Who Were The Eastern Yi People?

This webmaster’s view is that the original Nine Yi people, being not homogeneous, could have lived in the interface ground among the three main groups of O1-, O2- and O3-haplogroup people [plus the C-haplogroup Tungunsic people]. The Nine Yi people, whom the Chinese historical classics had ascertained to have lived along the eastern coast, could be the O2-haplogroup people whose descendants could be found from Manchuria to Vietnam. The southern branch of the Yi people, as the Chinese classics hinted, could be the same as the historical Hundred Yue people who were pushed to the southeastern Chinese coast where they further evicted the Austronesian-speaking people to Taiwan and Southeast Asia.  Genetical proof abounds to show that the Yi and Yue people belonged to the O2a and O2b branches of the same haplogroup. By adopting this approach, we could very well reconcile the historical Chinese records to interpret the prehistoric events, regarding the battles among Huangdi (the yellow lord), Yandi (the fiery lord) and Chi-you, as among the O3-haplogroup of people, whom we could linguistically identify as the Sino-Tibetan.

We could further deduce that as a result of the mixing-up of the Hmong-Mien people, the Nine Yi people, and the Tungunsic people in today’s Hebei Province and on the Shandong Peninsula, we then have the phenomenon of the later people in Manchuria, Korea and Japan sharing the same archaic traditions as recorded among the ancient Nine Yi people of the 3rd millennium B.C.E., but lacking the hallmark  ”phoenix” adoration as still exists among today’s minority people in Southwestern China –the true descendants of the Hmong-mien people. (The archaic traditions would include the historical practice of “dun ju” [squatting ("箕倨"), which mutated into the Manchu practice of one leg kneeling on the ground while another leg bending at the knee, which the Manchus used as the protocol for seeing the superiors; or spreading the two feet if we use an alternative historic definition of the term], slate coffins, and bearing down the newborn’s head with stone.)

Beyond the Prehistory

As historian Sima Qian confirmed, the ancestors for the Xia-Shang-Zhou dynasties were from the same family, i.e., descendants of the Yellow Lord while the Yellow Lord, as we could sense from the historic accounts, had defeated the Yandi (? aka Chi-you) people – who in turn could be inferred [from Guo Yu & The Bamboo Annals] to be an earlier group of migrants to the eastern coast from the central plans. There was overwhelming written evidence that the ruins or origin of majority of the ancient thearchs from the pre-Xia dynasty eras, such as the Zhu-rong Ruins (in the Zheng state), the Tai-hao Ruins (in the Chen-guo state), the Taichen {Shang Dynasty} Ruins (in the Soong state), the Zhuanxu Ruins (in the Wey state), You-shen (in the Wey state), the Kunwu Ruins (in the Wey state), the Chu-qiu Ruins (in the Wey state), and the Shao-hao Ruins (in the Lu state), were located along the middle Yellow River line.

Zuo Zhuan repeatedly cited the non-Xia rulers of antiquity to be the ‘Feng1′ (wind) surnamed Taihao people, the Jiang-surnamed Yandi family, and listed the figure of Taihao (said to be Feng[-wind]-surnamed) as the No. 1 person, with Shaohao (Ji[3]-surnamed) succeeding. Tai-hao-shi was said to be the ancestor of the ‘Feng[wind]-surnamed’ tribe [which might not be the same as the O2-haplogroup Yi [misnomer Dong-Yi or Eastern Yi] people].  Taihao, according to the ancient classics, possessed the ‘Feng1′ (wind) surname.  Zuo Zhuan repeatedly stated that Tai-hao-shi, whose ruins ware at the later Chen-guo fief, had such family names as ‘Ren4′ and ‘Su4′ around the domain of today’s Henan-Shandong provinces. The Taihao Ruins was situated in the middle of the central plains, while the Feng-surnamed descendants, by the Zhou dynasty, had been marginalized to the southeastern Shandong peninsula. Similarly, the Shaohao-shi people, who had their presence in the Fen-shui River area of today’s southen Shanxi, were marginalized to the Huai-shui River area by the Zhou dynasty.

Before Sima Qian, we have Zuo Zhuan making at least two claims about the existence of Taihao in Lu Lord Xigong and Lu Lord Zhaogong sections. Lu Lord Xigong’s 21st year stated that the clans of ‘Ren’, ‘Su’, ‘Xuqu {Xugou}’ and ‘Zhuanyu’ [i.e., ordained to guard Mt. Mengshan] were Feng-surnamed, i.e., the wind-surnamed statelets; that they worshipped the pilgrimage of Taihao and Youji [i.e., the river god of the ancient Ji-shui River, near today's Ji'nan, Shandong Province]; and that they served the various Xia lords in a subordinate position. Lu Lord Zhaogong 17th Year stated that the land of Chen was formerly the Taihao Ruins [, in parallel with the claims of the land of Soong being the Taichen [Shang Dynasty, with 'chen' being the Shang celestial star] Ruins and the land of Zheng the Zhurong Ruins].

That is, nobody talked about the name of Fuxi yet, but the remotely ancient founding fathers of eastern or southeastern/northeastern China, i.e., lineages from the ancient Jiang-surnamed Yandi [or the Fiery Lord] tribe and the Feng[-wind]-surnamed Taihao tribe, who were the various Xia/Shang Dynasty and Chu state’s progenitors, including Zhurong – that is, all being of the restrictive non-Xia or restrictive non-Sinitic lineages.


The Nine Ancient Yi Groups

The ancient Yi people were known as hunters of birds and beasts carrying the customs of tattoo making on bodies and lacking hair coils.

Section on the Dong-yi in Ban Gu’s Hou Han Shu stated that the Yi people included such subgroups as Quan-yi [doggy Yi], Yu-yi, Fang-yi, Huang-yi [yellow Yi], Chi-yi [red Yi], Bai-yi [white Yi], Xuan-yi [black Yi], Feng-yi [wind Yi], Zi-yi, and Yang-yi [sun Yi] etc, hence incorporating ‘Yi’ all around ancient China on an inclusive scale.

The Bamboo Annals” included the additional Huai-yi [the Huai-shui River Yi] and Lan-yi [blue Yi]; and Yu Gong (Lord Yu’s Tributes) of Shang-shu mentioned Lai-yi [the Laizhou prefecture Yi].

Yu Gong, in fact, was more precise in making the distinction among the Yi people, listing the Dao-yi (island Yi) in the ancient Ji-zhou prefecture [who came from today's Liaodong Peninsula by sea, using the Jie-shi mountain around today's Mountain and Sea Pass as the beacon tower equivalent, and sailed into the ancient Yellow River for surrendering tributes], the Yu-yi [sea corner Yi] and Lai-yi [the Laizhou prefecture Yi] in the ancient Qing-zhou prefecture, the Huai-yi [the Huai-shui River Yi] in the ancient Xu-zhou prefecture, the Niao-yi -bird totem Yi] in the ancient Yang-zhou prefecture, plus the He-yi in the ancient Liang-zhou prefecture of northwestern China.

(Note that the ancient book Yu Gong made a difference between the Dao-yi and Niao-yi while the two characters later corrupted into each other to mean the wrong Yi group, i.e., the island Yi in today’s southeastern Manchuria being swapped to be the bird totem Yi in the Yangtze River area.)

《尚书·禹贡》: “岛夷皮服”



《礼记·王制》:“东方曰夷,被发文身,有不火食者矣。” (《庄子·逍遥游》:“越人断发文身。”《墨子·公孟》:“越王句践剪发文身,以治其国,其国治。”《战国策·赵策二》:“被发文身,错臂左衽,瓯越之民也”。鲍彪注引《索隐》云:“错臂,亦文身,谓以丹青错画其臂。”《淮南子·齐俗训》:“越王句践,发文身……南面而霸天下,泗上十二诸侯皆率九夷以朝。”《史记·越世家》:“越王句践……文身断发。”《汉书·严助传》:“越,方外之地,发文身之民也。”)


《左传·昭公十一年叔向语》: ‘纣克东夷而殒其身’





《后汉书·东夷传》夫余“以弓矢刀矛为兵。” 挹娄“处山险,又善射,发能入人目。弓长四尺,力如弩。矢用楉,长一尺八寸,青石为镞,镞皆施毒,中人即死。小水貊 “ 貊弓” 秽 “乐浪檀弓出其地”。

《后汉书·东夷传》夫余“于东夷之域,最为平敝”…  高句丽“东夷相传以为夫余别种…  挹娄:“东夷夫余饮食类皆用俎豆,唯挹娄独无,法俗最无纲纪者也。”










令狐德 (583—666)《周书》卷一 文帝上 “太祖文皇帝姓宇文氏,讳泰,字黑獭,代武川人也。其先出自炎帝神农氏,为黄帝所灭,子孙居朔野。”

The Ancient ‘Mo’ and ‘He’ People

The ancient ‘Mo’ and ‘He’ people originally lived to the north of the Sinitic Chinese. As recorded by Shi Jing, they moved east towards Manchuria under the pressure of “xianyun”, the predecessor of the later Huns. Very likely, they became the ancestors of the future Fuyu people in Manchuria, i.e., ancestors of both Koguryeo and Paekche, as well as part of the Paekche people who invaded Japan at the turn of the 4th-5th centuries A.D. –In this sense, and judging on basis of the fact that the Koreans had the predominance of O2-haplogroup genes rather the C-haplogroup barbarians of the Amur River area, this webmaster believed that the ancient ‘Mo’ and ‘He’ people could be in fact the O2-haplogroup Yi people who dwelled along the coast and in today’s Shanxi-Hebei-Liaoning area.




《荀子·强国篇》秦 “北与胡为邻”;


《管子·小匡篇》:“(桓公)中救晋公,擒获王败胡貉、破屠何,而骑寇始服” (唐人尹知章注《管子》称:“屠何,东胡之先也。”)








《汉书·王莽传》:“先是,莽发高句丽兵,当伐胡,不欲行,郡强迫之,皆亡出塞,囚犯法为寇。辽西大尹田谭追击之,为所杀。州郡归咎于高句丽驺(邹牟)。严尤奏言:‘人犯法,不从驺起,正有它心,宜今州郡且尉(慰)安之。今猥被大罪,恐其遂叛,夫余之属比有和者。匈奴未灭,夫余、秽貉复起,此大尤也。’ 莽不尉安,秽貉遂反,诏尤击之。尤诱高句骊侯驺至而斩焉,传首长安。莽大悦,下书曰:‘……其更名高句骊为下句骊,布告天下,令咸知焉。’于是人愈犯边。”


The Yi  People in The Bamboo Annals, and Other Earlier Records

Mo Zi, The Bamboo Annals, and Lun Yu (The Analects) repeatedly talked about the Nine Ancient Yi People. The Bamboo Annal had detailed records about the battles between the Xia people and the Nine Yi people. Here, it could be the forgery bamboo annals copycatting the sophistry writings of the late Warring States and the Han dynasty. Note that . Lord Shun’s brother, by the name of ‘xiang’ (elephant), mutated into a story about Lord Shun’s subduing the elephants in the sophistry-nature Confucian book Mencius. The elephant taming was taken to be a profession of the Eastern Yi barbarians, i.e., the cause that Mencius called Lord Shun a ‘Dong-yi’. The unfounded elephant story further evolved into a fable in sophistry Lv-shi Chun-qiu that the Shang tribe had tamed elephants and used them as weapon against the Eastern Yi people. Lv-shi Chun-qiu claimed that the Shang tribe had tamed elephants and used them as weapons against the Eastern Yi people along the coast, which would link up the Shang people with the tropical area of today’s southwestern China. The unfounded elephant story could have the same source as Mencius’ claim in regards to Lord Shun’s subduing the elephants, a profession of the Eastern Yi barbarians, for which Lord Shun was called a ‘Dong-yi’. (The word elephant was said to be seen in North China in the ancient times, such as the lexicon for the word of the Yuzhou prefecture –that had the elephant signific embedded but actually meant for the “greatness” as seen in the ‘Yu’ hexagram. However, the elephant stories in Lv-shi Chun-qiu were merely sophistry writings that extrapolated on the word ‘Xiang’, namely, Lord Shun’s brother who happened to carry the elephant’s name. Not to mention Di-wang Shi4-ji‘s wild claim of an “elephant trunk ruins” as son Shang-jun’s fief.)


《墨子·非攻中》:‘九夷之国,莫不宾服。’孙诒让《墨子闲诂》卷五云:‘《尔雅·释地》云:“九夷、八狄、七戎、六蛮,谓之四海。”《王制》孔疏云:“九夷依《东夷传》九种,曰:畎夷、于夷、方夷、黄夷、白夷、赤夷、玄夷、风夷、阳夷。”……此九夷与吴楚相近,盖即淮夷,……《书叙》云:“成王伐淮夷,遂践奄。”《韩非子·说林上篇》云:“周公旦攻九夷而商盖伏。” “商盖”即“商奄”,则九夷亦即淮夷……。’

卷二三 魏策二
《孟子·滕文公》:“周公相武王,诛纣、代奄,三年讨其君,灭国者五十。”《孟子·滕文公下》说:“周公相武王诛纣,伐奄三年讨其君,驱飞廉于海隅而戮之。” (《史记·秦本纪》:「周武王之伐纣,并杀恶来。是时,蜚廉为纣使北方,还无所报,为坛霍太山,而报,得石棺,铭曰:『帝令处父(飛廉别号),不与殷乱,赐尔石棺以华氏。』死,遂葬于霍太山」”)












太戊 名密。
元年丙戌 王即位居亳命卿士伊陟臣扈。
七年 有桑穀生于朝。
十一年 命巫咸禱于山川。
二十六年 西戎來賓王使王孟聘西戎。
三十一年 命費侯中衍為車正。
三十五年 作寅車。
四十六年 大有年。
五十八年 城蒲姑。
六十一年 東九夷來賓。
七十五年 陟。(《书?无逸》:「肆中宗之享国,七十有五年。」《御览》八十三引《史记》:「中宗在位七十有五年崩。」)

仲丁 名莊。
元年辛丑 王即位自亳遷干囂于河上。(《御览》八十三引《纪年》:「仲丁即位,元年,自亳迁于嚣。」)
六年 征藍夷。(《后汉书?东夷传》注引《纪年》:「仲丁即位,征于蓝夷。」)
九年 陟。

河亶甲 名整。
元年庚申 王即位自囂遷于相。
三年 彭伯克邳。
四年 征藍夷。
五年 侁人入于班方彭伯韋伯伐班方侁人來賓。
九年 陟。

周武王: 十六年,箕子来朝。秋,王师灭蒲姑。

成王: 二年,奄人、徐人及淮夷入于邶以叛。秋,大雷电以风,王逆周文公于郊。遂伐殷。三年,王师灭殷,杀武庚禄父。迁殷民于卫。遂伐奄,灭蒲姑。四年春正月,初朝于庙。夏四月,初尝麦。王师伐淮夷,遂入奄。五年春正月,王在奄,迁其君于蒲姑。夏五月,王至自奄。迁殷民于洛邑,遂营成周。


厉王: 三年,淮夷侵洛,王命虢公长父伐之,不克。齐献公山薨。

宣王: 六年,召穆公帅师伐淮夷。王帅师伐徐戎,皇父、休父从王伐徐戎,次于淮。王归自伐徐。锡召穆公命。西戎杀秦仲。楚子霜卒。

《尚书·周书·蔡仲之命》: “成王东伐淮夷,遂践奄,作成王政。成王既践奄,将迁其君于蒲姑”




(汉)孔安国《尚书传》: “成王即政,淮夷、奄国又叛,王亲征之,遂灭奄而徙之,以其数反覆” (唐孔颖达《尚书正义》疏曰,”周公摄政之初,奄与淮夷从管、蔡作乱,周公征而定之。成王即政之初,淮夷与奄又叛,成王亲往征之。成王东伐淮夷,遂践灭奄国”。) (东汉袁康《越绝书·吴地传》:“毗陵县南城,故古淹君地也。东南大冢,淹君子女冢也,去县十八里,吴所葬。” 清《读史方舆纪要》:“淹城,在(常州)府东南二十里,其城三重,壕垫深宽,周广十五 里。”)

《通志·氏族略》: 徐国“自若木至 偃王三十二世,为周所灭,复封其子宗为徐,子宗十一世章羽,昭三十年,为吴所灭,子孙 以国为氏。”
《古今姓氏书辨证•二十阮》: “颛帝裔孙女修生大业。大业孙曰皋陶,字庭坚,为舜大士,明五刑,有功,赐姓偃,封于河东为诸侯;贰、轸、州、绞、蓼、六、群舒皆其后。春秋时,楚尽灭偃氏之国,遂绝其后……”
()俞樾《韩昌黎〈徐偃王庙碑〉跋》:“衢州,故名会稽太末也,民多徐氏。友县龙丘有偃王遗庙,或曰偃王之逃战,不之彭城而之越城之隅,弃玉几研于会稽之水。” “徐不忍斗其民,北之彭城武原山下,百姓随而从之万有余家。偃王死,民号其山曰徐山,凿石为室,以祠偃王。”

通典 邊防典 東夷上 序略 東夷白虎通云:「夷者蹲也,言無禮儀。」或云:「夷者抵也,言仁而好生,萬物抵地而出,故天性柔順,易以道禦。」有九種,曰畎夷、方夷、于夷、黃夷、白夷、赤夷、玄夷、風夷、陽夷,率皆土著,遲略反。喜飲酒、喜,許利反。歌舞,或冠弁衣錦,器用俎豆,所謂中國失禮,求之四夷者也。凡蠻、夷、戎、狄,總名四夷者,猶公、侯、伯、子、男,皆號諸侯。昔堯命羲仲宅嵎夷,曰暘谷,蓋日之所出也。夏后氏太康失德,夷人始叛,其後至后發即位,賓於王門,獻其樂舞。桀為暴虐,諸夷內侵。商湯革命,伐而定之。至於仲丁,藍夷作寇。自是或服或叛,三百餘年。武乙衰弊,東夷寖盛,遂分遷,漸居中土。周初封商太師國於朝鮮。太師為周陳洪範。其地,今安東府之東,悉為東夷所據。時管、蔡畔周,乃招誘淮夷作亂,周公征定之。其後徐夷僭號,穆王命楚滅之。徐偃王也。至楚靈王會申,亦來同盟。後越遷瑯琊,遂陵暴諸夏,侵滅小國。

Yi = Yue (傅振照《试释“夷越同源”》: 夷越同源)



烈王: 元年丙午,魏公子緩如邯鄲以作難。於越大夫寺區定越亂,立初無余,是為莽安。
《汉书·货殖传》:“辟犹 戎 翟 之与 于越 不相入矣。” 颜师古 注:“ 孟康 曰:‘ 于越 ,南方 越 名也。’于,发语声也。戎蛮之语则然。 于越 犹 句吴 耳。”
《春秋·定公五年》:“ 於越 入 吴 。” 杜预 注:“於,发声也。”
祝廉先 《文选六臣注订譌》:“ 于越 为百越之一种,在今 浙江 。如 江西 为 扬越 , 福建 为 闽越 , 广东 为 南越 , 安南 为 骆越 之类。”





Inheritor of the Phoenix Tribe


《左传·昭公十七年》秋,郯子来朝,公与之宴。昭子问焉,曰:“少皡氏鸟名官,何故也?”郯子曰:“吾祖也,我知之。昔者黄帝氏以云纪,故为云师而云名。炎帝氏以火纪,故为火师而火名。共工氏以水纪,故为水师而水名。太 氏以龙纪,故为龙师而龙名。我高祖少挚之立也,凤鸟适至,故纪于鸟,为鸟师而鸟名。凤鸟氏,历正也。玄鸟氏,司分者也。伯赵氏,司至者也。青鸟氏,司启者也。丹鸟氏,司闭者也。祝鸠氏,司徒也。雎鸠氏,司马也。鸤鸠氏,司空也。爽鸠氏,司寇也。鹘鸠氏,司事也。五鸠,鸠民者也。五雉,为五工正,利器用,正度量,夷民者也。九扈,为九农正,扈民无淫者也。自颛顼以来,不能纪远,乃纪于近。为民师而命以民事,则不能故也。”仲尼闻之,见郯子而学之。既而告人曰:“吾闻之,天子失官,学在四夷,犹信。”

Shang Dynasty’s Vassals in Today’s Southern Manchuria

《尔雅》:”觚竹、北户、西王母、日下,谓之四荒”。([西汉]史游《急就篇》卷一“急就奇觚与众异” 唐 颜师古 注:“觚者学书之牍,或以记事,削木为之,盖简属也……今俗犹呼小儿学书简为木觚章,盖古之遗语也。” 章炳麟 《訄书·儒法》:“箸之简牍,拭之木觚。”) (《汉书·地理志》辽西郡令支县孤竹城,《魏书·地形志》辽西郡肥如县孤竹山祠)

《史书、殷本纪》:契为子姓,其后分封有殷氏、来氏、宋氏、空桐氏、稚氏、北殷氏、目夷氏(墨胎氏、 墨夷氏、目夷氏)。


Shang Prince Ji-zi’s Move to the Yang-yi Land




Shang Prince Ji-zi’s Relocation to today’s Southern Manchuria and Northern Korea




《史记·朝鲜传》:“自始全燕时尝略属真番、朝鲜,为置吏,筑障塞。秦灭燕属辽东外缴。汉兴,为其远难守,复修辽东故塞至浿水为界属燕”。(《隋书·东夷传·高丽》:‘都于平壤城,亦曰长安城,东西六里,随山屈曲,南临浿水’ [即今朝鲜大同江]。)


《淮南子·时则训》: “东方之极,自碣石山过朝鲜,贯大人之国,东至日出之次, 榑木之地,青土树木之野”


《后汉书·东夷传》:“论曰:‘昔箕子违衰殷之运,避地朝鲜。” (《后汉书· 东夷传》:“夷者,柢也,言仁而好生……至有君子、不死之国焉。)





三国志.魏志.东夷传》注引三国 魏 鱼豢 《魏略》:“后子孙稍骄虐, 燕 乃遣将 秦开 攻其西方,取地二千餘里,至 满番汗 为界, 朝鲜 遂弱。”  (卢弼 集解引 赵一清 曰:“两《汉志》俱作 番汗 。”按,《汉书·地理志下》“ 番汗 ”原注:“ 沛水 出塞外,西南入海。”)

《三国志》卷三0《韩传》:“[朝鲜]侯准既  号称王,为燕亡人卫满所攻夺,将左右宫人走入海,居韩地,自号韩王。其后绝灭,今韩人犹有奉其祭祀者。”




张华《博物志》卷九《杂说》:“箕子居朝鮮;其后,燕伐之,朝鲜亡,[王]入海为鲜{现}{国}师。” ([前秦]王嘉《拾遗记》: 张华字茂先,挺生聪慧之德,好观秘异图纬之部,捃采天下遗逸,自书契之始,考验神怪,及世间闾里所说,造《博物志》四百卷,奏于武帝。)

通典 邊防典 東夷上 序略

The Japanese

《山海經·海內北經》: 蓋國在鉅燕南、倭北。倭屬燕。

王充《論衡·恢國篇》: 成王之時,越裳獻雉,倭人貢

《漢書·地理志》: 樂浪海中有倭人,分為百余國,以歲時來獻見雲。

《詩經·小雅·四牡》:“四牡 周道倭遲。”《說文》:“順貌,從人,委聲。”

通典邊防典 通典卷第一百八十五  邊防一   邊防序   東夷上



國朝典故卷之一百三  日本國考略(明)薛俊 撰 日本國考略補遺  國朝貢變略  洪武二年。遣使趙秩諭日本來貢。是年差臣趙秩使日本,泛海至析木崖, (「泛海至析木崖」,「析」原作「折」,據明史卷三二二外國三日本傳改。) 關者拒秩,以書達王良懷,始延入。諭以詔旨威德,責其不臣,王曰:「吾國雖夷,遐在扶桑,未嘗不慕中國之化。昔蒙古戎狄蒞華,而以小國視我,乃使趙良弼訹我以好語,初不知其覘國也。既而發水犀數十艘至,一時雷霆風波,漂覆幾無遺類,自是不與通者數十年。今使得非蒙古良弼之雲仍乎?亦將訹我以好語而襲我也?」將刃之。秩徐曰:「聖天子生華帝華,非蒙古比,我非良弼之胤。爾悖而殺我,禍不旋踵矣。」王氣沮,下堂延秩, (「下堂延秩」,原缺「堂」字,據明史卷三二二外國三日本傳補。) 禮遇有加。貢物,遣僧九人隨秩奉表稱臣入貢。

五年,遣僧祖闡、無逸往宣教,諭其來貢。太祖皇帝謂劉基曰:「東夷固非北胡心腹之患,猶蚊蚤驚寤。自覺不寧。議其俗尚佛教,宜選高僧說其歸順。」遂命明州天寧寺僧祖闡、 (仲猷) 南京瓦棺寺僧無逸 (克勤) 往彼,化其來貢。將行,天界住持四明宗泐 (季譚) 賦詩餞別。

通典邊防典 通典卷第一百八十五 邊防一  邊防序  東夷上  序略 朝鮮 濊 馬韓 辰韓 弁辰 百濟 新羅 倭 夫餘 蝦夷               覆載之內,日月所臨,華夏居土中,生物受氣正。李淳風云,談天者八家,其七家,甘氏、石氏、渾天之類。以度數推之,則華夏居天地之中也。又歷代史,倭國一名日本,在中國直東;扶桑國復在倭國之東,約去中國三萬里,蓋近於日出處

The Barbarians in Manchuria

This webmaster’s point was that the early Huns were most likely Qiangic proto-Tibetans or a possible separate Yun-surnamed Xianyun group which was exiled to Northwest China together with the San-miao people in the late 3rd millennium B.C.E.; the later Xianbei, Khitan, Jurchen, Mongol and Manchu people, who were proto-Manchurian or proto-Altaic, were the C haplogroup; and the “cooked” barbarians, i.e., those dwelling between the Sinitic Chinese and the “raw” barbarians, were the mixed O/C/N-haplogroup people.) Below this webmaster had lumped all barbarians in Manchuria, south or north, together without distinction. Should we zero in, then we might say that the records on the locality of the Huns versus the Xianbei could be a starting point from which we could deduce that the Huns and Xianbei were separated by the pine deserts of the Jehol mountains, near Kalgan, with the former belonging more likely to the cooked O/N mixed barbarians and the latter the relatively uncooked C-haplogroup from the Amur River to the north. Note that there existed the fundamental difference in cranial length, width and height among the East Asian population and the paleo-Siberia/paleo-Mongolian-Plateau population, that could be 181 millimeter versus 175, 138 versus 144, and 134 versus 127, respectively. The physical anthropology studies of the Khitan tomb remains showed that the Khitans belonged to the “North Asia” or the “Siberia-Baikal” type with a low cranial forehead and a higher facial appearance, i.e., people who had no similarity to the East Asia type people. According to Chen Jing of Jirin University, the physical anthropological studies showed the Zhalairuoer people were a mix of paleo-Siberia, paleo-Arctic and paleo-East-Asia people.

The N haplogroup people, i.e., the Sinitic people’s cousins, relocated to North Asia and then to Scandinavia, bringing along the Sinitic language to the Proto-North-Caucasian who in turn gave it to the Proto-Indo-European. http://www.sino-platonic.org/complete/spp115_chinese_proto_indo_european.pdf provides another perspective of looking at things of the past from the perspective of language cognates. Rather believing that the Indo-Europeans ever invaded China and gave the Sinitic people the language, we could actually deduce that “Old Chinese”, for its 43% correlation with the Proto-North-Caucasian, rather 23% with the Proto-Indo-European, was the source for both the cognates of the Proto-North-Caucasian and the Proto-Indo-European.

Note that in western Siberia, genetic studies on the remains of the tombs from the bronze culture sites showed the evolution and admixture of the eastern and western haplogroups of the Y chromosomes of R1b, Q, C and N. The mitochondrial haplogroups through those phases of the Bronze Age were also shared between the western and eastern lineages for the remains of the populations tested. The dominant groups exhibited themselves as the Q1a2a1-L54 and R1a1a1b2-Z93 types. It appeared that the Orientals gradually overtook the western groups of people. Direction-wise, the Q-haplogroup people, i.e., cousins of the Caucasoid R-haplogroup people, likely arrived in today’s Siberia heartland before the Last Glacial Maximum, while within the last 10,000 years, a branch pushed south to live among the Sinitic people, hence giving infusion of a common ancestry for like 5000 years with the Sinitic people. The paleo-North-Asia type people might be of the N-haplogroup, not the Q-haplogroup. Chen Jing of Jirin University, after conducting physical anthropological studies on the skulls of the Huns, Xianbei and Khitans, concluded that the three barbarian groups shared the common paleo-Siberia feature of low crania, other than the admixtured Huns (i.e., the the Q1a1-M120 haplotype) in the Transbaikal area or in the western regions like Tuva, Kyrgyz, Altai and Turkestan.









《汉书,匈奴传》范明友 “兵不空出,即后匈奴,遂击乌桓”





应劭: “秦始皇遣蒙恬筑长城,徒士犯罪亡依鲜卑山,后遂无息;今皆髡头衣赭,亡 徒之明效也”



《后汉书》卷九十《乌桓鲜卑列传》:“鲜卑者,亦东胡之支也,别依鲜卑山,故因号焉。远窜辽东塞外,……与乌桓相接。” (《隋图经》:“鲜卑山在柳城县(今辽宁朝阳西南)。《读史方舆纪要》卷18‘柳城东二百里有鲜卑山,东胡因以为号。或曰鲜卑山及青山。”《太平寰宇记》:“鲜卑山在河北道营州柳城县(州治)东二百例。”  “棘城东塞外又有鲜卑山在辽西西北一百里。”《蒙古游牧记》卷一《科尔沁部右翼中旗》:“旗西三十里有鲜卑山。”《水经注》引《释氏西域记》记载敦煌东南也有一鲜卑山。)



















《晋书· 慕容熙载记》:“高句丽寇燕郡,杀略百余人,熙伐高句丽,以符氏从,为冲车地道,以攻辽东。熙曰‘待铲平寇城,朕当与后乘辇而入。’不听将士先登。於是城内严备,攻之不能下。会大雨雪,士卒多死,乃引归。” (《资治通鉴·晋纪·安帝戊》:“元兴三年(404年),高句丽侵燕。”)





通典邊防典 通典卷第一百八十五 邊防一  邊防序  東夷上  序略         又有州胡,在馬韓之西海中大島上,其人差短小,言語不與韓同,皆髡頭如鮮卑,但衣韋衣,有上無下,略如裸勢。養牛豕,乘船往來貨市韓中。



《新唐书·高丽传》:“绩攻盖牟城,拔之,得户二万,粮十万石,以其地为盖州。” “获胜兵万,户四万,粮五十万石,以其地为辽州”。 “获男女凡万,兵二千。以其地为岩州”。

《旧唐书·高丽传·高宗纪下》总章二年(669年)五月庚子: “移高丽户二万八千二百……将入内地,莱(莱州)、营(朝阳)二州般次发遣,量配于江、淮以南及山南、并(山西)、凉(甘肃武威)以西诸州空闲处安置”。


The Distinction between the Nine Ancient Yi Groups & the Hmong-Mien People

Scholar Xu Xusheng [徐旭生], in《中国古史的传说时代》, claimed that the ancient Chinese might have compacted two remotely-ancient persons of Fuxi [伏羲] and Taihao-shi [太皞] as one: “据我们研究,伏羲女娲实属这一集团,传说同南方传至北方。” “东夷集团……这一集团较早的氏族,我们知道的有太皞(或作太昊,实即大皞),有少皞(或作少昊,实即小皞)……太皞在后来与伏羲成了一个人,是齐鲁学者综合整理的结果”。

In the Han dynasty, the Chinese prehistory was mechanically pushed out to have become something that started with Paoxi-shi, aka Taihao. This was something that provided fodder to the 20th century doubt-ancient scholars who had a point in saying that the more recent it became, the more detailed the stories about the ancient sovereigns became. Paoxi-shi was said to have marked the beginning of the so-called ‘Human’ or ‘Mt Taishan’ Era of ‘huang’ (splendidness or magnificence) which was successive to the Heaven ‘huang’ and the Earth ‘huang’.

Per Sima Qian, who recorded China’s prehistory from the Yellow Overlord (emperor) onward, he heard the name of Taihao, literally meaning Hao the Great, from his forebearers, i.e., father and grandfather and so on, that Taihao was the utmost pure and generous, and was responsible for inventing the ’8 Gua’ [hexagrams]. Here, the later historians had mixed up the mythic figure of Fuxi with what Han Dynasty historian Sima Qian had recorded to be some real person called Taihao who invented the ’8 Gua’ [hexagrams].

Fuxi, a fable figure, was described by the Jinn/Tang dynasty historians to have first originated in the west of China. The prototype, in another sense, was being widely talked about in central/southern China, or the former land of the Chu Principality which shared the same Sinitic royal heritage.

Per the post-book-burning Wei-suffixed books of the Han dynasty time period, Fu-xi was said to have invented the nets for catching animals and fishes, instituted the protocol of marriage, created the theory of Yin-Yang (i.e., female-male), authored the works of I-Ching (i.e., the Book of Changes), and invented Ba-Gua (i.e., Trigrams). Zeng Guangdong, from the above-cited website, made the same commonly-acknowledged claim that “Fu-xi was the initiation of the Chinese written language”, which was contrary to the Sinitic-centered viewpoint that Huangdi or the Yellow Lord had his chronicle official, Cang-jie, invent the characters on basis of the marks left by the beasts and birds.

The Non-equivalency of Fuxi and Taihao

What happened here was that the ancient Chinese, since the Han dynasty time period, had mixed up the two personalities of Fuxi and Taihao, with Fuxi more a spirit while Taihao a possibly real figure, carrying the “Feng [wind]” surname.  Tai-hao-shi was said to be the ancestor of the ‘Feng[wind]-surnamed’ tribe [which might not be the same as the O2-haplogroup Yi [misnomer Dong-Yi or Eastern Yi] people]. The word ‘xi’ in Xi-he2 and his four-season under-ministers in Yao Dian could have derived from the same source as the ‘xi1’ wind god on the oracle bones of the Shang dynasty. Heh Xin believed that China’s creation gods of Fu-xi and Nv-wa that were seen in the Zidanku Bo-shu silk manuscript could have come from the ‘xi1’ east wind god of the Shang dynasty. Though carrying a tag of the Chu Principality attribute, the Zidanku Bo-shu silk manuscript could be very much a Han dynasty product, with the Fu-xi and Nv-wa names being invented much later than the four wind gods as seen in Shan Hai Jing. The four wind gods of the Shang dynasty were fully covered in the “great overseas wilderness” section of Shan Hai Jing, wherein could be seen the names of the four winds and their gods: ‘jun4[-feng]’ (i.e., strong wind) and the ‘zhe2[-dan]’ [morphologically ‘xi1’ or ‘xi1-dan’] person [god] for the east; ‘min2[-feng]’ and the ‘yin1[-hu]’ god for the south; ‘wei2[-feng]’ and the ‘[shi-]yi2’ person [god] for the west; and ‘yan3[-feng]’ and the ‘wan3’ [morphologically ‘yuan1’] person [god] for the north.

The land of Taihao 大皞 at the Soong Principality locality


Taihao living in the land of the east:


Taihao carrying the surname of Feng or phoenix

《竹书纪年》:“太昊伏羲氏,以木德王,为风姓。”  (The Bamboo Annals could be wrong in mixing up Taihao and Fuxi. Or, anything in The Bamboo Annals that preceded the Xia dynasty could be the later day insertion –as there was no such concept as Fuxi till the Han dynasty or the appearance of the Warring States fables like Zhuang Zi and Lie Zi.)

Qin’s ancestor 少昊 dwelling near today’s Qufu:



Ancient classics Zhan Guo Ce stated that when Lord Yu attacked San-miao, the Nine Yi people did not render assistance to the San-Miao alliance. This means the San-miao folks and the Nine Yi were in deed two separate groups.


More readings on San-miao could be seen at “三苗的源与流” regarding The Origin of San-miao and Their Descendants. What this article said was that the southern folks were the descendants of the ancient San-miao or the three ancestors of 二昊、蚩尤. This makes sense somewhat in resolving some controversy, especially the one involving the O3-gene Hmong-Mien people versus the O2-gene Nine Yi people on the coast.

This article tried to use the totems and tribal symbols to trace the origin of the O3 kinsmen called by San Miao or the THREE ANCESTORS. It claims that

1. Yao-zu 瑶族 – dragon tribe, descendants of Taihao-shi


2. Lan-surnamed She-zu 畬族 – phoenix tribe, descendants of Shaohao-shi


3. Miao-zu 苗族 – ox tribe, descendants of Chi-you


The above categorization is simplistic. Though, it serves the point that the ancient San-miao people, or their predecessor Jiu-li people, who had to be the O3-haplogroup people versus the O2-haplogroup Yi people along the coast, did move south and southwest to today’s southwestern China. Historical records abound to prove this point:




More recent events that saw the [O2-haplogroup] Yi people being pushed south would be Zhou Duke Zhougong’s campaign to the south of the ‘Jiang’ River –which was not the Yangtze but the Han-shui River –and likely a fabricated matter as the ‘elephant’ premise was a mis-read of the same soundex given name of Lord Shun’s brother as Jia Juanzhi clearly and correctly interpreted the classics to state that the sage kings ruled the remote land with ‘sheng-jiao’ (i.e., the voice and creeds); and the Shang-Zhou dynasties did not extend their influence beyond ‘Mann-Jing’ to the south [and 'Jiang-Huang' {the Jiang-guo and Huang-guo states} to the east]:

《吕氏春秋·古乐》:“成王立,殷民反,王命周公践伐之。商人服象,为虐于东夷,周公遂以师逐之江南 。”

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