: That is, the communist China's sensational recovery of Hongkong in 1997 was a befuddled event that covered up the treachery in the communists' colluding with the British imperialists and colonialists in selling out China's interests, i.e., Hongkong --that was supposed to be returned after the victory over Japan, not something like the New Territories' lease due date of 1997. In mainland China, quite some foreigners and their Chinese employees continued to enjoy the bourgeoisie lifestyle throughout the next 17 years, unscathed by numerous purge and persecution movements against the so-called "national bourgeoisie". Zheng Nian, i.e., author of "Life And Death In Shanghai", had detailed description of her kick-out experiences in July 1966. After she was set free six years later, she would find out that only two rooms on the second floor of her detached house would be returned. Worse than that would be the fact that the communists converted the residents at the subdivided detached house into spies on Zheng Nian. Zheng Nian spent the next eight years relentlessly seeking for the truth of her daughter's "suicide" [i.e., murder by the "cultural revolution committee Shanghai branch"]. (A graduate of the London Economics Institute [1935-1938], Zheng Nian married Zheng Kangqi who was a R.O.C. legation officer to Britain. When the communist troops took over Shanghai in 1949, CCP cadre Zhang Hanfu persuaded Zheng Kangqi into a stay as a foreign affairs adviser. Zheng Nian herself returned to China with her daughter from Sidney, Australia, not knowing the fate of her daughter's murder-death in the later cultural revolution. Zheng Kangqi left for the general manager post at Shell shortly afterward. Zheng Nian took charge of the business operations at Shell after her husband passed away in 1957.)
By the time the Korea War ended, the communist government would implement the "Household Registration System" for sake of stemming the further human migration from the "lower" levels to the "higher" levels, namely, the countryside vs township, or the inner province vs. coastal area. Sensing a tightening of the human population controls, some wise guys left China in the early 50s for HK, the port still open to the outside world (without the requirement of a passport, just like old Shanghai during the times of extraterritoriality). Those who stayed on in China would see their ex-colleague of the 1930s, Jiang Qing (Mao's unofficial wife), to become the director of the cultural revolution committee in the late 60s and prey on them to avenge the old feuds (as competing actress) or love and hate (as old mistress). (Liu Shaotang, a student who followed the communist army south from Peking in the early 1950s, fled to Hongkong from Nanking, for example. Liu Shaotang was to become an editor in Taiwan and was responsible for preserving history with the compilation of dozen books of biographies and autobiographies of the R.O.C. military and political figures. Liu Shaotang had an axiom: one person against one nation (communist China), something that was left undone and something this webmaster had voluntarily inherited for carrying on.)
Soon, the communist government would set up the border post to restrict the human outflows. The HK route would be shut off soon; however, communist premier Zhou could somehow still be able to make arrangement for his relatives and a few family members of the renowned nationalist party leaders and generals to leave China for Taiwan via HK. Zhou Enlai made a special arrangement to allow Chen Jieru, i.e., Chiang Kai-shek's first wife, to emigrate to Hongkong, where Chen Jieru was given a house from Jiang Jingguo to dwell. Zhou Enlai, while working as the politics department director at the Whampoa Military Academy in the mid-1920s, had taken Chiang Kai-shek and Chen Jieru as his 'teacher' and 'teacher's wife' equivalent, and hence made the exception. Jiang Jingguo had provided support to Chen Jieru to thank the stepmother for wiring over money to him while he was studying in the Soviet Union. (Zhou Enlai could have a hand in the publication or non-publication of two books, i.e., Chen Jieru's memoirs [which did not get published till after the death of Chen Jieru and Chiang Kai-shek] and an undercover/pro-communist writer Tang-ren (Yan Qingshu)'s book Jinling [Nanking] Chun Meng [springtime dreams], which was a satirical novel about Chiang Kai-shek. The inter-relation of the two books was probably centered on the rumored figure Zheng-san-fa-zi, someone who was claimed to be a third brother of a Zheng-surnamed family from Henan Province and who was falsely claimed to be adopted by the Jiang family to be the future Chiang Kai-shek. It was difficult to imagine how Chen Jieru, a teenager girl who got acquainted with Chiang Kai-shek in the late 1910s, could have contrived the idea of tagging Chiang Kai-shek as Zheng-san-fa-zi without some brainstorming work on the part of the communists. Did Chen Jieru read the book Jinling [Nanking] Chun Meng [springtime dreams] first, and then mistook it as real, or did Chen Jieru read the gossips in the newspapers during her stay in Chungking in the early 1940s?)
The Chinese City-Dwellers & The Pyramid Scheme
Among the city-dwellers, the caste society will see further classification and division inside the pyramid. First, the communist cadres will be divided into 25 levels, with the top level being the party general secretary, the party central committee chairman, the military committee chairman of the party, the presidents, and the premiers. It shouldn't be a surprise to have 4-5 vice premiers or vice-chairmen in the CCP apparatus, and it is commonplace for a city to possess one mayor and more than several vice-mayors, and each level of divisions, like bureau, division and department of city governing body, and county and its communes, to have multiple vice-heads. After all, the communist system is a bureaucratic system.
When Mao organized the military in late 20s, he had devised a system of multiple leadership, dubbed "Democratic Concentration System". Mao certainly borrowed some concepts from the nationalists whose system was first set up under Mikhail Borodin, a Comintern deputy sent by Lenin to Dr. Sun Yat-sen. Mao would insert a party secretary in each level of military commands beginning from the captains or the company equivalent. Thus, the communist military would have a party czar or gestapo beside the captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, brigadier, major general, lieutenant general, and general. It's a dual responsibility to insure that "Party Directs The Gun Barrel" as the Mao saying goes. This duality would extend to all civil and administrative systems of Chinese society after they took over power in 1949. In each school and college, factory and mine, government branch and police unit, commercial unit and trade organization, there would always exist a dual leadership, namely an administrative head and a party gestapo. Examples, in the city-level key senior high school, we have the principal and his vice-heads as well as the party secretary called "Teaching Director". In the college where this webmaster spent four years in 80s, there was the party branch with party secretaries and vice-secretaries on the college level and on the department level, respectively.
In correspondence with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) structure in Beijing, the college level and department level party secretaries, not shadow leaders at all, are full-time professionals who are in charge of their own party apparatus which includes the "Division of Organization" etc., mirroring the "Ministry of Organization" of CCP in Beijing, said to be the arm in charge of training special agents, maybe overlapping some activities of the State Security Ministry. (The predecessor of State Security Ministry would be the 'Central Investigation Department' of CCP, a department in charge of assassinations and sabotage, with heads like Gu Shunzhang, Xiang Zhongfa, Deng Fa and Li Kenong.)
Note CCP has three ministries, i.e., Ministry of Organization, Ministry of Propaganda and Ministry of United Front. They are, in levels of bureaucracy and officialdom, equivalent to the seven ministries and/or committees of the State Council, including Ministries of Foreign Affairs, National Defense, Public Security, Justice, Finance, Planning Commission, and the People's Bank of China. CCP possesses a Politburo with party general secretary, an academy called 'CCP Central Party Academy', a Central Military Committee that is in charge of Defense Ministry of the State Council, a CCP secretariat (equivalent to State Council's secretariat), a party general secretary office, a rotating committee of party members across the country, a standing committee of selected party members, and a CCP "discipline committee". In the State Council, aside from each and every minister and deputy ministers, there would be assigned a so-called position of 'CCP Section Secretary'.
As to the workers, i.e., the general designation for people who work in factories, in mines, in shops, and in party or government apparatus, there would be levels like group head and vice heads, workshop head and vice heads, etc. They are further divided into eight (8) levels, and every level of workers would enjoy different privileges and treatments as to housing and subsidy, etc. In comparison with workers in towns and big cities, those working on military farms, oilfields and in mines fared just a little better than the peasants in that they were salaried while the peasants are not. However, working conditions for workers in mines are precarious. Once every few months, news of mine blasts or cave-in leaked to the outside world, with hundreds of miners dead. (In June 2000, there was a news report of government prosecution of a group of mine leaders who had deliberately created cave-ins and explosions to kill the contracted peasant miners for sake of insurance claims.) In one sense, the workers working in the oilfields and mines are not much better than those convicts who were sent to the border areas in ancient times, and once they were dispatched there, their residency register would get revoked by the towns where they originally dwelled. We noticed occasional "reciprocal-relocation", namely, one family in the oilfield of Shaobo in Jiangsu Province might switch with another family in some oilfield in New Dominion Province because they mutually agreed to do so. Other than that, the workers in the oilfields and mines, together with their descendants, are likely to stay put for the foreseeable future.
Privileges and treatments are really the game here. By creating the different classes and levels in the caste society, the Chinese communists intend to offer one small level of people more incentives for serving the upper level of a small handful while suppressing the lower level of the masses. By not adopting the great civil services exam of imperial China which had been the prevalent form of selection of the civil administrators of China for 1500 years (not counting the university system set up in Han Dynasty), the CCP had resorted to the most wicked way of ruling, namely, nepotism, corruption and hypocrisy. To order to get promoted to a higher level, the CCP members are constantly engaged in activities of serving the small handful at the upper levels while suppressing the lower level of the masses. That's why we had and have the rampant corruption, bribery and cheating on the part of officials, and the inefficiency and waste of resources inside the government. E.g., Year 2000 saw the vice-chairman of the Chinese Political Consultative Committee imprisoned. The army is no exception. It was engaged in widespread profiteering, in cases of smuggling, operation of nightclubs, and the human organ joint ventures with the American companies. The Jiang politburo had finally cracked down on the army by ordering them to be divested of the commercial interests in year 1999. The police are no exception, either. In a documentary with a similar name to "Miami Vice", i.e., "Shanghai Vice", you would see the widespread heroin trafficking, distribution and usage in China, mostly facilitated by the naturally-born tradesmen from the Afghanistan and Xinjiang areas (in addition to the supply from the Delta in the Thai-Burmese-Yunnan border areas), while the police fought a losing as well as apathetic battle. It was said that many counters in cities (owned by small proprietary business owners) are dealing with drugs as a more profitable alternative business these days. And, it's not rare to see couples being drug addicts together in Chinese families these days. You could notice the occasional display of public destruction of the plagiarized CDs and tapes, but rarely saw the communists publicly burning cocaine and heroin as Governor Lin Zexu of the Manchu Qing Dynasty did prior to the 1839-1842 Opium War. (The above statements were written in late 1998 and early 1999, and this webmaster do give credit to the Jiang Politburo for publicly burning the heroin across the country on June 25th, 2000.)

The Town & Country Administration Layout, & the Civilian-Army Equivalence
In America, we have the words "town and country" for the two facets of life in the cities and in the countryside. In China, the two words would be "cheng" (city or town) and "xiang" (countryside). An examination of the administrative system all over the world will yield the same result, namely, a larger administrative unit overseeing the smaller one, except in China. China, before 1949, used the same administrative layout as the rest of the world, or in another sense, China acted as an example or model for the neighboring countries like Korea, Japan and Vietnam in the areas of administration. In Korea and Japan, there still exists the administrative unit of "dao" or "do" (first adopted by Tang Dynasty's emperor Taizhong who redivided the nation into 10 Daos after conquering both Eastern Turkic Khanate and the Western Turkic Khanate) combining two or three provinces in China but just two or more prefectures in Korea or Japan, as exemplified by the name of the Japanese island of Hokkaido. People in Taiwan and in Japan, in addressing recipients living in either Tokyo or Taipei, would first write the name of the county and then the name of city, like the order of the Taipei County and then the Taipei City. This is the ancient Chinese system, first adopted by Qin Dynasty's first emperor Shihuang who devised thirty-six Jun, prefectures or commanderies (which would be the configuration for the Han Dynasty's commanderies and so on).
However, the communists, deeply rooted in its hostility towards the peasants (whom Mao had praised as the true force in moving the history), possibly as a result of knowledge of its destructive force to an existing regime, would be bent on maintaining the dictatorship at all costs. They inverted the administrative system by initiating the leadership of town and city over the countryside, an exception not seen in history ever.
What the communist system did was to have a city control the multiple counties around it.   Examples: For thousand years, the city or town of Suzhou (Suchow) had been under the county of Wuxian; however, in the communist system, the city of Suzhou would supervise the county of Wuxian plus several other counties in the region, including the county of Kunshan. The supervision of city over counties would mean that the county heads would have to report to the city mayor of Suzhou.
The Kunshan county head was recently promoted to the peer of a Suzhou mayor via a re-organization: the Kunshan county was recently upgraded to the level as a city, just like many other upgrades the communists had promoted. After all, two thousand years of Chinese history talked extensively about the schemes of "winning promotion and getting rich" via the officialdom. When the Kunshan county of the Suzhou city was upgraded to a city, all officials, big and small, get lifted one level higher, thus enjoying a better officialdom treatment in wages, cars, housing and other privileges. Likewise, the county of Jiading (an ancient town which once endured three rounds of Manchu slaughters) was upgraded into a municipal district under the Shanghai city, with the result being that the Jiading township residents would now enjoy the so-called "city residence register", not tradable yet with the counterpart "city households" in Shanghai proper due to the restrictiveness of the communist caste system that we discussed earlier.
County heads and usually several vice heads reporting to the city mayors, the essence here is the priority and scale of authority and the caste-level. The Chinese communist regime's nature is self-apparent here in that it treats the city and the city-dwellers as a higher class in comparison with the peasants in the countryside. Whenever a county is elevated to a city, the word used will be "shengji", literally meaning rising to a higher level, which is derived from the incarnation conceptualization in the Buddhism. By making the county heads reporting to the city mayor who cares nothing about the agriculture industry and the peasants' welfare, the system just serves the purpose of perfecting the pyramid layout.
For the cadres, the system will decree that the county head is equivalent to the district chief of a city, thus enjoying the same treatment and benefits in housing, wages and vehicle service, etc. Moreover, the caste system decrees that the PLA army colonel is equivalent to the status of that of a county head or a city district chief, paving the way for transfer to the civilian services without losing the treatment and benefits accommodating each level while inside the army. This is to ensure that the bureaucrats and army officers would forever enjoy the same treatment and benefits no matter they are in the army or in the civil services. For the ordinary soldier veterans, they would be usually guaranteed employment. They, once graduated from the army as a CCP member, would be usually assigned positions in the security department of either the government apparatus or the business entities, and they would be the indispensable component of the CCP apparatus in controlling the non-CCP-member populace. When Falungong claimed to beat the membership of the CCP, the panic in Zhongnanhai's CCP nucleus was understandable.
The "CowSheds", the May 7th Cadre School & the 'Educated Youth' Generation
The psychological animosity towards & disparagement of the peasants by the communists will be best exemplified by the usage of countryside as a place of banishment. The forced re-education of intellectuals and deposed political rivals in the so-called cowsheds and the May 7th cadre schools was the punishment that those communist victims undertook, should those people being punished be lucky enough to have survived the beatings and persecution in the first place. Communist president Liao Shaoqi did not survive and he died in a small cell in the countryside, wrapped up by the dirty straw mat. The cowsheds, i.e., niu peng, was a derogatory designation for the places of confinement, not necessarily in a true cowsheds in the countryside, where the so-called niu-gui she-shen (cow ghosts and snake spirits, words first used by Mao in the Anti-Rightist Movement in the late 50s) would labor in the fields, write self-criticism, study the party propaganda and clean up the brains. In the early stages of the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), intellectuals and defeated political rivals would first spend their time in some cowsheds set up locally before they were massively shipped over to some concentration camps called the "May 7th Cadre School" located in the far away regions and provinces. The May 7th Cadre School was named after Mao's poster on May 7th, 1968 in which Mao instructed that "vast number of cadres should be transferred to do manual labor in the countryside ... Cadres at their posts should be transferred in turn to the countryside to do manual labor." (Manual labor, in contrary to the communist propaganda that laboring was glorious, was used as punishment.)
For the intellectuals and defeated political rivals, going to the May 7th Cadre Schools is not a matter of to and fro "in turn". As illustrated by the poor Rightists from 1958, those people would have their "Hu-kou Ben" (residence register) revoked from their towns and cities, and they would become just like the peasants themselves. "The Red Mirror", a book written by Chihua Wen and published by the Westview Press in 1995, contains narratives from a dozen peoples from the time period of the Cultural Revolution, and one narrator recalled how one uncle was transformed into a family of peasants from a manager of a large petrochemical company in 1958. This webmaster had classmates whose parents were originally sent to the countryside as rightists. When this webmaster read the economic chronicles of China, this webmaster noticed one more thing about the modern banishment, namely, Mao and his cronies resorted to countryside banishment as a means of solving unemployment and underemployment at the times of economic hardship.
Today, China's communist government pay salaries and subsidies to the city dwellers, only. China's unemployment rate never counted the peasants. Among the census data of about 1.3-1.5 billion Chinese, 70-80 percent of China's population used to be peasants. Note that 20% of the Chinese peasants were unemployed [in the late 20th century], and that's equivalent to 160-200 million peasants. Southern China is said to be in need of 10 million labor at the present [i.e., the late 20th century]. Right after the Spring Festival of every year, 5.3 million peasant coolies would stream out of the Canton train station, and about 100 thousand of them slept on the train station every night. While a city dweller might receive a couple hundred Chinese dollars as subsidy for doing nothing, the countryside folks usually would not make much better income than the city subsidy after paying up the cost of seeds and fertilizer as well as surrendering the various forms of taxes and levies.
On December 22, 1968, after the Red Guards lost the value of utilization, Mao sent a new marching order. The People's Daily would carry Mao's words that the "school graduates will be going to the countryside to get re-educated by the peasants". This was a project that was built on top of an experiment conducted by deposed party leader Peng Zhen in southern Shanxi from 1964 to 1966, that shipped out lots of young Peking high school graduates for the Countryside Socialist Education Movement, i.e., Four Clean-ups Movement (cleansing politics, economy, organization, and thoughts, 1963-1965). Between 1968 and 1972, over 4 million youths nationwide (different statistical method showing different numbers and amounting to 20 million Red Guards in one report), barely graduated from the junior high schools (because their schooling was interrupted by the Cultural Revolution which started two years earlier), would be sent to the countryside and the remote border provinces or hinterland areas. Among my father's five half brothers and half sisters, three would be dispatched to the border areas, to the Aksu military farm of the New Dominion Province, to Yunnan Province bordering Burma, and to Inner Mongolia, respectively. The communist policy was to allow only one kid to stay with parents; my grandma was lucky in one thing: she had given the second youngest girl to some family in the town as "baby wife" in the 50s and hence not counted as her children. As to my father, he had been previously sent to the River Amur to farm the land with the Chinese People's Volunteers repatriated from Korea in the late 50s. It was not a long time ago, in the summer of 1966, when over 2 million youths traveled to Peking to be received by Mao, had a really merry and happy time, free meals, free hotels and free tickets and took the time in visiting whatever cities, the sights and historic relics they wished to see, all for free. Now they would pay back and they would regret and repent in the countryside for at least ten years and would fail to recover their city residence register even after the end of the cultural revolution.
By the late 1970s, the new communist policy, initially, would be to allow only single, divorced and unmarried 'youths' to return to the cities , and a wave of divorce followed in which husbands and wives, both youths sent to the countryside but usually from different towns/cities or one party locally born in the countryside and the other party sent from the towns/cities, would separate under the false promises of re-marriages in the future or go through straightforward divorce. Years later, the moral impact would still be felt and children of those youths would be the victims, some of whom found their way into the cities and visited their parents who usually had remarried with some step-parents. Some TV series had depicted about those poor kids, another lost generation, this webmaster would say. By the late 70s, the newly arrived oversupply of labor, i.e., the 'educated youth' generation from the countryside, would also compel Deng into launching some economic reforms which would allow those unemployed to open up restaurants, clothing shops and small businesses along the streets, something to change the face of old cities overnight.
Undoubtedly, Mao and his communists use the manual labor as a means of punishment rather something of glory as the propaganda goes. Their psychology towards the peasants and manual labor in the countryside is obviously that of disparagement. The populace psychology in the cities is understandably that of inferiority vs. superiority, and the word the city folks use for the peasants would be "Ah Xiang", namely, bumpkins. The populace's attitude could be said to have been vindicated by the regime's treatment of the peasant class. The discrimination will never be eliminated unless the regime changes its policies which created the caste society in the first place.
The Social Ladder For Peasants - Joining the PLA
There is a need to touch on the most important ladder for the young men to leave the nest of the countryside. That will be the enrolment in the PLA (people's liberation army). Majority of the army recruits happened to be poor country boys who desired a change of life, and in one instance, the border war of 1979 with Vietnam, hundreds of country boys from my neighboring countries were killed, largely as a result of the PLA's usual way of drafting soldiers from a particular region and province and shipping them altogether to a region and province in the opposite direction. Once in the army, they will become a graduate of party after training and brainwashing, with the possibility of either being sent back to the hometown communes as party leaders and successors or being relocated to the cities or state enterprises (like mines and oilfields) as the policing or security cadres. Once graduated from the army, those ex-soldiers would enjoy the lifetime benefits that would not be available to the ordinary peasants. Among my countryside uncles, two had enrolled in the army. My elder uncle went to Korea in the early 50s; he was injured by a bullet in the waist; after working as a coolie for North Korea for 4 years after the end of Korea War, he returned to his hometown in January 1958; and he forfeited the government subsidy after losing his "disability certificate" which was never replaced by the government. The other uncle, after serving the army, had later been relocated to the county capital's center for the frozen food management and hence enjoyed the lifetime salaries while his wife would be responsible for tilling the fields for all those years and still today. The war veterans would enjoy a lifetime benefits in the government subsidies that were not available to the peace-time veterans. The communist system devised several levels of 'compensation': the Red Army Veteran, the 3-8 Rifle Veterans (namely, those who 'fought' in the Anti-Japanese War during WWII -but actually sat out the war or had fought against the Chinese government troops in the atrocious civil wars of 1939-1940 and 1944-1945), the Liberation Veterans, and the Korean War Veterans, etc. The recent government adjustment of inflation coefficients would see those veterans' benefit increased as well. After the return of HK to China in 1997, my mother's elder brother got his retirement income raised to 600 yuan per month, a boost partially attributed to the surplus funds as a result of death of the majority Red Army Veteran and Model 3-8 [Rifle] Veterans.
Going to the army happened to be the channel for kids of the "prince or princess party", too. Those kids from the high ranking officials, in order to escape the yoke of their foolishly following Mao's call in going to the mountains and countryside during the Cultural Revolution, would be granted priorities in the army recruitment. Army happens to be the above-all special channel for personnel trafficking as the army officers and their family members could play the procedural manipulation for transfer to and from the different localities in the nation, a technique used to bypass the restriction of the caste society we discussed earlier. Though many generals were criticized and deprived of rights in the cultural revolution, they still retained quite some influence in the army, and they helped out each other's kids by granting recruitment of their prince or princess and thus "liberating" them from the mountains and countryside where they were learning from the peasants as Mao had said. After several years in the army, they would relocate to the big cities where they originally belonged.
To find out how many retired army soldiers had relocated to the cities, we would just need to go to the college and university to find those people who occupy the positions as the party branch secretaries, security cadres and education directors. It would not be strange to find that a large percentage of China's government officials, no matter in the executive or judicial or legal branch, happened to be army veterans.
ENDNOTE: Recent economic reform had led to a phenomenon of the "mercenary" type of army recruiting in China. At about year 2003 or earlier, the People's Liberation Army endorsed a policy of one time payout of about RMB20,000 [approx US$2,500] for recruiting the countryside youths with high school graduation diploma. Apparently, the government was having difficulty recruiting soldiers without offering some incentives. With or without the incentive, the peasant kids had always comprised of the bulk of the army. In one sense, the communists had employed the peasant background army as some sort of the "mercenary" army in the same way as historical dynasties in China and elsewhere in the world, including Tang Dynasty's hiring the Shatuo Turks and the Tanguts, Han Dynasty's hiring the Qiangs and Yuezhi, the Americans' hiring the French vs. British's hiring the Germans during the independence war, the Ottoman Empire's hiring the young Greeks, the Egyptian's hiring the Mamluks, and ancient Spain's hiring the Slavs [i.e., slaves]. Incidentally, the bloody crackdown during the "June 4th Massacre" could be said to be an illustrative example of the regime's utilization of a "slave" or "mercenary" army which had no sympathy with the city caste.

The Chinese Peasants' Blood Selling Saga & AIDS Epidemic
There was a report saying that a deputy minister of health of China had disclosed that some underground blood collection stations had used the 'backward' methods in extracting blood from peasants in the hinterland provinces around 1995 and that about 30,000 to 50,000 peasants had contracted AIDS as a result of the 'blood donation'.
I first read about the Chinese peasants' blood selling saga and their possibly contracting the AIDS as a result of unsterilized needles in year 1999. People may say the internet was so powerful in the propagation of news. However, propagation alone does not matter. What is important will be people's minds. When the people do not care about the poor peasants who contracted AIDS as a result of blood selling, how could you expect the news to generate a ripple on the people's minds? For the city-borns, it would not be strange to find some relatives of them contracting the contagious diseases such as hepatitis during blood fusion in the Chinese hospitals. The media monopolized by the government certainly would not allow this kind of news to spread. After this webmaster read a bit, this webmaster had found out that some Henan Province reporters had already visited the Shang'cai County in October, 1999 to investigate the AIDS epidemic. But the Henan communist leaders suppressed the news from the beginning. More reporters followed the path. The reporters noted numerous tombs of the AIDS victims throughout villages they visited. One reporter said he visited the Wenlou Village, Shang'cai County in December, 1999, and he wrote a report that was circulated among the members of the Standing Committee of the Henan Branch of the Chinese Communist Party. This reporter described the blood selling situation in China's hinterland like this:

"In the Wenlou Village, a family of 8 sons and 2 daughters had sold blood. The eldest of the ten children of this big family would be around age 50, while the youngest daughter around age 30. The eldest brother was the first to sell blood, and then the 2nd and 4th brothers followed. Then the whole family and the children of the 10 brothers and sisters joined the rank. When the reporter visited the 4th son of the family, he was told by the wife that they had over a dozen family members lying on the bed and that she herself had contracted AIDS as well."
How sad it is to see Henan Province, the cradle of Xia & Shang China and its language and civilization, obliterated by the AIDS as a result of the poor peasants' selling blood for mere survival !
In China, there was and is only the nominal blood 'donation'. This webmaster remembered that mother would go to the hospital in the 70s to undergo a so-called 'glorious blood donation' for which she would be paid a dozen Chinese yuan plus two or three bun-like cakes. Being an ignorant as well as starving kid, this webmaster would have no hesitation to take the cake from mother and finish it with a few bites. My mother would later tell me that the blood donation was something assigned by the leaders of their working units. For the big working units, the likelihood of being picked for blood donation would be rare, but for the small working units, people were more likely to be required to go to the hospital for blood donation. The blood donation in China is a business, not some donation like the Red Cross. People may ask what kind of society China had degraded into? What this webmaster could tell you folks would be the fact that there is no philanthropy in China today. Before the communist takeover, there had existed at least three kinds of venues for people to make donations: the Christian churches, Buddhist monasteries and the native Chinese temples of earth (i.e., 'Tu Di Miao'). The communist power swept everything away. The Cultural Revolution of the 1960-70s and the subsequent materialistic pursuits as a result of the economic reforms had made the Chinese society into something selfish and apathetic. (Fortunately, the Temple of Earth and the Temple of Heaven in Peking were left intact.)

The Peasant Women Suicide Rate In China
It was not a secret that China's peasant women often resorted to suicides as a solution to their oppressed status in the caste society. The peasant women often took their lives by means of usually pesticides called 'Di Di Wei' (namely, a sarcastic brand name of 'enemy enemy scared') and the poison for rats, etc. As we know, across the world, men are more prone to suicides, but in China, the peasant women took the abnormally high proportion versus the male population.
The World Health Organization is paying more and more attention to the peasant women suicides in China. China's newspapers had reported on this phenomenon. In China, suicides happened to be the No. 1 cause for deaths among the age group of 15 to 34, with a percentage rate of 19%. Nationwide, suicidal rate is 3.6% of all deaths. Per news report, the Huilongguan Hospital of Beijing estimated that 287,000 Chinese successfully committed suicides per year and that 2,000,000 failed their first suicide attempts. Moreover, the Chinese women suicides are 25% more than the male population. Among those women, the peasant women are 3-4 folds more than the city women who committed suicides.
The abnormally high proportion is a direct result of the peasant women's lowest status quo in the Chinese caste society. Two developments in regards to the women did not contribute to betterment of the women's well-being in general. One would be the communist policy in regards to the "women emancipation", namely, women, no longer foot-bound, could make a living via employment. A political slogan for this kind of Chinese feminism would be the "Chinese women propping up half of the skies". The other advantage would be China's increasingly frightful male-female ratio, which was reportedly 116.86-100.00 for the new-borns in year 2000. The Hainandao Island was said to be like 135.64-100.00 The dwindling supply of women, however, does not lead to an uplift of women's social status in an immoral society with the proliferation of prostitution and the abuse of women. And exacerbating it would be the overseas export of Chinese women who never hesitated to leave the Chinese continent at the first opportunity possible, whether it is some unknown Pacific island or another destination of unknown name. The system is to be blamed !

The National Integration Or Further Segregation
Back in 1999, numerous publications had touched on the topic of China's migrant workers. Inside of Orville Schell & David Shambaugh's "The China Reader" [published by the Random House Inc of New York in 1999] would be Cheng Li's article titled "200 Million Mouths Too Many: China's Surplus Rural Labor". Mirror Books, in 2001, published Bai Shazhou's book "From Slave to Second-Class Citizen: The Peasants of Modern China".
National Integration Or Further Segregation
Cheng Li had first published the said article in 1997 under the title of "Rediscovering China: Dynamics and Dilemmas of Reform". At the time, he was talking about 100 million unemployed "peasants" of the mid-1990s. Cheng Li had been dialectic in his discussion, without going either to the boom camp or the bust camp. On the one side, sociologist Jack Goldstone made the argument that "China's surplus laborers and internal migration pose a major threat to the country's political stability and economic growth" and prediction that China was to have a "terminal crisis" within the next ten to fifteen years. On the other side, Chinese demographer Gu Shengzu claimed that "flow of surplus laborers is a key step in China's transition from a dual to a modern economy, from a backward agrarian country to an industrialized state" and predicted that "the ongoing internal migration will affect China's national integration constructively" and "will contribute to the formation of a civil society [Dorothy Solinger's version]".
In retrospect, we could tell neither camp was all right or all wrong. China is not a "civil society" but still a caste society; China underwent further polarization than a "national integration"; China might be "industrialized" but still acted as more a "world's factory" while inhibiting the domestic consumer demand; China was a 'modern' economy that was still on the shaky financial, banking and political foundation; and China's "terminal crisis" has trucked along on the only premise that the Chinese peasants continue to be obedient and disciplined coolies. (Incidentally, the communists did know how to get bug fixed via an expedient way, e.g., solving the "terminal crisis" in the Chinese banking systems by offering the Wall Street conglomerates a stake 20% to as high as 50% [a secretive number that might be acceptable to the commie for saving their face]".)
Cheng Li talked about the "clean-up campaigns" by the communists in the 1990s and pointed out that Shanghai government had caught 500 migrants in a single day should those lack either of the three cards, i.e., identification, temporary residence, and work permit. Separately, Cheng Li mentioned the routing of the "Zhejiang Village" by the Peking City Police and the 1995 intervention by the Shenzhen City Police in disputes between the locals and migrants. At the same time the government and police erected the guidelines to inhibit the migration of peasants, the real estate boom in coastal China had loosened the rules somewhat. As Cheng Li stated, Shanghai alone, in a matter of years, had witnessed over 1000 skyscrapers, a new tunnel, a city wide subway system, a circular overpass highway, and two suspension bridges over the Huangpu River. Once the projects were over, i.e., the Oriental Pearl TV Tower and Yaohan Building, among other things, the migrants were kicked out of the city right away. By 2002, a refined "temporary residency card" tied to the "national id card system" was to be implemented in Shanghai and further across the metropolitan towns and cities across the country.
Some reader questioned my statement in regards to calling the shot of caste as to China's society. My reply: "Unfortunately, China's problems only got worsened now than before, contrary to maybe wishful thinking. China's communists know no shame. They only know how to hide their dirty linens underneath their beautiful clothes. Why is the matter getting worse? Because Shanghai, beginning from year 2002, adopted the same rascal policy as Shenzhen and Beijing. Shanghai now requires the so-called temporary residency card. Police could stop any person on the street for checking this ID. Police could throw any migrant into the van and send it to the detention center. Recent newspaper report stated that some businessman was caught in the Minhang area, thrown into a police van, trucked to Zhuanqiao's detention center, rerouted to Shanghai's dispatch center, and then packed into train with other migrants for their hometown province. --This only reminds me of the Nazi train that carried the Jewish victims for gas chambers, and this webmaster hope that this reader will someday realize the seriousness of the Chinese problem as well as the apathy of the privileged class." Half a dozen years had passed, but the fate of Chinese peasants remain the same. Whereas, the China's "economic miracle" had become an established 'buzz word'. The Chinese, both on mainland China and overseas, were immersed in the ecstasy of being an "economic superpower". Some series of books were published, including a title called "China Could Say No" [by Song Qiang, Zhang Zangzang, Qiao Bian]. The "strategists" in the Pentagon, meantime, had been blowing the whistle of an impending "Chinese military threat" that was assumed to be an inevitable product of "economic expansion". There is no truth in any suggestion of some impending "Chinese military threat" or in any existence of a Chinese national strategy of the "asymmetry growth" as some folks in the Western news media proposed, i.e., Joshua Cooper Ramo's asymmetrical strategy. The Chinese communists, no matter in the government or in the business or in the army, are plainly busy pursuing money, women, power and pleasure. The more they enjoy, the more cowardly, selfish and corrupt they would become. (This was an assessment given to the communist government controlled by the Jiang Zemin cronies.)
A Fast Collapse Or A Chinese Century
At the same time when some people sing the tune of a "Chinese economic powerhouse" and a "Chinese military menace", numerous others had continued to talk about the impending "Chinese collapse".
Martin Vandeer Wylder, in 22 January 2005 edition of "Spectator", ridiculed the possibly concocted or orchestrated "Chinese military threat" by pointing out that "militarily, on the other hand, China is very big, at least in one sense — and it has unresolved territorial issues over Taiwan (which the U.S. might feel obliged to defend) and the South China Sea that might one day lead to conflict. According to a helpful public website provided by the CIA, China has 208,143,352 men between the ages of 15 and 49 who are fit for conscript military service. But only 2.5 million of them are permanently in uniform, many of their senior officers are busy making fortunes in real estate, the defense budget is surprisingly small because Beijing is so bad at collecting taxes, and the national stock of long-range missiles of the sort which really make you a global player numbers only about 20, according to the International Institute for Strategic Studies. That would make a pretty short fireworks display compared with what America has in its armory."
* In Commemoration of China's Fall under the Alien Conquests in A.D. 1279, A.D. 1644 & A.D. 1949 *
Sons and daughters of China, till cutting off the communist pigtails on your heads, don't let up, take heart of grace, and heed the sons & ministers' agony and sorrow of our ancestors who died or lived through the Mongol, Manchu and Soviet-Chicom conquest and the Yongjia, Jingkang and Jiashen cataclysms ! Never, Ever Give Up ! 中國的兒子和女兒們,聆聽在蒙韃、滿清、蘇聯中共的征服和永嘉、靖康、甲申的浩劫中死去或活著的我們的祖先的苦難和悲痛!
U.S.S.R./Comintern Alliance with the KMT & CCP (1923-1927)
Korean/Chinese Communists & the 1931 Japanese Invasion of Manchuria
American Involvement in China: Soviet Operation Snow, IPR Conspiracy, Dixie Mission, Stilwell
Incident, O.S.S. Scheme, Coalition Government Crap, Amerasia Case & The China White Paper

* Stay tuned for "Republican China 1911-1955: A Complete Untold History" *

Zou Rong's Revolutionary Army; Shin Kyu Sik's Shrine (Spirit, Kunitama) of Korea
This snippet is for sons and daughters of China: Heed the sons & ministers' agony and sorrow of our ancestors who died or lived through the Mongol, Manchu and Soviet-Chicom conquest and the Yongjia, Jingkang and Jiashen cataclysms !
Jeanne d'Arc of China:
Teenager girl Xun Guan breaking out of the Wancheng city to borrow the relief troops in the late Western Jinn dynasty; Liu-Shao-shi riding into the barbarian army to rescue her husband in the late Western Jinn dynasty; teenager girl Shen Yunying breaking into Zhang Xianzhong's rebels on the horseback to avenge on father's death in the late Ming dynasty.
China's Solitary and Lone Heroes:
Nan Jiyun breaking out of the Suiyang siege and charging back into the city in the Tang dynasty; Zhang Gui & Zhang Shun Brothers breaking through the Mongol siege of Xiangyang in the Southern Soong dynasty; Liu Tiejun breaking through three communist field armies' siege of Kaifeng in the Republican China time period; Zhang Jian's lone confrontation against the communist army during the June 3rd & 4th Massacre of 1989.

Communist China, like the 100-feet centipede Manchu China, might just drag and haul along the way for one hundred years if lucky enough not to have a bust. With a billion people on the subsistence level under both the exploitation of both domestic and international oppressors, China would not have a real boom when the majority of her people are poor. In the first half of the 20th century, Harold Isaacs stated, in chapter 2 of his book 'Tragedy of the Chinese Revolution', "More than three-quarters of China's population, ..., depend upon the land for their livelihood. The problems of these millions are the problem of China. Their poverty is China's poverty. ..." The same picture rings true for the billion Chinese peasants of the 21st century. Boom or bust, neither might turn into reality in the foreseeable future. The prevalent anticipation of a fast collapse of the Chinese communist regime had naively ignored two elements that applied and did not to the collapse of the Soviet Union, respectively: (The underlying logic behind "The China Exception: Russian Communism being wicked, the Chinese are good communists" is an inherent fear of the Yellow Peril by the West, i.e., the billion Chinese would actually enjoy real democracy, go to college and develop their intelligence.)
What is the American hypocrisy this webmaster was referring to here? It was the hypocritical nature of America's Open Door Policy for China, which was originally an idea sold to the Americans by the British career customs officer working in Manchu China's customs office. The reason that China should remain open to all powers, in the opinion of U.S. president Thomas Woodrow Wilson, was that the 'white civilization' and its domination in the world rested largely on the ability to keep China intact, in the sense that should China fall completely under the Japanese [or the Tsarist Russian or someone else] influence, then the massive Chinese manpower could be utilized like by Genghis Khan to conquer the world. This was the theme of the Yellow Peril, which was inverse to what the British ambassador claimed to Albert Wedemeyer during WWII that a strong and unified China would pose a threat to the Whiteman’s position in the Far East and immediately throughout the world. So to say that the nation of China should be managed delicately, that is, should not be allowed to grow too powerful to pose a threat to the white civilization, nor should it be allowed to be hijacked by a non-U.S. power since China's immense human labor could be turned against the white civilization. (During WWII, the Japanese, who was brought up by the Americans and the British, never realized that they could at most conquer half of China, not as a whole.)
In the past decade, a new generation of academics had emerged in mainland China and reflected on the communist ascension to power in the 1949, including Yang Kuisong, Gao Hua, Niu Jun, Zhang Baijia, Dai Chaowu, Shen Zhidan & Li Danhui and et al. But none of them wish to become China's Sakharov as Fang Lizhi had attempted prior to the 4 June 1989 Massacre. We could not put blame on the courage and conscience of people still in China, though; the mere mentioning of their names could give them trouble, and the banning of their personal websites.

The conscience of China, meanwhile, had undergone setbacks in the information age that would supposedly open up China. Yahoo, for instance, has admitted to sharing user information for journalist Shi Tao with Chinese authorities earlier this year in a move that landed him a 10-year jail term. In doing so, the firm 'complied with local Chinese law', according to Yahoo spokeswoman Mary Osako.
Outside of China, Yu Maochun, as late as in "O.S.S. In China", still failed to see through the agenda of Joseph Stilwell [e.g., "Joe Stilwell's Authorization To Assassinate Chiang Kai-shek"], while craps about the American aid to China continued to pop up everywhere in writings like "Foreign Military Aid and Assistance to China". Both Chennault's 14th Flight Group intelligence operations and Miles' navy intelligence operations were hijacked by the Soviet-agents-controlled O.S.S Some overseas dissidents, like Cao Changqing et al., had a blind faith in so-called "American generosity" and the Republican Party's doctrines of 'democracy, freedom and liberty' as a result of delusion over some intermittent American for-show statements, like the Monroe Doctrine, Wilson's 14 Points, the Hull "ultimatum" of November 26th, 1941, & the American opposition to the British-Franco's colonialist activities in the Middle East, etc. In or outside China, almost all Chinese failed to see the in-depth of the Russian/Comintern conspiracies against China: They have not come to discern the American plays of the Chinese cards, and are still arguing among themselves about who was at fault, being blindfolded by Acheson's 2 Billion Crap aid to Nationalist China and Marshall's Dupe Mission To China & Arms Embargo.

What the Chinese side did not and does not understand about the Yalta Betrayal, & Marshall Dupe Mission is that two factions of the Anglo-American interest groups, i.e., the ranks of innate cousins of the British colonialists and the ranks of American doctrinarians with advocacy for the "China [i.e., the Yellow Peril] containment", had joined hands with the Russian/Comintern agents to sabotage China, i.e., weakening the Nationalists and strengthening the Communists. The historical truth is that the invisible hands in the Far Eastern Division of the U.S. State Department had found an alternative way to advance the agenda of strengthening the Chinese communists and weakening the Chinese Nationalists after what Freda Utley called a "temporary setback" ensuing from the recall of Joseph Stilwell in November of 1944. George Marshall, whose hands had the blood of millions of Chinese killed in the civil wars, shuttled in-between different United States departments to work for the interests of the Soviet Union and sabotage the Republic of China: Marshall conspired to force General Chennault into retirement or resignation in early 1945 for avenging Stilwell's recall; sealed the John Birch Murder file so as not to arouse the American public's indignation against the Chinese communists; quit the Chief of Staff job in 1945 to wait for a pre-arranged phone call from President Truman to go to China as a special envoy for burying the fate of the Republic of China; and quit the Secretary of State's job from 1947-1949 to be defense minister solely for sake of getting rid of General McArthur. (Historically, other than America's selling out China at the Yalta/Tehran and colluding with the Russians (Soviets) in subversion of Nationalist China, there were: i) American President Grant's attempt at making Manchu China divide Ryukyu into three parts with Japan, ii) John Watson Foster's collusion with the Japanese in selling the Shimonoseki Treaty, iii) the American navy's sailing gunboats and warships in the Yangtze to protest against the 1911 Xinhai Revolution, iv) the American navy's sailing gunboats and warships into the 'White Swan Pond' of Canton to protest against Sun Yat-sen's threat of customs tax withholding, v) J.P. Morgan and the Wall Street's floating $263 million in loans to the Japanese by 1931 while refusing to aid China on the pretext of isolationism, and vi) America's continuing sale of scrap metals and petrol oil after the Japanese sinking of Panay in 1937. More available at "What Foreign Powers Did To The Flowery Republic Prior To, During And After The 1911 Revolution", "Changing Alliances On the International Arena", "Century-long American Hypocrisy towards China", "Anglo-American & Jewish Romance with the Japanese", "America's Unpositive Neutrality in the Sino-Japanese War", "Joe Stilwell's Authorization To Assassinate Chiang Kai-shek", "Roosevelt & Churchill's Betrayal of the Republic of China at Yalta".)

A word of caution deserves here against the prevalent anticipation of a fast collapse of the Chinese communist regime. Extra vigil must be paid to China's ferocious & predatory neighbors, far away or near by, for sake of guarding against the likely re-emergence of hundred-year intervals of historical turmoil because China of the 21st century is no longer living in a shielded environment juxtaposed against the predictable nomadic Hunnic, Turkic & Mongol invaders any more. Should China disintegrate into one dozen countries now, China would never have a chance to reunite as a single entity ever. (Putin thought he would reap profits by sitting on the fence of the U.S.-China trade war, i.e., the Zheltorossiya dream[, and India would not be satisfied with grabbing South Tibet, Bhutan and Sikkim alone].)
With the filthy Chicoms colluding with the Western synarchists, i.e., banksters and multinational corporations, the danger would be that China would never be able to overthrow the Chicoms' yoke --unless this collusion between the Chicoms and the Western synarchists is to break one day. Not to mention the trend that the filthy Chicoms' children and grandchildren already started mingling with the Caucasians of the West, to the extent that the Chicoms might not be distinguishable from the Western synarchists at all, and in a few generations, would look exactly the same in appearance, that would make China into a land ruled by the settler-colonialists in disguise.
China's future is not a matter to be determined in 10 years or less, but could be up to 100 years, beyond which the uncertainty of its fate and fortune could set in. The essential endeavors should be exerted to the upbringing of a new generation of Chinese patriots of ideals and devotion for the nation. As the ancient Chinese saying goes, it takes 10 years to plant a tree and 100 years to raise a person. "Raising a person [i.e., an ordinary Chinese person]" is a task that should be undertaken from ground up inside of China. Only after restoring the baseline of China's societal foundation and values [which had been destroyed by the communist regime] would there be possibility of a resurrected Chinese Nation.

Wu [no] Wang [forgetting] Zai [at] Ju [the Ju fort]
Sons and daughters of China, till cutting off the communist pigtails on your heads, don't let up, take heart of grace, and heed the sons & ministers' agony and sorrow of our ancestors who died or lived through the Mongol, Manchu and Soviet-Chicom conquest and the Yongjia, Jingkang and Jiashen cataclysms ! Never, Ever Give Up !

The Three Agri Issues
The so-called "Three Agri Issues" would be abbreviation of three sentences that relate to 'nong', i.e., i) "nong min" [the peasants] live an indeed bitter life; ii) "nong cun" [the countryside] is indeed extraordinarily poor; and iii) "nong ye" [the agriculture] is indeed a national crisis.
As Bai Shazhou had commented in the preface to "From Slave to Second-Class Citizen: The Peasants of Modern China" [Mirror Books, 2001], the Chinese peasants had staged countless protests against the fascist Chinese communist government but their voice was virtually unheard outside of the countryside or abroad whereas the Fa Lun Gong practitioners had attempted a 'silent protest' against the communist apparatus of Zhongnanhai and now have ascended to the position of a news conglomerate in America. In another word, this webmaster believes that China's crises had been masked by the emerging "Fa Lun Gong Movement" which was more to do with the "religious expression" and "freedom of assembly". The "Three Agri Issues", widely researched upon and propagated by the reformers and democracy activists before year 2000, had shifted to a lesser spot after the emergence of the "Fa Lun Gong Movement". Though, they both share the same root cause, i.e., the totalitarian rule of the Chinese communist party.
The "Three Agri Issues" is never a state secret in China. People simply don't talk about them. As explained above, China was and is a caste society in which the government had deliberately pitted one class or level of people against the lower levels with a wider base or population, thus making the higher class or level of people into unconscious and subconscious safeguards of the regime in repressing the lower class or level of people. Peasants, i.e., the invisible class in China, no matter on radio or TV or in newspapers, are the expendable. Communist China, from 1952 to 1978, had reaped an 'Agri-industrial scissor differential' of 632 billion RMB from peasants in addition to a collection of 726.4 billion agriculture tax, whereas its input into the countryside was merely 173 billion for the same time period (see Li Maolan's "Research Into Burden Issues of the Chinese Peasants", Shanxi Economy Publishing House, 1996, Shanxi Province).
The defenders of Chinese peasants are few if any. Scholar Liang Suming, i.e., the last Confucian, was one. Communist general Peng Dehuai, in 1959, challenged tyrant Mao's 'Great Leap Forward' which led to the starvation death of 30-60 million peasants. Communist president Liu Shaoqi, who was persecuted to death during the Cultural Revolution, had rectified Mao's error in 1962 by restoring some "self-determination" rights to the peasants, i.e., lessening the "command economy" rigidity as to what crops the peasants were to plant, etc. In 1977, communist provincial leader Wan Li had adopted some of Liu Shaoqi's transitionary measures in Anhui Province. Wan Li enacted the policy after touring the Jinzhaixian county, i.e., the so-called 'old communist revolution enclave', and checking out i) that the peasant girls dared not stand up from the furnace-beds because they did not have pants to wear at home and ii) that three nude kids were hiding in a big iron wok for keeping warm in the winter weather of November. Communist China, in its official annals and government websites, boasts of its "Agriculture Reform" that started in 1978, shortly after Wan Li's initiatives. Throughout the years of the late 1970s and early 1980s, communist China, every once a while, published the news report of some peasant becoming a so-called "Wan [10,000] Yuan [RMB currency unit] Hu [household]". In 1993, Wan Li, before his retirement, was said to have adamantly advocated for i) the elimination of the term "People's Commune" from the constitution and ii) addition of the "family contractual responsibility system" to the constitution. (Incidentally, Communist China unscrupulously revised its "Constitution" in 1954, 1975, 1978, and in 1982, with newest modifications too numerous to trace for this webmaster.)
However, the reactionary nature of the Chinese communist government would soon doom the fate of Chinese peasants. While the United States government constantly subsidizes its mechanical-operation agriculture, as illustrated in "President George W. Bush told Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva that the U.S. would work to reduce agricultural subsidies -- a key priority for Brazil -- if Europe does so as well", the Chi-coms did the opposite by continuously ripping off the peasants. Bai Shazhou cited the research by Zhu Gang & Zhang Zhongfang, titled "The Domestic Subsistence Level of Chinese Agriculture In 1993-1995 - A Discussion On Agricultural Protection of Chinese Agriculture in the WTO Framework" [China Countryside Economy, Issue 6 of 1997, pp 23-27], in pointing out that "at the current stage, the agriculture industry of our country is still at the stage of negative protection". By "negative protection", the fascist communist regime continued the predatory policies before the so-called "agriculture reform", i.e., extracting from the peasants and countryside hundreds of billions at the cost of 1/15th of the total RMB amount from 1952 to 1978. Per Zhu Gang & Zhang Zhongfang, communist China had lessened input into the countryside from 1990 onward, and by 1994, dramatically cut the funds flow into the countryside, with the time period of 1994-1996 being negative growth.
In 1998, female scholar Heh Qinglian wrote the book "The Chinese Traps" [i.e., "Modernization’s Pitfall"], with a call for social justice and fairness. The only noticeable person within the communist leadership would be someone called Li Changping of the Yanlixian County of Hubei Province who spoke out on behalf of the peasants by publishing an article on the "Southern Weekly" (i.e., Nan-fang zhou bao) in June of 2000. Li Changping, who wrote the article "Tell the Truth to the Premier", would be the person who propagated the warnings of i) "nong min" [the peasants] live an indeed bitter life; ii) "nong cun" [the countryside] is indeed extraordinarily poor; and iii) "nong ye" [the agriculture] is indeed a national crisis. Recently, Chen Guidi and Wu Chuntao published a book titled "A Survey of Chinese Peasantry" [i.e., Zhongguo nongmin diaocha], which was a compilation of peasants' recitals across 50 counties of Anhui Province. (For details, see Yang Lian's DARK SIDE OF THE CHINESE MOON.)
In conclusion, the Chinese peasants had suffered both from the exploitation of Chinese communists and from the impact of 'globalism', which could be comparable to the massive bankruptcy of the Chinese peasantry before and after the 1839-1842 Opium War and the subsequent massive enslavement as a replacement of the Black slaves across the globe. The international trade, in the form of trading the abstract 'labor' in lieu of the physical flow of 'labor', had only thrived on the miseries of Chinese peasants, i.e., the modern coolies. The Chinese communists, no longer treating China's agricultural output as a key to the national security, had resorted to compelling the Chinese peasants into coolie/slave labor of both the domestic and international banking and industrial conglomerates. With the agricultural land deserted or polluted, communist China had trashed the ancient Chinese practice of "the making of a nation on basis of agriculture" and/or "the hoarding & embedding of a nation's wealth among the populace". Unfortunately, the shortsighted communist wisdom would be their expectation that the obedient Chinese peasants would continue to sell themselves and whatever their body parts [excluding those "harvested from death convicts in 10,000 or more annually"], which might someday stop to work for the Chi-com.
On January 17th, 2005, reformer Zhao Ziyang, after 15 years of house arrest, passed away. Before his pass-away, Zhao Ziyang was said to have commented that there was "no cure " for China. People who had hoped for a change at this juncture might be disappointed should no significant mourning-related activity or political loosening happen in China. It is understandably so. Note that in history, China's dynastic substitution was mostly the results of mutiny or foreign invasion, except for the Yellow Turbans of Eastern Han Dynasty and the Red Turbans of Yuan Dynasty: mutiny applied to Li Zicheng & Zhang Xianzhong rebellion in late Ming Dynasty, and the Xin Hai Revolution in late Qing Dynasty, as well as applies to the scenario of the 1927 Communist rebellion in Nanchang and Canton against the Nationalist Government; hence, one would have to pessimistically expect that the Chinese communists would commit suicide by themselves one way or the other [e.g., attacking Taiwan] in order to see a revolution similar to the Xin Hai Revolution that had overthrown the Manchu rule in 1911.
After we have closely examined the historical context of China's reforms from 1979 to 1989, we would understand that in today's China, i.e., year 2005 [as of last update of this webpage], there will be void of any chance of change. This is because the "Enlightened Intelligentsia" had been routed since June 4th, 1989 Massacre, while no significant regenerating force had ever emerged. The damage to China's fortune was many times worse than the abortion of the late Manchu-era "Hundred Day Reformation" at which time incessant foreign invasions had sustained the fighting spirits and martialness of the Chinese people, as seen in Assassinations & Uprisings. China's fate, i.e., a continuous down-sloping in the context of past 500 years, continues unabated in the same line. Any Chinese technological advancement, no matter space rockets or atomic bombs, would look pale in comparison with the Big-Bang-like accelerating speed of industrialized countries, not to mention the lost spirits among today's Chinese people. There is reason to believe that China is on a very wrong path, and China will have no time for any catch-up work should the current course stay. (The laments over China's going-down is not about seeing China to rise to hegemony over the world or over the U.S.A. but about seeing China to throw away the communist barbaric rule for return to its past glory, like the hope William Christian Bullitt Jr. (1891-1967) harbored in the 1930s that Republican China would soon return to the forefront of the world as a model of civilization while commenting on the ten-year construction of the Republic of China 1927-1937. What happened was fall of China under the Soviet-Chicom conquest, which became the eternal laments of the middle land's sinking.)
Political Dissertation: the Caste Society
How Was the Chinese Civilization Sustained
Liang Suming, the Last Confucian of China
The 'Mandate of Heaven'
Tragedy Of the Chinese Revolution
China's Status Quo
Modern Coolies & the Immiseration Growth
Early Crackdowns and the Land-Reform Joke On Peasants
The Household Registration System
Peasants' Starvation & The Great Leap Forward
Phenomenon Of the Subdivided Houses, The Pyramid Scheme
Town & Country Administration Layout, & the Civilian-Army Equivalence
"CowSheds", May 7th Cadre School & the 'Educated Youth' Generation
Social Ladder For Peasants - Joining the PLA
The Chinese Peasants' Blood Selling Saga & the AIDS Epidemic
Peasant Women's Suicide Rate In China
A Fast Collapse Or A Chinese Century
National Integration Or Further Segregation, Three Agri Issues
[ homepage: homepage.htm ]
Nativity of Chinese Origin vs External Factors
Lineage of Chinese Lords & Dynasties
Ethnicity of the Chinese Nation
The Barbarians & the Chinese
[ extended page: indx.htm ] [ default page: caste.htm ]

Written by Ah Xiang

Gao Zhanxiang (?-December 9, 2022) died of illness (i.e., COVID) in Beijing at the age of 87. Zhu Yongxin, member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee and vice chairman of the Central Committee of the China Association for the Promotion of Democracy, stated in his eulogy on December 11 that Gao Zhanxiang "changed a lot of organs on his body, and he jokingly claimed that many of the parts were not his own." (中共全國文聯原黨組書記、副主席、原文化部副部長高占祥 (?-2022年12月9日)在北京病逝,終年87歲。中共全國政協常委、中國民主促進會中央委員會副主席朱永新,在12月11日的悼文中說,高占祥「身上的臟器換了好多,他戲稱許多零件都不是自己的了。」)

Memorandum On Household Registration System
Fate Of 100 Million Peasants
80 Million Mobile Population
Aimless Drifters & Household Registers
Why Household Registration Could Not Be Abolished?
Peasant Wives Of Peking Men
Possible Breakup Of The Vicious Register System
Five Ugly Aspects Of The Caste
Countryside Investigation By Yang Zili
The Chinese Peasants' Blood Selling Saga & AIDS Epidemic
Peasants, the Outcasts (by Zhao Ligang)

Return to homepage:
The communists had conquered China owning to the key battle success in Manchuria, which was the result of treacheries on the part of Wei Lihuang, i.e., the government troops' commander-in-chief in Manchuria, a treachery that was comparable to Soong Dynasty prime minister Jia Sidao's abandoning to the Mongol the Xiangyang city [which was under siege for 4-5 years] and Ming Dynasty general Wu Sangui's betrayal of the Mountain and Sea Pass to the Manchus.
Wei Lihuang, with the communist mole by his side from the days of the resistance war, overrode General Wang Tiehan's proposal and made the government army into the sitting ducks in the isolated pockets and cities of Manchuria, for the communist army to attack. Namely, Wei Lihuang allowed the communist army to take the transcendental secret manoeuvre to ship thousands of artillery to the foot of the Jinzhou city wall under the assistance of the Soviet railway army corps. General Wang Tiehan suggested that the Changchun garrison troops could break out towards Mukden to the south as intelligence had shown that the communist army had disappeared along the trunk line of Changchun-Jirin-Mukden.
Only the 52nd Corps, that was hoodwinked by Wei Lihuang into attacking towards Shenyang [i.e., Mukden] as the relief troops but impeded by the communist army halfway for lack of coordination between Wei Lihuang and the communist army, managed to return to the Yingkou port to escape the Manchurian battleground via sea. A part of the Youth Army division, which broke out of the Mukden siege, fought its way along the Liao-xi Corridor to arrive at the Mountain and Sea Pass.
We don't need to remind the readers that the communist army was a motley group of mercenaries including about 250,000 ethnic-Korean Japanese Kwantung Army diehards per Kim Il-sun plus the Outer Mongolian cavalry army, not counting the Soviet railway army corps. According to the Soviets, the 'railway' tag was a guise for intervening in the Chinese civil wars, namely, the cloak of secrecy under which the Soviets orchestrated the historical Soviet conquest of China to fulfill Stalin's mantle that pro-Soviet regimes must be established in all territories that the Soviet Red Army ever stepped on, no matter Europe or Asia. That is, the Soviet military advisers who directed the Chinese civil wars were sent to Manchuria disguised as railway operators who controlled more than 60% of the total railway tracks in the whole territory of Manchuria. Alternatively speaking, the Soviet records actually meant that the Soviet military's intervening in the Chinese civil wars started from day one, and that from 1948 onward, the Soviet military's intervening in the Chinese civil wars expanded beyond Manchuria into China proper.
Ivan V. Kovalev, as Stalin and All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)'s plenipotentiary to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), was sent to China for directing the civil war as a railway czar.

George Kennan's Fallacious Disclaim of Soviet Instigation and Bankrupt 'Long' Containment View:
George Kennan naively discounted the Chinese communist revolution as "part of the Soviet system" and asserted its victory to be an exception to the Soviet "military intimidation or invasion" and not a result that could be ascribed "primarily to Soviet propaganda or instigation" (American Diplomacy, p. 119. The U of Chi Press 1951, expanded edition). George Kennan's bankrupt 'long' view as to communism was "a long-term, patient but firm and vigilant containment", which was to seek solutions in the "historical" context, namely, the "Russian or the oriental mind" of the "Russian-Asiatic world", something the communist China twin shared, that was seemingly perceived as an innate matter that could not be overcome.

The destiny of Russian tyranny, ... was to expand into Asia - and eventually to break in two, there, upon its own conquests.

For better understanding the head-on collision between the United States and Communuist China, refer to the U.S.-China fatalistic conjunction through the hands of the Japanese firepower during WWII, that derived from the American unpositive neutrality and the U.S.-China fatalistic conjunction through the hands of communist army's firepower during the 1945-1950 civil war, that derived from American-supplied Soviet August Storm weapons.
Reference: see the writing by James Perloff China Betrayed Into Communism on Friday, 24 July 2009 at
August Storm lend-lease weapons ended up in Mao's hands.
"At the Teheran and Yalta wartime conferences, however, Roosevelt asked Stalin if he would break his pact with Japan and enter the Far East war. Stalin agreed, but attached conditions. He demanded that America completely equip his Far Eastern Army for the expedition, with 3,000 tanks, 5,000 planes, plus all the other munitions, food, and fuel required for a 1,250,000-man army. Roosevelt accepted this demand, and 600 shiploads of Lend-Lease material were convoyed to the USSR for the venture. Stalin’s Far Eastern Army swiftly received more than twice (should be ten times) the supplies we gave Chiang Kai-shek during four years as our ally.
"General Douglas MacArthur protested after discovering that ships designated to supply his Pacific forces were being diverted to Russia. Major General Courtney Whitney wrote: 'One hundred of his transport ships were to be withdrawn immediately, to be used to carry munitions and supplies across the North Pacific to the Soviet forces in Vladivostok.... Later, of course, they were the basis of Soviet military support of North Korea and Red China.'


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This website expresses the personal opinions of this webmaster (,,, emails deleted for security's sake, and sometime deleted inadvertently, such as the case of an email from a grandson of Commander Frank Harrington, assistant U. S. naval attache, who was Mme Chiang Kai-shek's doctor in the 1940s). In addition to this webmaster's comments, extensive citation and quotes of the ancient Chinese classics (available at were presented via transcribing and paraphrasing the Classical Chinese language into the English language. Whenever possible, links and URLs are provided to give credit and reference to the ideas borrowed elsewhere. This website may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means, with or without the prior written permission, on the pre-condition that an acknowledgement or a reciprocal link is expressively provided. This acknowledgment was for preventing future claims against the authorship when the contents of this website are made into a book format. For validation against authorship,, a San Francisco-based nonprofit digital library, possessed snapshots of the websites through its Wayback Machine web snapshots. All rights reserved.
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This snippet is for sons and daughters of China: Heed the sons & ministers' agony and sorrow of our ancestors who died or lived through the Mongol, Manchu and Soviet-Chicom conquest and the Yongjia, Jingkang and Jiashen cataclysms !
Jeanne d'Arc of China:
Teenager girl Xun Guan breaking out of the Wancheng city to borrow the relief troops in the late Western Jinn dynasty; Liu-Shao-shi riding into the barbarian army to rescue her husband in the late Western Jinn dynasty; teenager girl Shen Yunying breaking into Zhang Xianzhong's rebels on the horseback to avenge on father's death in the late Ming dynasty.
China's Solitary and Lone Heroes:
Nan Jiyun breaking out of the Suiyang siege and charging back into the city in the Tang dynasty; Zhang Gui & Zhang Shun Brothers breaking through the Mongol siege of Xiangyang in the Southern Soong dynasty; Liu Tiejun breaking through three communist field armies' siege of Kaifeng in the Republican China time period; Zhang Jian's lone confrontation against the communist army during the June 3rd & 4th Massacre of 1989.
This is an internet version of this webmaster's writings on "Imperial China" (2004 version assembled by third-millennium-library; scribd), "Republican China", and "Communist China". There is no set deadline as to the date of completion for "Communist China". Someone saved a copy of this webmaster's writing on the June 4th [1989] Massacre at The work on "Imperial China", which was originally planned for after "Republican China", is now being pulled forward, with continuous updates posted to Pre-History, Xia, Shang, Zhou, Qin, and Han dynasties, offering the readers a tour of ancient China transcending space and time. Discussions and topics on ancient China could be seen in the bulletin boards linked here --before the Google SEO-change was to move the referrals off the search engine. The "June 4th Massacre" page used to be ranked No. 1 in the Google search results, but no longer seen now; however, and, not doing Google's evils, could still produce this webmaster's writeup on the June 4, 1989 Massacre. The Sinitic Civilization - Book I, a comprehensive history, including 95-98% of the records from The Spring & Autumn Annals and its Zuo Zhuan commentary, and the forgery-filtered book The Bamboo Annals, is now available on Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Google Play|Books and Nook. Book II is available now on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Check out this webmaster's 2nd edition --that realigned the Han dynasty's reign years strictly observing the Zhuanxu-li calendar of October of a prior lunar year to September of the following lunar year. The 2nd edition also cleared this webmaster's blind spot on the authenticity of the Qinghua University's Xi Nian bamboo slips as far as Zhou King Xiewang's 21 years of co-existence with Zhou King Pingwang was concerned, a handicap due to sticking to Wang Guowei's Gu Ben Bamboo Annals and ignoring the records in Kong Yingda's Zheng Yi. This webmaster traced the Sinitic cosmological, astronomical, astrological and geographical development, with dedicated chapters devoted to interpreting Qu Yuan's poem Tian Wen (Asking Heaven), the mythical mountain and sea book Shan Hai Jing, geography book Yu Gong (Lord Yu's Tributes), and Zhou King Muwang's travelogue Mu-tian-zi Zhuan, as well as a comprehensive review of ancient calendars, ancient divination, and ancient geography. Refer to Introduction_to_The_Sinitic_Civilization, Afterword, Table of Contents - Book I (Index) and Table of Contents - Book II (Index) for details. (Table of lineages & reign years: Sovereigns & Thearchs; Xia-Shang-Zhou dynasties; Zhou dynasty's vassalage lords; Lu Principality lords; Han dynasty's reign years; Chinese dynasties (Sexagenary year conversion table-2698B.C.-A.D.2018; 247B.C.-A.D.85) )
Sinitic Civilization Book 1 華夏文明第一卷:從考古、青銅、天文、占卜、曆法和編年史審視的真實歷史 Sinitic Civilization Book 2 華夏文明第二卷:從考古、青銅、天文、占卜、曆法和編年史審視的真實歷史 Tribute of Yu Heavenly Questions Zhou King Mu's Travels Classic of Mountains and Seas
The Bamboo Annals
The Bamboo Annals
From the Khitans to the Jurchens & Mongols: A History of Barbarians in Triangle Wars and Quartet Conflicts (天譴四部曲之三:從契丹到女真和蒙古 - 中原陸沉之殤)
Epigraph|Preface|Introduction|T.O.C.|Afterword|Bibliography|References|Index (available at iUniverse|Google|Amazon|B&N)

For this webmaster, only the ancient history posed some puzzling issues that are being cracked at the moment, using the watershed line of Qin Emperor Shihuangdi's book burning to rectify what was the original history before the book burning, filtering out what was forged after the book burning, as well as filtering out the fables that were rampant just prior to the book burning, and validating against the oracle bones and bronzeware. There is not a single piece of puzzle for this webmaster concerning the modern Chinese history. This webmaster had read Wellington Koo's memoirs page by page from 2004-2007, and read General Hu Zongnan's biography in the early 1990s, which was to have re-lived their lives on a day by day basis. Not to mention this webmaster's complete browsing of materials written by the Soviet agents as well as the materials that were once published like on the George Marshall Foundation's website etc., to have a full grasp of the international gaming of the 20th century. The unforgotten emphasis on "Republican China", which was being re-outlined to be inclusive of the years of 1911 to 1955 and divided into volumes covering the periods of pre-1911 to 1919, 1919 to 1928, 1929 to 1937, 1937 to 1945, and 1945-1955, will continue. This webmaster plans to make part of the contents of "Republican China, A Complete Untold History" into publication soon. The original plan for completion was delayed as a result of broadening of the timeline to be inclusive of the years of 1911-1955. For up-to-date updates, check the RepublicanChina-pdf.htm page. Due to constraints, only the most important time periods would be reorganized into some kind of publishable format, such as the 1939-1940, 1944-1945, and 1945-1950 Chinese civil wars, with special highlight on Kim Il Sung's supplying 250,000 North Korean mercenaries to fighting the Chinese civil war, with about 60,000-70,000 survivors repatriated to North Korea for the 1950 Korea War, for example --something to remind the readers how North Korea developed to threaten the world with a nuclear winter today. Note the fundamental difference between the 250,000 ethnic-Korean Japanese Kwantung Army diehards and the ethnic-Korean Chinese living in China. The communist statistics claimed that altogether 65,000 ethnic-Korean Chinese minority people, or the Korean migrants living in China, joined the communist army, with approximately 60% coming from the Jirin subprovince, 21% from the Sungari subprovince, and 15% from the Liaodong subprovince.
China's conscience: Peng Zaizhou (Peng Lifa)'s crusading call against China's proditor
Wang Bingzhang Gao Zhisheng Wang Quanzhang Jiang Tianyong Xu Zhiyong Huang Qi Shi Tao Yu Wensheng
Peng Zaizhou (Peng Lifa)'s crusading call against China's imbecelic proditor and dictator: 不要核酸要吃饭, 不要封控要自由; 不要领袖要选票, 不要谎言要尊严; 不要文革要改革, 不做奴才做公民. Peng Zaizhou's
crusading call
against China's proditor

(Yahoo; Slideshare;
Twitter; Facebook;
Dr. Xu Zhiyong's 15-Nov-2012 open letter to Xi Jinping 許志永博士2012年致習近平的公開信:一個公民對國家命運的思考
Dr. Xu Zhiyong's Jan 2020 letter calling for Xi Jinping to abdicate 許志永博士致習近平的公開信:習近平先生,您讓位吧!
The objectives of this webmaster's writings would be i) to re-ignite the patriotic passion of the ethnic Chinese overseas; ii) to rectify the modern Chinese history to its original truth; and iii) to expound the Chinese tradition, humanity, culture and legacy to the world community. Significance of the historical work on this website could probably be made into a parallel to the cognizance of the Chinese revolutionary forerunners of the 1890s: After 250 years of the Manchu forgery and repression, the revolutionaries in the late 19th century re-discovered the Manchu slaughters and literary inquisition against the ethnic-Han Chinese via books like "Three Rounds Of Slaughter At Jiading In 1645", "Ten Day Massacre At Yangzhou" and Jiang Lianqi's "Dong Hua Lu" [i.e., "The Lineage Extermination Against Luu Liuliang's Family"]. Revolutionary forerunner Zhang Taiyan (Zhang Binglin), a staunch anti-Manchu revolutionary scholar, invoked Xin Shi (The History [Book] of Heart, a book written by Soong loyalist Zheng Sixiao who sank it in a tin-iron box into a well in the late 13th century A.D., and rediscovered about three and half centuries later), for rallying the nationalist movements against the Manchu rule. Additionally, revolutionaries in Sichuan often invoked 17-year-old prodigy-martyr Xia Wanchun's Xia Jiemin [Quan-]Ji (Complete anthology of Xia Wanchun's poems and prose) for taking heart of grace in the uprisings against the Manchus. This webmaster intends to make the contents of this website into the Prometheus fire, lightening up the fuzzy part of China's history. It is this webmaster's hope that some future generation of the Chinese patriots, including the to-be-awoken sons and grandsons of arch-thief Chinese Communist rulers [who had sought material pursuits in the West], after reflecting on the history of China, would return to China to do something for the good of the country. This webmaster's question for the sons of China: Are you to wear the communist pigtails for 267 years? And don't forget that your being born in the U.S. and the overseas or your parents and grandparents' being granted permanent residency by the U.S. and European countries could be ascribed to the sacrifice of martyrs on the Tian-an-men Square and the Peking city in 1989. (If you were the Chi-com hitting this site from the Bank of China New York branch or from the party academy in Peking, spend some time reading here to cleanse your brain-washed mind.)

Beliefs Are Tested in Saga Of Sacrifice and Betrayal

REAL STORY: A Study Group Is Crushed in China's Grip
Beliefs Are Tested in Saga Of Sacrifice and Betrayal
Chinese ver

China The Beautiful

utube links Defender of the Republic Song of the Blue Sky and White Sun Brave Soldiers of the Republic of China

Republican China in Blog Format
Republican China in Blog Format
Li Hongzhang's poem after signing the 1895 Treaty of Shimonoseki:
In Commemoration of China's Fall under the Alien Conquests in A.D. 1279, A.D. 1644 & A.D. 1949
Sons and daughters of China, till cutting off the communist pigtails on your heads, don't let up, take heart of grace, and heed the sons & ministers' agony and sorrow of our ancestors who died or lived through the Mongol, Manchu and Soviet-Chicom conquest and the Yongjia, Jingkang and Jiashen cataclysms ! Never, Ever Give Up ! 中國的兒子和女兒們,聆聽在蒙韃、滿清、蘇聯中共的征服和永嘉、靖康、甲申的浩劫中死去或活著的我們的祖先的苦難和悲痛!
The destiny of Russian tyranny, ... was to expand into Asia - and eventually to break in two, there, upon its own conquests.
The destiny of Russian tyranny, ... was to expand into Asia - and eventually to break in two, there, upon its own conquests. 俄羅斯暴政的命運,......是向亞洲擴張 - 征服亞洲,並最終在那裡,把自己複製分成雙胞胎兩半。
Heed the sons & ministers' agony and sorrow of our ancestors who died or lived through the Mongol, Manchu and Soviet-Chicom conquest and the Yongjia, Jingkang and Jiashen cataclysms !
*** Translation, Tradducion, Ubersetzung , Chinese ***